Jean Stepnoski (25 Oct 2011)
"A Period of 21 Days to 11-7 or 11-11, 2011"

Dear Doves,
      According to the Book of Leviticus there were to be 7 days of dwelling in the sukkahs, then was the 8th day of Shemini Atzeret for a sacred convocation, as on day 1. Simchat Torah was not a commanded day 9. What happened on day 7, Hoshannah Rabbah? That was the day The Master declared Himself to be "The Living Water" when the pilgrims in Jerusalem were praying for rain to fall, enough water to be provided, for the next year. "Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Yeshua stood and cried out saying, From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." John 7-37. The Scriptures tell us that it was day 7, the last day of Sukkot, and the great day of the Feast of Tabernacles. When The Messiah/Christ lived the most significant day of Sukkot was DAY 7, not 8 or 9. The rainy season, basically November to March, was the time for the rain and water to be relied upon the whole next year. Days 1 through 7 of Sukkot were much about prayers for rain and water. The Water Drawing Service was done each day of 1-7 days of Tabernacles. There is no mention of days 8 or 9 being more important than day 7. What does hoshannah mean? It means save us! The drawing out of living water, the water libation ceremony, was only done during Sukkot. Each day from 1 to 7, the High Priest took a golden pitcher of water and filled it from the Pool of Siloam. It was taken into the Temple through the Water Gate, and poured into a bowl on the altar. The theme of Water is not part of days 8-9. They are like days of aftermath, a final additional Yom Tov (Sabbath) for rest and reflection, the dismantling of the sukkahs, and the releasing to be sent home.
      Here is where a link of 21 days is fascinating. When you go from day 7 of Hoshanna Rabbah forward 21 days one arrives at Cheshvan 10! That is a pivotal date in the stories about the Noah family and the Ark. It was the date for the Great Divide, THE SEPARATION! The DIE was cast on this day.The later day of Cheshvan 17  is not the Day of Deliverance, rather the beginning DAY of Judgment and Wrath to be poured out upon all those who will drown, will perish and die. Is there the Theme of WATER? Is there rain? Yes. There are 40 days and nights of deluge, increasing rising flood tides, and 100% death for all those other than the 8 of the Noah family. These days 1 and 21 are a tremendous spiritual book ending of the Theme of WATER for LIFE or for DEATH. WOW! Do I think it is matched by Simchat Torah to 11-11-2011? Given the interesting post by Lisa Taylor, there appears to be a book ending of Theme of Messiah/Christ as the Living Torah versus The Antichrist,The words of lies, from 10-21 to 11-11, 2011. One period of 21 days ends on 11-7 and the next on 11-11.Will either Chehvan 10 or 14 be momentous? We shall see. Come quickly, Lord...
With Love and Shalom,