Steve Coerper (24 Nov 2024)
"To: Donna Danna - "Things Trump Promises To Do""

Hi, Donna -

Regarding your post, Trump also promised to not get us into any new wars, to dissolve the federal Department of Education (returning this authority to the states where it belongs), and also to cut credit card interest to 10%.  No doubt by the time this is posted, Trump will have made more promises.

I find it strange that Trump is still campaigning.  And I still have my doubts as to whether he will ever be sworn in.  When an empire is collapsing, we should expect weird things.

Clearly, if he IS sworn in, he will not have the power or authority to keep these promises.  It's not the President's prerogative to prescribe the death sentence, for human traffickers or anyone else.  Neither can he step into a private financial arrangement between a bank and a credit card holder and force changes in the terms of the contract to the benefit of one party and at the expense of the other.  In other words, he's making promises that only a DICTATOR could keep.  And even benevolent despots can lose their benevolence.

Republics historically degenerate eventually into tyranny.  It's human nature applied to political systems.  I'm not pessimistic, but the "Golden Age" being promised won't be delivered by Trump or any other pretender.  I believe the Golden Age is almost here, but it will be under King Jesus, and there are some HUGE "speed bumps" on this highway before we arrive.

Hope to see you soon.
