Peter Frier (31 Oct 2011)
"OK John Tng, how about the Rapture verses in the Old Testament pointing to 11-11-11 ???"

Consider this:

Gen. 5:24 - Enoch's rapture  ------  2 Kings 2:11 - Elijah's rapture:

5 + 2 + 4 = 11   ----------------------- 1+1 -------2011

1.  add the #'s in Enoch's rapture verse (Gen. 5:24)
2.  the 2 in 2 Kings can be translated as 1 & 1 or 11
3.  the '2:11' in 2Kings 2:11 is obviously showing us the year - 2011

Do you all see it?


(the other possibility is Nov. 2, 2011)
May well be, Peter, but I am not sure.