As all of you know, this just happened. It is important to understand that Russia is an ally of Iran and Russia is not happy about this! In 2024 we are now 76 years into these end times from the establishment of the State of Israel in May of 1948. From "the parable of the fig tree in Scripture" (too much to go into here), the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation will see all end time events come to pass! At some point ahead of us in time will come "sudden destruction" and the Rapture of the Church. I believe that time is drawing very near! There is so much more that I could say here, but in the interest of brevity, just check out Ezekiel 38 & 39 on your own, the "Russian invastion of Israel" in the end times.
P.S. Many late in these end times are now having Rapture dreams and visions. Just go to YouTube and type in "Rapture dreams and visions"------- WOW!------ lots will come up! This email is going out blind carbon copy to 130 of my friends. If any of you have ever had a Rapture dream or vision, if you will send it to me, I will send it out to everyone blind carbon copy. Thanks!
P.P.S. As most of you know, I am a "Jewish Christian". This email is going to some of my Jewish friends. To those of you who are Jewish like me, if you search out our Old Testament (too much to go into here), you will find that Jesus (Who came into the world Jewish!) is our Messiah! In Him and only in Him is eternal life! You should accept Him as your Lord and Savior! I did so in 1979, and it was the very best decision of my life! If you should miss the upcoming Rapture, you can still accept Him during the 7 year Tribulation Period, but life will be very hard then.
Oh, one more thing! God bless the State of Israel, and He has indeed done so! I have a beautiful large Star of David Israeli flag that I take with me to churches when I teach end time Bible prophecy. I love Israel, and I hope my wife and I will be living there during the 1000 year Kingdom Age after the Second Coming!