Boy survives 3 deaths and returns with warning from Jesus about a global leader in 2024!
Start at: 9:22"I saw world leaders speaking in gilded palaces promising things that sounded good but carried a deceptive energy."In 2024," Jesus continued, "a world leader will arise. He will appear to bring peace, but it will be a false peace. He will deceive many leading people onto paths that will take them further away from the light. This will be a pivotal moment, Axton, a time when humanity will have to decide between following the truth or succombing to the darkness." -- Saw the Future in November 2024
Start at: 1512"November 2024 will be a period of planetary transformation. Physical and spiritual changes will affect humanity. It will be a time of choices. Each human being will have the opportunity to redefine their path.I saw earthquakes shaking cities, seas rising and receding with impressive force, but I also saw something more. People helped each other. Strangers coming together to rebuild, to protect each other. Is this part of the balancing process?""Yes," replied the angel. "Before rebirth there must be a purification, but during this period souls will be tested. Love, compassion and faith will determine each person's future." --