Mario (29 Oct 2011)
"Prayers for my mom and brother"


Dear Doves


I ask your prayers please for my mom and brother. My mom has melanoma cancer terminal, she has 2 to 6 months to live. She is not saved and any attempt that I have made to share Christ with her has been rejected. She is 77 years old and needs to find Christ. Her name is Ramona Hernandez. Also I seek your prayers for my brother Jose Lazaro, he reads the Bible, knows a lot of verses but he wants a sign from God, he is like Thomas. He seeks for a sign and does not understand that it is about faith and no sight.


Please pray that Our Lord and Savior touches those hearts with His love and make them see the need to accept Jesus as their Savior.


Please also pray for me, the denials of my mom are a  heavy burden on my heart.


Shalom to all


May God bless you always, may His face shineth always in your path


The little dove

