Lynnette (12 Oct 2011)
"Dr. David Owuor  Revival"


The prophetic ministry of  Dr.David Owuor    has a revival scheduled to be held this week on Friday Oct 14  ( 5-8:30pm ),
Saturday Oct. 15th (8-10 am and 5-8:30pm ) and Sunday Oct 16th (9-2pm) in Port Hartcourt, Nigeria 

Time zone :
That part of Nigeria is 5 hours difference ahead of Eastern time zone.  Services will be held Friday (12noon - 3:30pm NYC time),
Saturday (3-5 am and 12noon - 3:30 pm NYC time)   Sunday (4-9am NYC time) for those who watch the live stream.

Dr. Owuor website lists the upcoming revivals:

September 16,2011 Second Earthquake to Eastern Seaboard of United States was prophesied with calls for national repentance & return to fear of the Lord

See you all soon,Lynnette