Kathy S (31 Oct 2011)
"Nicole: feelings"

Hello Nicole, John & Doves....
I too in the last couple of years have not been interested in TV or secular music.  I rarely watch tv unless it is the morning news that my husband watches for traffic info.  the TV has just become a terrible vehicle that satan uses to teach immorality in our homes.  There is a poem I have read that talks about how a Christian Home allows this visitor to come into their home and the vistor is allowed to speak and do such vial things, but the family is not allowed to in the same home.  Anyways, the poem goes on talking about how terrible of a mouth and actions that are sooo sinful.  And, wonders why the parents of the home allows the visitor in.  The visitor turns out to be the TV!!!
I pray daily for the rapture to come.  My concern is for the children of this world.  Each day more and more children come out of accountability age.  And, probably most of the children in this world....are living in a sinful home or enviroment.  Never hearing about God or how to worship Him.  It just breaks my heart that each day that passes, more and more kids are going to hell.  They are not getting the opportunity that the adults are getting in learning about a Saviour or accepting Jesus as their Lord & Master.  I'm praying for God to have mercy on the children.  That He would place a HOLD on the accountability age until the rapture comes.  So, our children will not go to a terrible place for eternity...because of the wickness they have to live in....where ever that may be.
My husband sheduled a vacation trip for this past weekend and this week.  I didn't care about going.  I have a lot of health problems.  And, I just didn't feel excited about going.  All I wanted was to stay home and wait for Jesus to appear in that eastern sky.  So, I started praying and asking God to block it "IF" it wasn't His will for us to go.  Well, my health problems weren't doing good and my husband's step dad past away last Tuesday.  So, we decided it was best if we cancelled it.  and resheduled it for January.  I am truly hoping that we won't be here in January!!!  OH, please Heavenly Father give the command to sound the trumpet....LIKE NOW!!  Lord come quickly......O:-) angelO:-) angelO:-) angel
I'm am sooo excited to get my GLORIFIED BODY!!!!  No more PAIN!!  No more BILLS and the stress that comes when you don't have money to pay them!!!  Can you just imagine living in a world free of SIN?????  WOW!!!  I can't wait.  To be in God's GLORY all the time.  TO be able to feel His presense ALL THE TIME.  WOW...that will be awesome!!  can you imagine going to a church service and Jesus being the preacher??  And, the angels singing the praises during song time?  Or going to a bible study with Paul, John, Peter, Timothy, David, Moses or Abraham or countless others of our Bible being the teacher.  How amazing will heaven be???  I get soooo excited just thinking about it!!!  Yippee!!!=D>
          applause=D> applause8-> day dreaming8-> day dreaming
In Christ,
kathy s