Beverly (29 Oct 2011)
"Tina A....No Moon!!"

Thank you so much for your response cause I thought maybe I was just missing it.  I 
am not on a mission as of tonight...because I just came in & there is NO MOON again!!

I am going to go out several times tonight into the morning to just see if
it shows SOMEWHERE!!

I seriously think I am going to just stay with this thing, on a nightly basis for 1 more week,
there's nothing I can do but just be wiser for the knowing...right?  

It's so awesome to be able to come to this site & feel safe in asking what most people 
(including ALL my family) would consider a "tin-foil hat" kinda statement.

Please post a note if you see it as I watch this site daily!

ysiC, Bee/Beverly