More articles at > Katrina and Helene are the two deadliest Hurricanes to hit the USA mainland thiscentury. This article documents these two Hurricanes + the Donald Trump 47th Presidencysync together as ominous omens and Prophetic Signs pointing us to the comingGreat Tribulation > 4/19/2025 >> 1260 Days >> 9/30/2028 <............................................................................................. Sign Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign
Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Helene Donald Trump END DATEsmashed into made landfall Florida was Elected 47th GreatNew Orleans on late night of President of USA Tribulation8/29/2005 9/26/2024 11/5/2024 9/30/2028!.............6968 days....!.............40 days.........!.......1425 days...............!^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ President serves 4yr terms.^^^^^ ^^^^ vs # 1425 of Bible is Genesis 47:4.^^^^^ In standard gematria > Katrina + Helene = 474^^^^^ In standard gematria > 1425 = New York^^^^^ Donald Trump was born in New York !!^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ Genesis 47:4 has 4872 gematria ct.^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ In Strong's # 4872 is Moses.As 47th President Donald Trump has now taken on the prophetic typology role of Moses.Moses led the Israelites thru the Red Sea parting, which in prophetic typology is what we'rehurling towards Spring of 2025. This means a major DEATH event will capture all the world's attention then,as the confirming Prophetic Sign the Great Tribulation has officially begun.See more in Pearl Harbor article > <^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^6968 divided by 40 divided by 1425 = .1222456^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^Last vs in Bible with a 2028 gematria ct is PSALM 122:2 ^^^^^And from PSALM 65:9 vs # 930 of PSALMS its exactly >>>>>1222 ^^^^^revealing 9/30/2028. verses to PSALM 122:2 ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^JOB 20 chapter ending in a 20:28/20:29 config is chapter 456of the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See Pearl Harbor article > <^^^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 > 1260 Days > 9/30/2028 <^^^^^^^^ syncs here syncs hereJOB 20. PSALM 66:6 PSALM 122:2!..............88 chapters...!......56 chapters......................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Properties of the number 8856^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In math 8856 the sum of its divisors = 25200^^^^^^ 10X5X7X8X9 = 25200^^^^^^ The 10th day of 5789 Jewish Year is the^^^^^^ Day of Atonement which is 9/30/2028 in this yr.^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^8856 = 108 X 82 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Donald Trump will be exactly 108 days 82 years age on 9/30/2028.^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6th ^^^^ 7th Angel sounds theStart book of ^^^^^^ Seal ^^^^ 7th and Last Trumpet hereRevelation ^^^^^^ Rev 6:12 ^^^^ Revelation 11:15!.........................108 vs.......!..............82 vs.........................!
Another important prophetic point is Trump is also playing the typology role of JEHU2nd Kings 9:13 where Trump/JEHU appear together. Then in 2nd Kings 9:22 JEHU/JEZEBELappear together, then JEHU/JEZEBEL appear together for a 2nd and last time 2nd Kings 9:30.So HILLARY CLINTON played JEZEBEL as typology first time, and KAMALA HARRIS playedJEZEBEL as typology 2nd time. Remember Trump is the only one to compete against
women for President twice !! Also very important here is for all the GOOD, the Bible saysKING JEHU/President Trump did, it also says in 2nd Kings 10:29,31 that JEHU had SINShe would not turn away from. So be aware Trump has a BAD SINFUL side that will manifestin the Great Tribulation years, and GOD is going to use all of it to make sureBible Prophecy gets fufilled! See > The Mystery Of The Black Obelisk - And the Election of 2024! | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic...........This is KING JEHU inscribed on a 3000 yr old Obelisk Stone depicted 'KNEELING' down.........This is Trump 'KNEELING' down immediately after the assassination attempt on him.Z=1,Y=2 etc > Jehu + JEZEBEL + JEZEBEL = 312Trump won the Electoral College with 312 votes........................................................................................ Cleveland Donald TrumpInauguration day for his Inauguration day for his2nd term as President USA 1st term as President USA3/4/1893 1/20/2017!..........................exactly 45247 days..............................!Timeline prophetically fortells the 45th and 47th President would be Donald Trumpserving non-consecutive 2 terms just like Grover Cleveland did !!Same year 1893 this Baron Trump novel was released.Donald Trump's Son Donald TrumpBaron Trump was born on His 2nd Presidential Inauguration day3/20/2006 1/20/2025!...............................exactly 226 months...............................!KAMALA HARRIS won 226 Electoral College votes ! amazing sync !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Same Author as above in 1896 wrote the Book "The Last President". The locationof the storyline of the book takes place in New York where Donald Trump was born !!Political Protests described in the book have eerie similarities with the 1/6/2021 Capitol Riot.From the year of the book 1896 its four years to 1900 in the Title. Prophetic parallel isDonald Trump elected in 2024 serving four years to 2028. "The Last President"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ add up all these years they total 7848. There's only one place in the Bible that has thischapter / verse combo > PSALM 78:48. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^From PSALM 78:48 its 930 vs to PSALM 122:2.Last vs in Bible with 2028 gematria is PSALM 122:2.prophetically reveals 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1st Samuel 24:8 is verse number 7848 of the Bible. Since its 1776 founding the USAis in its 248th year here in 2024 as Trump fulfills Bible Prophecy as President.^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And ACTS 16:11 only vs with a 7848 gematria ct in the entire Bible.^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 274th day of yr is 9/30/2028 in this yr.ACTS 16:11 is verse number 27495 of the Bible.^^^^^ ^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^A=1,B=2 etc> 5X19 = 95>>>September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight =519 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HEBREWS 6:14 has a gematria ct of 7113 . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^HEBREWS 6:14 is 6914 vs # of New Testament and vs # 95 of HEBREWS.This is a number anagram 1946.HEBREWS 6:14 verse number 30059 of Bible.From 6/14 /1946 its 30059 days to >>>> 9/30/2028Donald Trump was born 6/14 /1946. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Trumpet = 113 . Revelation 11:157th Trumpet sounds here 9/30/2028...............................................................................................................................................See Robert Ware article > <In last week's Robert Ware article we documented the Lord is using Robert's death date of10/17/2024 as a Prophetic confirming Sign of the coming Great Tribulation dates.So here is another Bible chart confirming this further in sync with Donald Trumpbeing elected as the 47th President on 11/5/2024."O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You maintain my lot."PSALM 16:5PSALMS is Book 19 of Bible.Prophetic Sign >>>>>>>>>^^^^ ^^^^^<<<<<<<Robert ^^^^ Donald Trump ^^^^^ START DATEWare ^^^^ was elected 47th ^^^^^ Greatdied on ^^^^ President of USA on ^^^^^ Tribulation10/17/2024 ^^^^ 11/5/2024 ^^^^^ 4/19/2025!.....................19 days..............!....................165 days..................!^^^^^ ^^^^^ 165 day of year is 6/14^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Trump born 6/14/1946.19th Bible book> PSALM 16:5 has a^^^^^ gematria ct of 1897.^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Revelation 15:8 is last vs of chapter.2nd Corinthians is book 47 of Bible. ^^^^^^^ Revelation 15 is the only chapter2nd Corinthians New Testament chapters ^^^^^^^ of Bible where the vs numbers of book150 thru 162 added = 2028. ^^^^^^^ 250 thru 257 added = 2028.2nd Corinthians last vs is 2nd Corinthians 13:14 ^^^^^^^ Revelation 15:8!.....................1897 vs to..................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > Day of Atonement=158^^^^^^^^^^^ Day of Atonemen will be 9/30/2028.^^^^^^^^^^^The truly amazing syncs here are 3/4/1897 was Grover Cleveland's last dayin office serving his 2nd term as President of USA. And now Donald Trump andGrover Cleveland have become the only two USA Presidents to serve non-consecutivePresidential terms. Grover Cleveland Donald Trumpthe 22nd,24th President 45th, 47th President^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^Notice 2224 + 2323 = 4547^^^^^^^^Now look at the only vs in entire Bible that has 2,3,2,3 in its text."For from now on five in one house will be divided:3 against 2, and 2 against 3"LUKE 12:52 is vs # 25512 of the Bible.^^^^^^^^45th and 47th President 30059 = 4547 + 25512 END DATEDonald Trump ^^^^^^^^ Greatwas born on ^^^^^^^^ Tribulation6/14/1946 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028.^^^^ !.............................exactly 30059 days to.............................................! ^^^^^^47th book chapters add up to 2028. 9/30/2028 syncs here.2nd Corinthians 13:14 Revelation 15:8!............................13 X 7 chapters to..........................!^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Revelation 8:7 is vs # 137 of Revelation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"The First Angel Sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood,and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up,and all green grass was burned up." Revelation 8:7 137 + 137 = 274in the Bible there are 13 Books Day of YR 274in2028with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:28chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,First Trumpet >>>>>><<<<< Last TrumpetStart Date End DateStart Book of Great Tribulation Great TribulationRevelation 109th day of year will be > 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.....................109 vs...................! !....................1260 Days..............!Revelation 5:7 vs 89 Rev 6:13 Revelation 8:7 = = = = = = = = 9+30+20+28book of Revelation !........20 vs....!......28 vs....! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Jewish Year 5789 Begins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept/2028.............................................................................................................................................
Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign Prophetic SignHurricane Helene Donald Trump START DATE END DATEmade landfall Florida was Elected 47th Great Greatlate night of President of USA Tribulation Tribulation9/26/2024 11/5/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.............40 days.........!.......165 days..............!......1260 Days..........!^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^40 divided by 165 divided by 1260 = .0001924^^^^^^Total number of Bible chapters are 1189 X golden ratio = 1924<rounded up to whole#^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^The Bible reveals > GOD is 3 Persons > Father, Son, Holy SpiritBob Ware discovered when the circumference of a circle is 3 X 2368the sides of the Golden Ratio Rectangle within that circle 2368 = Jesus Christare 1189 and 1924 . in greek gematria< Divine reflection of GOD + BIBLE synced
See more in Robert Ware article > 10/17/2024 Robert Ware death Prophetic Sign synced with Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 <And 1924 = 962+962Jared 6th Patriarch died age 962 in Genesis 5:20.
Jared 6th Patriarch died age 962 in Genesis 5:20This prophetically >> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^reveals the Bible date >> 6/6/1924^^^^^^^^^^^MASTER PLAN of >> ^^^^^^^^^^^>>7000 yrs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!GOD from ADAM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6000 yrs >>>>>>!>>1000 yrs<<!The Bible has 66 books. ^^^^^^^ END DATE1189 chapters X golden ratio = 1924 ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation6/6/1924 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!............7000 + 31102 Days to.............!7000 YEARS = Total MASTER PLAN of GOD.31102 Total verses in the Bible.....................................................................................................................................................See 666 timelines article > <"For it is the Day of the Lord ’s vengeance,The year of recompense for the cause of Zion."ISAIAH 34:8in standard gematria > Grover Cleveland + Donald Trump = 2029Trump's Presidency is scheduled to end on 1/20/2029.^^^^^^^We have documented much evidence the One Year Day of the Lord as defined above bythe Prophet ISAIAH 34:8, is going to run from 9/30/2028 to 9/30/2029!...The year 365 days......!^^^^^^^^^^^^ Last vs in Bible withAs seen above PSALM 122:2 is where 9/30/2028 is synced. 2029 gematria ct is^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Proverbs 18:19!...................................829 vs.........................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On a clock 8:29 pm is the 20th hr 29th min of day.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Proverbs 18:19 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^These are vs #'s 16092 plus vs # 16921 of Bible = 33013.Revelation 19:15 is the exact reverse vs # 31033 of Bible and it says...
"Now out of His mouth goes a sharp Sword, that with it He should strike the nations.And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads thewinepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."Revelation 19:15 even has a gematria ct of 20323Notice 2032-3=2029This vs is describing exactly how the One Year Day of the Lord is going to playout because it is the "wrath of Almighty God." In practical terms this means ALL OUTNuclear War will happen in this timeframe, because that is exactly what is described inZECHARIAH 14 , where the whole chapter is about the One Year Day of the Lord !!
Also see "Sword" article > <Bible word "Sword" syncs all 3 Stages Fall of Babylon Prophecy together................................................................................................................................................
"For you yourselves know perfectly that the Day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,"1st Thessalonians 5:2,4,6,9GOD's Saints are not appointed to his wrath, so we have his promise the prophesied END TIMERapture/Resurrection of GOD's Saints MUST happen just before the Day of the Lord begins.In 2024 the Lord has given us the amazing Prophetic Sign , by way of the Prophetic BIBLE thatmiraculously survived the Helene NC Floods , with much evidence its coming Sept/2028 !!See full Prophetic BIBLE article,"And another Angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voiceto him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap:for the time is come for thee to reap; for the Harvest of the earth is ripe."Revelation 14:15
A=1,B=2 etc > Katrina+Helene+Trump = 211Prophetic Sign ^^^^^ Prophetic SignTotal Solar Eclipse ^^^^^ Donald Trumppassed over USA on ^^^^^ Elected 47th President USA4/8/2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 211 days >>> 11/5/2024^^^^^ ^^^^^In math 211 is the 47th prime #.^^^^^ 47is the >>>>>> 15th prime #.ZECHARIAH is only Bible book with 211 verses. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From ZECHARIAH 14 last chapter of book its exactly 257 chapters to Revelation 15.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 257th vs is last vs Revelation 15:8^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ as seen above 9/30/2028 syncs here."Behold, the Day of the Lord is coming, And your spoil will be ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^divided in your midst. 2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem;The city shall be taken,rifled, And the women ravished. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Half of the city shall go into captivity, But the remnant 7th Angel sounds theof the people shall not be cut off from the city." 7th and Last TrumpetFrom ZECHARIAH 14:2 Revelation 11:15!.......................5789+2028 vs to.......................................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6000 minus 5789 equals 211 . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Master Plan of GOD ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^from ADAM of 6000 yrs ends 5789 Jewish Year which begins in Sept/2028.JOSHUA 6th Bible book ends with chapter 211 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^JOSHUA 24:33 last vs of Book has a 4111 gematria ct. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^451 = 41 x 11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > April Nineteen ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Two Thousand Twenty Five=451 ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Date ^^^^^^^^^ End DateGreat Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation> 4/19/2025 >>>>>> 41 months 11 days >>>>>>>> 9/30/2028 <!....................same as 1260 Days......................................!.................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....comments welcome to Stephen