Martian Ley Lines of the Pleiadian Kind
by Luis B. Vega
The purpose of this study in Astro-Archaeology, is to suggest that the Ancient Megalithic Ruins of Göbekli Tepe functioned as a center of Ritualistic Worship incorporating the T-Shaped Slabs of Stones within Sacred Circles that could have functioned as ‘Star Gate Portals’. The various Animal Inscriptions and Designs that remain a Mystery designated the corresponding Constellations.
The various Circles were constructed at certain Earth Energy Ley-Lines that corresponded to the Frequency and Resonance in particular of the Stars of the Pleiades. These T-Stone Slabs faced each other, and the Distance varied according to their Frequency and corresponding Star Alignment. The T-Shaped Stone Slabs functioned more or less as Antennae that harnessed the Energies as a Person stood in-between them.
This study postulates that perhaps such a Place was where a Teleportation occurred of People or of Entities from such Stars or Dimensions that the Site was tracking specifically to its Frequency and Resonance. How this Knowledge of the Cosmic Frequencies based on a Star’s Mass, Size and Color remains a Mystery as other Ancient Megalithic Civilization around the World also had similar Alignments to specific Stars of the Cosmos. Many believe that such Alignments captured the essence of its Energies for a purpose yet to be fully understood in the Public Realm.
Of course, such a Secret Knowledge Base is known but only to the Esoteric Secret Societies that guard such Revelation of Ancient Technologies. This study will present the following research on Göbekli Tepe that has already been established and published for a better Understanding of the essential of what makes up this most Mysterious Site on Earth. It will also provide the Foundation of launching into the Theory of the ‘Stargate Portals’ Supposition.
Göbekli Tepe is a Turkish Word that means ‘Potbelly Hill’ as the Archaeological Site is situated in an Elevated Terrain. It is located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, approximately 7 Miles North-East of the City of Şanlıurfa near the Syrian Border. It is believed that this Ancient Megalithic Site dates back to the 10th–8th Millennium before Jesus Christ. The specific Time-Frame would put the Civilization at around 9130 BC but Astonishingly, the Culture is also believed to have spanned more than 2000 Years to the Date of around 7300 BC.
At that Time, the site was presumed abandoned and buried for some Unknown Reason. Archeologists have ascertained that due to the various Degrees of Stonework, there are 3 Main Epochs of Construction to this Site. The 1st Phase of Construction is referred to as the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Period. This is where the Circles of massive T-Shaped Stone Pillars were erected. These Stone Slabs were fitted into Sockets that were hewn-out of the Bedrock.
The largest T-Stone Slabs are nearly 2 to 3 Times the Height of an Average Human. Amazingly, it is supposed by some Archeologists that Göbekli Tepe has the World's oldest known Megaliths. This of course could depend on one's frame of Historical Reference. If one uses the Biblical Narrative, it could be as the People worked their way out of the Ark of Noah after the Flood and as the People migrated away from the Region of Ararat to have expanded outward. With such a Reference, a much older and established Stonework would have been established elsewhere.
Much older Monoliths are found around the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia, such as in Nineveh, Ur, Babylon, etc. Although only a tiny fraction of the T-Stone Slabs has been unearthed at Göbekli Tepe, it is believed that there are more than 200 Pillars and about 20 Circles yet to be unearthed. The 2nd Phase of Construction appears to have been what the Archeologists call the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Period. This Phase has the Construction of erected Pillars that are smaller and stood in Rectangular Rooms with Floors of Polished Lime instead of the much larger T-Shaped ones and Circular Environs.
The Prominent Archaeologist who excavated Göbekli Tepe was a German named Klaus Schmidt. Although the site was discovered in the Mid-1960s, it was from 1996 that the Site was formally surveyed and explored by Time in collaboration with Turkish and American Universities. In Recent Times, the Site has captured the notoriety of the World as many in the Ancient Alien Community have ascribed a Cosmic Association to the Site perhaps. Schmidt did believe that the Site was more of a Sanctuary where People congregate there because apparently the Site was not a Settlement nor was it a Burial Place.
Schmidt believed that Göbekli Tepe was essentially a ‘Cathedral on a Hill. As far as Religious Temples or Cathedrals go, they do serve as a Place where the Mortal Intersects with the Immortal, Humans with the Divine or Entities, etc. Such Religious Sites serve as a Place where through Prayer, Diet and Contemplation, People can be and/or are Transcended Spiritually. There have been only limited clues of what the site was originally made for and named. Based on other similar sites in the Region, one Site has been decoded to mean the ‘Temple of the Rock.’ This is attributed to the Complex E site that is a Circular Slab and would corroborate with the Theory that the Circular Sites had a Spiritual or even Cosmic Attribute and function that Transcended Time and Space perhaps.
The Circular Compounds are called Temene. They range from approximately 33 to 99 Feet in Diameter. At the Present Time, only 4 out of the presumed 200 such Circular Structures have been unearthed so far. What is iconic about Göbekli Tepe is that the 2 main T-Shaped Pillars stand facing one another at the Center of each Circle. Contrary to Popular Belief, they did not provide the support for Roofing.
Stone Benches designed for sitting are found in the interior. However, the Main Theory of this study is that People stood, or a Person stood in the midst of the Pillars. The Stones do have Quartz and Silica that function as a Transmitter of Energy and Information. Perhaps a Ritual was done at a certain Time to suggest that the Frequency and Resonance tied to that specific Ley-Line on Earth and aligned to the Stars in the Cosmos, provide a channeling of some sort that pierced the Inter-Dimensional Attributes or one’s Space and Time.
In other words, it could have functioned much like a ‘Teleporter’ to that corresponding Star Frequency of the Pleiades or allowed for the traversing through particular Inter-Dimensional Events. This Notion is not that far-fetched as for example, the Great Pyramid of Giza was believed to have the Shafts aligned to particular Constellations and Stars in that when a Pharaoh died, the Soul was believed to be channeled-out through such a Shaft. The Great Pyramid has been found to be built on a particular Vibrational Frequency and Ley-Line on Earth. In addition, due to its Sacred Geometric Design or Shape, it emits a Natural Resonance of Frequency and sound even.
Concerning Göbekli Tepe, scholars cannot ascertain a single explanation to interpret the Pictograms on the T-Shape Slabs. Many of the Pillars are decorated with Abstract, Enigmatic Pictograms and Carved Animal Reliefs. The Reliefs depict Mammals such as Lions, Bulls, Boars, Foxes, Gazelles, Snakes and other Reptiles. They do not know, for certain, what meaning the Animal Reliefs had for the Site, but they are Cosmic.
To the Modern Scientific Community, the details of the Structure's Esoteric and/or Religious Function remain a Mystery, but the Evidence could not be more obvious. The Depiction of each Slab corresponds to a particular Constellation in the Sky. Primarily, there are the Iconic Depictions of the Lion, Bull, Bird and Man. These are the Cardinal Points of the Zodiac, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Every Ancient Civilization had an Adaptive Depiction that nearly resembles the Classic Zodiac or Mazzaroth known presently. In essence, the Circular Conclaves served to tell ‘Cosmic Time’, the Seasons of the Year on Earth. More importantly, this study suggests that the site was linked Spiritually to the Cosmic Resonances based on Sacred Geometry and Star Correspondence, specifically to the Pleiades Star Cluster.
Sadly, the Göbekli Tepe site has suffered Erosion and unintended abuse. In some instances, the Site was believed to be a Byzantine Cemetery. Over the Centuries, the Hill had long been disturbed by Agricultural Cultivation. Because of such Cultivation and Clearing, many of the Markers have been erased forever. The Generations of Local Inhabitants have also moved Rocks and inadvertently defaced the Site.
This is aside from the Climate Change that may have also contributed to the Abandonment and deliberate Burial of the Site that has been basically left to the Gradual Erosion due to the Elements. What is astonishing also, and a misfortune, is that the very Archeologists are ‘Destroying’ the Site with their Excavations.
This might seem a Contradictory Statement as no Archeologist would willingly do that, but one major assumption is going unnoticed, if by Design or Ignorance. The present level of Excavations has erased the former Markers that were clearly seen from Google Earth in past Years but are logged in the Timeline Function of its Features. Contrary to Popular Belief, such Sites as Göbekli Tepe were not built by mere ‘Hunter-Gatherers’ as most Researchers believe.
Such a Theory is solely based on the Darwinian Model that theorizes that Humanity is ‘evolving’. Nothing could be further from the Truth as it is the opposite. Sites such as Göbekli Tepe, corroborate the Theory that the farther one goes back in Time, the more sophisticated Humanity was and was attuned to the Stars of the Cosmos, for example.
The next Segment of this study on Göbekli Tepe will deal with the assertion that the entire Mount Complex is in fact, constructed also to align the Circles and T-Stones with that of Cydonia, Mars. This study suggests that Göbekli Tepe is an actual ‘Star Map’ depiction of Taurus and the Pleiades. More astonishingly is the supposition that it is a Star Map based on the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex. As noted in prior Astro-Archeological studies of various Ancient and Modern Sites, the Martian Motif of the Cydonia Pyramid Complex depicts 3 Main Structures on Mars.
They are the famous Face of Mars ‘Mausoleum’, the Giant Pentagon Fortress Pyramid and the 7 Structure Pyramid City. These 3 Complexes are triangulated to each other and form a Tetrahedron if one applies 3-Deminstional Geometry. A Double Tetrahedron is also constructed if an interlocking one is superimposed that this study suggests is present and essential to its Frequency and Resonance. Why?
Such Ancient Civilizations had a ‘Forgotten Knowledge’ or kept Secret of the association of Earth’s Sacred Geometry and how various Ley-Lines resonate at certain Energy Points, etc. It is on one level, a harnessing of the Cosmic Energies that are used for yet to be determined purpose fully. One possible function was and or is to function much like a ‘Star Gate’ as in a ‘Teleporter’ of sorts or to communicate with such from that ‘supposed’ Place.
This Notion is supposed by what is produced 3-Deminsinally when the Double Tetrahedrons are interlinked; they form a perfect Cube or ‘Chamber’. The Sacred Mount of Göbekli Tepe appears to have this Martian Motif as the ‘Head’ portion that depicts the Constellation of Taurus. Perhaps such an Ancient Civilization was venerating that Period of the Procession of the Equinox, as nearly 10,000 BC was when the Constellation of Taurus was the ‘House’ of the Zodiac that ruled the Cosmos.
The People of Göbekli Tepe ingeniously designed the Circles to correspond to the Pleiades as one of the 3 Corresponding Points of the Martian Motif. The Face of Mars corresponds to a Circular Mount to the North of the Site that configures the Apex of the ‘Triangle’ or Pyramid. It also amazingly directs the Path of the ‘Sun’ that transverses in-between the 2 Horns of the Face of Taurus.
The Giant Pentagon Fortress of Cydonia thus would correspond to the Taurus Head Area of the Bull’s Muzzle. Astonishing, from an Aerial View, such a Martian Motif is present. The ‘Star of David’ Motif that construes the ‘Head’ of Taurus is also ingeniously incorporated as it works ideally with Sacred 2 Horns in the Upper Portion form the base of the Inverted Triangle, geometrically.
The Muzzle and Lower Head Portion of the Head of the Bull functions as the Base Triangle. Interestingly, the Right Horn of the Head Depiction has a Prominent Point. It just so happens that a Complex to the immediate Right of it would thus correspond to the Star El Nath. This Star is associated with the ‘Shepherd of the Cosmos’, Auriga that was/is pierced by the Right Horn of Taurus. In addition, in keeping to the Cosmic Template, the Base Triangle of the Head of Taurus at Göbekli Tepe is perfectly bisected by the corresponding line of the Ecliptic in the Sky.
The Notion that this ‘Head’ is that of the Constellation of Taurus is further corroborated with the Outline or Template of the actual Taurus Constellation superimposed on its ‘Head’. One does have to truncate the lines but in so doing, the actual Dimensions do appear to approximate the ‘Horns’ of the Head and the corresponding local where the Pleiades would be.
Only 4 Circular Complexes of A, B, C and D have been excavated. It is the Theory of this study that each of the Circular Complexes corresponds to a Star of the Pleiades. Moreover, 3 other corresponding Locales are not yet recognized but have been marked on the Charts associated with this study for illustration purposes that indeed appear to correspond to the 7 Points and T-Stone Slabs that face each other. Not only is the ‘Head’ of Taurus depicted on the Site itself, but the entire Body of the Taurus Constellation is depicted along the Ridges to the East of the Site.
The entire Length is approximately ˝ Mile or .8 KM. What is astonishing to consider is that these supposed Primitive Peoples with only Stone Hammers and Strings would have had to view the entire Breadth of the area from an approximate Altitude of 10-13,000 Feet. In addition, a marker even corresponds to the Bull’s Eye of the Star Aldebaran. Sadly, due to the current Excavation, the corresponding Face of Mars Complex has been all but erased. The current Thought of the Archeologist Community is that they reject such a Theory of the Martian Motif and thus have neglected the most important aspect of such Sites like Göbekli Tepe that could have lent Information and Evidence as to the Purpose and Function of such Sites.
Main Sources
Cydonia Mars Related Resources
The Martian Motif
Cydonia Mars Star Gate Patterns
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