Luis Vega (3 Nov 2024)
"KAZAN CYDONIA STAR MAP - Precursor to the 10-Toe World Order"

Precursor to the 10-Toe World Order

by Luis B. Vega
From October 22-24, 2024, the various Leaders of the BRICS Block of Banking Alternative Currency met in Kazan, Russia. BRICS stands for the 1st Letter of the 5 Founding Nations that makes-up the Core of the Alternative Financial Block to the U.S. Dollar. The Nations are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. With this Alternative Financial Currency that seeks to depose the U.S. Dollar, they canvas more than half of the entire Human Population on Earth, presently.

What was very unusual about the Meeting is that Russia, who hosted this Year’s Conference, showcased how Putin is not isolated due to the War in the Ukraine. Although the E.U., NATO and the USA have sanctioned the Russians, in this matter, they have survived and have thrived in rallying the World around a New Currency that will be Digital and based on the Block-Chain Technology. Given these parameters, it is only a matter of Time when such an Alternative World Reserve Currency will replace the U.S. Dollar.

And not only are the 5 Founding Members seeking to expand the Financial Block that Putin called the New Financial World Order, but 5 more Nations have joined the Financial Coalition. Why? The World Leaders realize that the Proverbial Saying of the ‘Handwriting is on the Wall’ can be seen. They are no longer betting on the U.S. ‘Horse’ to win the Day. From a Prophetic Point of View, having 10 Nations challenge the present Financial World Order is perhaps a Prelude to the 10 Kings that will rule the World after the Rapture Event

How one seeks to tie this Geo-Political World Event to Kazan, where the BRICS Meeting was held, is how this Modern City has incorporated the Triangulation found on Cydonia, Mars. This will be yet another example of how the Ancient Site was chosen because of its location, at the Intersection of 2 Mighty Rivers and how it has a Legend of Origin, again founded on an Ancient Serpent Being Mythology. This Mythology is just like the ones found in all of the Ancient Americas, etc.

The Triangulation Theory is one in which the 3 Main Structures or Pyramids found on Cydonia, Mars are indeed that. This is despite the Cover-Up from NASA and the Powers-That-Be on Earth. Why? It is not Time just yet. As one who holds to a Biblical Worldview, the full Disclosure of such a Mars Connection will not occur until after the Rapture Event. Before one identifies the 3 Main Structures at Kazan, a brief History of the Origins of the City will be provided for context.

Kazan[a] is the largest City and Capital of Tatarstan, Russia. The City lies at the confluence of the Volga and the Kazanka Rivers. Kazan is the 5th-largest City in Russia.. Historically, Kazan was the Capital of the Khanate of Kazan and was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in the 16th Century. The Historical Symbol of Kazan is the Mythical Dragon-Like Creature Zilant. Another Legend says that the Giant Dragon-Like Serpent always guarded the Khan's Treasures. Kazan is renowned for its vibrant mix of Tatar and Russian Cultures.
In 2023, 4 Million Tourists visited Kazan, and Kazan Kremlin, a World Heritage Site, recorded more than 4.5 Million visits. In April 2009, the Russian Patent Office granted Kazan the right to refer to itself as the ‘3rd Capital of Russia’. In 2009, Kazan was chosen as the ‘Sports Capital of Russia’. Kazan was one of the Host Cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Then in 2024, Kazan hosted the BRICS Summit  from 22–24 October. The term Kazan means 'Boiler' or 'Cauldron' in the Tatar and Turkic Languages.
The origin of the City and its Name is often described as coming from a Sorcerer who advised the Bulgars on where to build a City. According to the Official Version, the Kazan was founded more than 1,000 Years ago. Kazan was a border post between Volga Bulgaria and 2 Finno-Ugric Peoples—the Mari and Udmurt. After the Mongols ravaged the Bolğar and Bilär Territories in the 13th Century, the surviving Bulgars recovered in numbers. Then a small number of Kipchaks were assimilated from which they adopted their Language (the so-called Bulgarism).
The Kipchaks and Bulgars mixed to create a modern Kazan-Tatar Population. During the subsequent Governorship, most of the Kazan's Tatar Residents were forcibly Christianized or Deported. The surviving Tatar Population was moved away from the City and forcibly settled by Russian Farmers and Soldiers. During this Period, Kazan was largely destroyed as a result of several Great Fires. After one of them in 1579, the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan was discovered in the City. In 1917, Kazan became one of the Revolution Centers.
In the Kazan Operation of August 1918, it was briefly occupied by Czechoslovak Legions. During World War II, many Soviet Industrial Plants and Factories were relocated in Kazan. In the late 1980s and in the 1990s, after the Dissolution of the Soviet Union, Kazan again became the center of Tatar Culture and Identity, and Separatist Tendencies intensified. Kazan celebrated its Millennium Anniversary in 2005. That Year, the largest Mosque in Russia, Qolsharif, was dedicated in the Kazan Kremlin. Then the Holiest Copy of Our Lady of Kazan was returned to the City, and the Millennium Bridge was inaugurated that Year, along with the Kazan Metro began operation.


Now, in this following Section, one will identify the 3 Main Structures in Modern Kazan that correspond to the Triangulation found in the Cydonia Mars Complex. The Face on Mars corresponds to the Modern Stadium called Ak Bars Arena. The D&M Pentagon Pyramid on Cydonia corresponds to the Kazan Hippodrome. Then probably the most intriguing Cydonia Correspondence has to do with the Kazan Kremlin Area.

This area is where the Russian Orthodox Churches and the Muslim Mosque share a Common Space. In the case of this Cydonia Triangulation found in Kazan, the D&M Pentagon Pyramid is inverted horizontally. The same is also True for the Face on Mars. What is also interesting are their Distances from each other. They have a 233 or 322 Factor that echoes the Luciferian ‘Code’ that the Skull and Bones Secret Society uses.

The ‘Prime Directive’
And from here-on-out, is where this study gets ‘Esoteric’. But realize that this is one’s Theory after having cataloged over 500 Sites on Earth, both Ancient and Modern. One is convinced that the Beings that inhabited Mars had Direct Connections to Earth at 1 Point in Time. And that it could have been before Adam was created. Realize that one also subscribes to Gap Theory in terms of Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. One is more convinced that the Earth is both Ancient and Young.

The Bible only traces the Human Race to Adam that is about 6000 Years on a Timeline. But the Key is that the Type of Creation that Adam was and is, is based on the uniqueness of what constitutes a Human. And that is? According to the Bible, Humans are the only Creation that are fashioned with the ‘Image and Likeness’ of the very Creator, YHVH. No other Creation has this Constitution and no other Race of Beings created have been Redeemed by the actual Creator, i.e., Jesus as the Son of GOD, etc.

This is why sites like Kazan and others that can be traced to have existed 10,000 Years ago or even farther back in Time like the Sumerian Kings Lists teach, is because there existed Life, or Beings on Earth before Adam. Now as ‘Crazy’ as that may sound, consider that they could have been primarily Angelic of various Ranks. They could have been ‘Human-Looking’ even. However, they all did not and do not possess a Living Soul like Humans have. So, one’s Theory is that the same Beings that inhabited Mars, Angelic or otherwise, are still very much connected to Earth and its Leaders.

And the Evidence is the City of Kazan and the like that are configured to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation. Why? As one has presented, this Triangulation is what Heaven is mapped-out with. In some Mysterious Way, the Original Template is found with the Creator, YHVH resides in or at. And that in some Mysterious Way, it is how such a Being is in itself constituted. One cannot go beyond that Limited Understanding, other than to say that YHVH sought and seeks to replicate Himself in the Cosmos, in the Planets, as on Cydonia, Mars and on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

Sooner or later this Revelation and Understanding will come out in the Public Forum to be verified by the actual Beings that will show-up after the Rapture Event. Why only then? As one who subscribes to the Biblical Narrative, these same Beings that were and still are on Mars, what is left of them and how they control the Leaders of the World on Earth, are not Benevolent. In fact, they are Malevolent. They are of the Fallen Angelic Ranks whose Leader is Lucifer the ‘Original Rebel’ Angel or Cherubim.

Amazingly, the Bible describes him as being very Singular and even designated ‘Anointed’ or Christ.  This is why he has a ‘Christ’ Complex. Why? He sought to overthrow YHVH and set-up his Throne above the Throne of YHVH. And this is where the Earth and Humanity, as in the Race of Adam, comes into play. It is because it is also thought by some Pastors that Lucifer had his Throne on Earth before Adam and had interaction and even ‘Commerce’ of some sort. So Lucifer is not happy that his Earthly Throne has been commandeered and that Adam’s Race, i.e., through Jesus, the Jew has now Destroyed him and condemned him to the Lake of Fire.

So, to that end, Lucifer has employed the Elite Family Blood-Lines in which he has even intermixed his and other Fallen Angel DNA. The Quest is to Rule the Earth, by Proxy through his AntiChrist. And that it will be from YHVH’s Earthly Throne, the Temple that will be situated on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as they were in the case of the 1st and 2nd Temples, etc. But the Full Disclosure of them showing-up and lying about how they were the Creators and Seeded Humanity will play into how they will explain-away the Rapture Event. This is, ‘The Lie that will be Believed’. 


Why the World will Believe the Lie
If ‘Aliens’ were to return to Earth and ‘show-up’, what would they find on Earth? What would they say about the Human Condition? The purpose of this Book is to present the Rationale as to why the Alien Disclosure has not been allowed to be made. Full Disclosure is Reserved or Withheld for when the True Biblical Rapture does occur. How come? If the Alien Disclosure would have been ‘Officially’ Released or made already, especially since World War 2, then an Explanation of ‘Who did it’ and ‘What happened’, would not be readily accepted by Billions of People that will demand an Answer. 
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Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.​

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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ on another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks will be about, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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Cydonia Mars Star Map - Kazan.png