Frank R Molver (29 Oct 2011)
"Mercer re video's re Obama Ps 46 and 9-11 ceremony"

Man those are long video's and I have to go to work
I will watch one Sunday.
I have no problem with Obama probably being the AC
I do believe these occultic ceremonies that are being carried out are significant
I do think that Obama may pull something off in April
But I also think that we might be here till somewhere in 2014.
But that is a personal revelation that I think God gave me a clue to
So, though we see things happening quickly now we must not jump to conclusions re timing
Because of a few visions I had in the early 80's I thought we would have been long gone many times.
I did not understand spiritual timing then as related to warnings from God.
Not saying I have figured that out either.
But like many here I think we are real close
Then again, time has sped up and we will probably be there before we know it.