Olav F (17 Nov 2024)
"Eureeka - I have found God's Calendar"

Hi John and Doves.
I have had a problem with reconciling the FACT that there was an ECLIPSE happen while Jesus (Yahusha) was crucified, being the 14th day of the MONTH. (Matt.27:45 Mark 15:33)
The ONLY possibility to have an Eclipse mid way between 2 FULL MOONS, - which happen when the MOON and the SUN are having the EARTH - in BETWEEN.
Full MOON is when the MOON comes UP at the SAME time the SUN goes DOWN.
The JEWS of today make the START of the month when the SLIVER of the Moon is VISIBLE by having TWO Witnesses confirm the EXACT Day that the month STARTS!
In TODAY'S reckoning, it makes PASSOVER a FULL MOON, when it is IMPOSSIBLE to HAVE an eclipse of the SUN, but only an Eclipse of the MOON (BLOOD MOON).
At that FIRST Passover when the FIRST-BORN of the Egyptians were slain if there was no Blood on the Door Posts and Lintel of their home, it was DARK at MIDNIGHT.
That fact that God (Yahuah) caused a PILLAR of FIRE by NIGHT to lead the way for Israel to go through the RED SEA. (Exodus 13:21 & Exodus 14:24)

With the foregone conclusion, the 14th of the Month, would make the START of the Month having FULL MOON, and NOT a SLIVER !

My EUREKA Moment can be found on the Following Site.
The above will also give us a TRUE picture of Yahuah's MO'ED Timetable and return BEFORE the GENERATION Passes Away. (Luke 21:32 - Mark 13:30 - Matt. 24:34)
Olaf V

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