Bro. Jones (29 Oct 2011)
"Randy and Diane Chapman"

Randy, Dr. Joel Wallach said most of taste difference comes from lack of zinc in your diet.  Also a neti pot with Nasya oil could clear up your tastebuds !  Ask my unbelieving daughterinlaw.
And as far as the dental part goes, you should see what Hulda Clark says about dental fillings in her dvd, it is available , just punch in :  DVD Interview with Dr. Hulda Clark.  It WILL bless you.  I just ordered 10 more to pass out to friends, it is that great.  Also Dr. Hal Huggins has a book out called:  It is All In Your Head. has it cheap, usually.  I have a video by 60 minutes put out years ago  by 60 minutes about "silver",  (really mercury) fillings.  I also have a movie on root canals.  Dr. Weston Price said him and 10 other dentists examined over 10,000 root canals and NEVER found 1 that was not infected !!!
Diane Chapman,   Look up Dr. Thomas Levy on utube 35th annual cancer convention.  Root canals are THE NUMBER ONE cause of CANCER AND HEART DISEASE !!!  Wish you were here to read about 4 of his books I have on his studies on vitamin "C".  He talks about Lypospheric vitamin "C", it honestly makes ALL the others obselete, you will have to hear him to believe it.  I DO NOT sell anything.
Lord Bless All You 5 Doves
Bro. Jones