JMS (31 Oct 2011)
"November means the NINTH, - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia !!!"

November was the Ninth month, before *they* changed the calendar and time,- in fact November means the Ninth,

as September the Seventh, and October the Eight !!!

Remember the Book of Daniel chpt 7:25.v - it is like it all is planned back in time, to make confusion in our time ???

But our Great Almighty God have it all under control, - dont frighten, only trust in the Almighty God, and listen to and

follow Jesus Christ in obey, as the Almighty told us to do in Matthew 17:1-8.v.

Thats also the way the Philadelfian Church do - Rev. 3:7-13.v.

And then we will experience that " You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because He who is in you,

are greater than the he who is in the world " - 1. John 4:4.v.

Praise our Lord Jesus Christ who paied the price to set us free, leaving the High place of His in Heaven, to fulfill

the redemption and saving-plan of our Great God !!!

have a blessed week in the love from Jesus Christ, - ><> * - j.m.s.