Luis Vega (24 Nov 2024)
"WORLD WAR 3 PRELUDE - 'Nuke-Speak'"

Poking the Russian Bear

by Luis B. Vega

‘On a long enough Timeline, the Survival Rate for Everyone drops to 0’.
-Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

In the Book by George Orwell, ‘1984’, there was a New Term that was introduced into the Political Science Sphere of Discourse, ‘Double Speak’. It is essentially what has become known as ‘Gaslighting’ in this Decade. Here is the Definition from Wikipedia. It is essentially a ‘Word Salad’ to mask the ‘Bad Taste’ of Reality. What one wishes to comment on is how the Prelude or Steps toward World War 3 are just as much being spoken about as ‘Nuke-Speak’. This is one’s New Political Word and Definition of saying the World is headed towards World War 3, without saying it is heading to World War 3’.

‘Double-Speak is Language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the Meaning of Words. Double-Speak may take the form of Euphemisms (e.g., ‘Downsizing’ for Layoffs and ‘Servicing the Target’ for bombing), in which case it is primarily meant to make the Truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to Intentional Ambiguity in Language or to actual Inversions of Meaning. in such cases, Double-Speak disguises the Nature of the Truth. Double-Speak is most closely associated with Political Language’.

One will offer one’s Political Science Commentary about the Prelude to World War 3, ‘Nuke-Speak’ and the Poking of the Russian Bear. Now Putin could just be compelled to jockey for Political Theatre at Home as the ‘Defender of Mother Russia’ by threatening to Nuke Europe and the USA for helping the Ukraine, etc. Then the Evening News in the USA, in particular, speaks about ‘World War 3’ as it is a foregone conclusion. This is ‘Nuke-Speak’.

n Noun

‘Nuke-Speak is Language that is spoken or broadcast, to deliberately desensitize the Notion that World War 3 will be inevitable. Nuke-Speak may take the form of Euphemisms in which case, it is primarily meant to convey that a Nuclear War sounds palatable. It may also refer to the Intentional Ambiguity in how a Nuclear War is no different than the latest Conventional Conflict or Drone and/or Missile Attack being carried-out in the World’. – Luis B. Vega

But the Russian Nuclear Doomsday Plane was reported to have been in-flight and circling Moscow soon after the Ukraine used the ATACM's (USA) and Storm Shadow (UK) Satellite-Guided Long-Range Misses against various Targets deep inside Russia. Putin, perhaps was just flexing his Nuclear Missile to show-up the West, China and the USA that it will not stand for Ukraine to join the Liberal West and NATO.

Slav Brothers
Here is some Context. Putin does legitimately feel betrayed by the USA in that when the Former Soviet Union fell, it was verbally assured by then President Clinton that the Ukraine would never join NATO. The Ukraine was to be a Natural Buffer and Neutral Zone between the East and the West. Furthermore, it was verbally agreed that no New NATO Membership of the Former Warsaw Pact would be introduced to NATO. Nor would any Nuclear or Long-Range Missiles be stationed in the Former Warsaw Pact Nations. That was all a Façade.

Putin Remembers and the Ukraine is the Red Line and the Russians are willing to Go Nuclear for it if necessary. This is the ‘Nuke-Speak’. And it will be necessary if President Elect Trump does not step in now before taking Office. Russia will never allow the Ukraine to join NATO or have NATO Troops there. Realize that for Russia, the Ties to the Ukraine run deep and long. They have their Origins in Kievan Rus. Then the ‘Great Patriotic War’, or World War 2 was forever engraved into the Russian Psyche.

The Russians can still remember the Battles of Karkov and Kiev against the Nazis. If there is any Eastern Slav Nation that the Russians have lost more Blood on, that Soil is the Ukraine and it is ‘Red Soil’. Putin will now stop the NATO Expansion, here and now. So, those that are running the World, are wanting their World War 3. Remember that according to their Grand Master, Albert Pike, it is a ‘Sure Thing’ to come. This World War 3 is part of the Grand Scheme to usher-in the New World Order. Now, Prophetically?

The Bible concurs. Russia in terms of the Prince of Gog, of the Land of Gog is to exist and be ‘Alive and Well’ during the 7-Year Tribulation. After the Rapture that ends the Church Age, one can see Russia playing a Key Prophetic Role in Israel’s Restoration event. Of course, this is if one interprets that the Gog-Magog War of Ezekiel 38-39 is referring to Russia. Some believe so, others are not convinced. Nonetheless, one sees that Russia somehow will prevail, leading-up to the Gog War. If by Nuclear War, or by Diplomacy under the 2nd and Last Trump Administration, it will occur.

World War 3 has already begun, according to Jaime Diamond of Wall Street. And they ought to know. They provide all the Funding necessary to World Wars, as they are the Minions of Lucifer. So, the Russians have mobilized their Mounted Intercontinental Nuclear Missile Trucks. The World has never been this close to a Nuclear War than since the Kennedy and Reagan Years of the 1960s and 1980s, etc. Also, several European Nations have evacuated their Embassies from the Ukraine as of November 2024. But the ‘Nuke-Speak’ continues to condition the Masses.

It is another Psychosis, just like the COVID Plandemic. It is the Same People and Same Playbook being used. Repeat ‘World War 3’ enough Times, and it becomes just the 3rd World War in the Series, as expected. And the ‘3rd’ is the Charm, as they say. The Fear is that now Putin will be forced, much like Iran with Israel, to launch an all-out Missile Attack against the Ukraine. When? With what? Russia has fired its own Missiles against the Ukraine, but they are not ICBMs or Intercontinental Types. However the Destructive Power is Awesome.

The Lab Called The Ukraine
It is the 1st Time such Weapons have been used Live, in the Battlefield. Again, the Ukraine is a Military and Battlefield Laboratory for the latest Weapons of War. It is all being recalibrated for the Next War. And that one will be World War 3. But this Time Around, European and U.S. Cities will be targeted as well. These are but the Chess Pieces being moved on the Board presently. But it is ever-inching to All-Out-Nuclear War, thanks to ‘Nuke-Speak’ in 1 Perspective.

Nonetheless, Russia cannot and will not allow Ukraine to join NATO or allow NATO Troops or Missiles to be on Ukrainian Territory. Russia is now committed to stop the Expansion of NATO right now. But also realize that ‘Nuke-Speak’ has helped the Narrative of Nuclear War come to the forefront of the World’s Mind. And this is thanks to the Leftist Mainstream Media, in terms of Predictive Programming, with their ‘Voices’, Induce Psychos. As mentioned, ‘Nuke-Speak’ is like that ‘Inner Voice’ that People hear but are told it is nothing but a ‘Hallucination’. It is Demonic. Their Origins are the same.

This is what characterizes People who are deemed ‘Schizophrenic’. No. They are Demon Possessed and/or Oppressed Individuals. These ‘Voices’ are Real. They are the Familiar Spirits warned about in the Bible. The USA, especially, has been saturated by this casting of their Midea Spells or ‘Programming’ Voices. The Leftist Media is guilty of dividing not uniting the Nation. It is Accusatory, Hateful, Spiteful, just like the Voices of those suffering from Schizophora.

These are the Psychopathic Pedophiles that are Luciferins and truly have the ‘Finger on the Nuclear Button’, etc. And like Schizophrenics and the Leftist Media, they are Anti-Christian and drain the Population of its Energy as they foment Negativity, Emotions and Violence to self and other. This is how World War 3 comes about and is accepted. And like with People who have Schizophrenia, it begins with ‘Open Doors’ of Permission that include the ‘Usual Suspects’, Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll, etc. But how is that correlated to or with an entire Nation?

It is no coincidence that the U.S. Border is allowed to be left open to flood the Cities and Suburbs with Fentanyl and Meth, Drugs, etc. It is Cannabis that is the Gateway Drug. This is why there has been a Push to legalize it in all States in the USA. Sex? Is it any wonder why the Trans-Everything Movement is being pushed even at the Kindergarten Level in the USA? In California, the Definition of Marriage is anything you want it to be. So why have Marriage? Why desecrate the Covenant of Marriage then. Precisely.

Schools and Universities are now required to ‘Celebrate’ the LGBT+ Agenda. This is how a Nation gets possessed and is denigrated from within, just like those with Schizophrenia. Biblically speaking, it is foremost a Spiritual War that is occurring. What is occurring on Earth is just a Mirror of what is occurring in the Heavens, and that is All-Out-War. It is just that many People like Schizophrenics are told they are just Delusional and that the Voices they hear are their own and not ‘Real’. And? That is how World War 3 will be justified. How so? At some Point in Time a Schizophrenic will go Violent or ‘Nuclear’, against its own Body or do harm to others.
The following Points have been reported. So, if anyone wants to know how World War 3 is sizing-up? Here you go. Have a Nice War. The following is as of November 2024.

Preludes of the Nuke-Speak leading to World War 3

1. Biden, or whomever his Handlers are, i.e. the Synagogue of Satan, gave the Greenlight for the Ukrainian Forces to deploy the Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) against Targets deep inside Russian Territory.

2. France and Great Britain have also allowed the Ukraine to use their SCALP/Storm Shadow Missiles that also reached deep inside Russia.

3. It has been reported that Putin took-off on his Plane at around 3:30am (33) from Moscow, Russia heading to the Ural Mountains where they have their Nuclear Bunkers.  

4. Zelensky and his Generals Coordinated a Missile Strike with those Long-Range Weapons inside Russia as soon as they were delivered of them that could strike all the way to Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Ural Mountains. This occurred on the 1,000th Day of War in Ukraine in Karachev, Bryansk Region.

5. In Response to Biden’s Supply and Permission to use such Weapons, Russia launched over 120 Drones/Missiles attacking Ukraine’s Infrastructure and Military Assets.  

6. It was reported that several Under-Sea Cables between Finland and Germany had been cut. Sabotage was suspected.

7. Another Communication Cable running along the bottom of the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Sweden had been cut also.
8. The Swedish Government has produced a Civilian Pamphlet on how to ‘Prepare for Crisis or War’. The Hand-Out has a Young Woman with Military Rifle in Fatigues shielding a Grown Man.

9. It has been reported that Germany’s Federal Army is instructing Companies on Readiness for Potential Conflict under the secretive 1,000-Page ‘Operationsplan Deutschland’.

10. Ukraine carried out its 1st Strike on Russian Territory with US-Supplied Long-Range Missiles.

11. Russia has begun Mass-Production of, and full distribution of, Nuclear Blast and Radiation Shelters for the Public. The ‘KUB-M’ Package includes Modules that can accommodate 54 People.


Red Horse of War
Thanks to ‘Nuke-Speak’, it would appear that the USA, the UK and France, and NATO in general, are preparing for Nuclear War. The Average American? Not so much. Although the Russians are providing ‘Portable Nuclear Bunker Containers’ to its Citizens, how about the U.S. Federal Government doing that for its Citizens? Not a chance. You are on your own. Well, the Capitol Police did hold a ‘Casualty Evacuation Exercise’ at the Capitol with multiple Military Helicopters.

The Capitol Police on October 21, 2024, conducted a Drill that involved the Campus-Wide Evacuation of the Capitol Complex Personnel, i.e., the Congressmen and Senators, etc. This has never been part of the Capitol Police Routine Drills. Then on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2024, it was reported that the U.S. Postal Service handed-out a Pamphlet on Tips for preparing for Civil Unrest. But the World is preparing for Nuclear War. ‘Greece prepares for War’, as 1 News MSN Headline announced, etc.

The Luciferian Globalists are escalating the Nuclear Strike Circumstances, not wanting to deescalate a certain World War 3 Opportunity. Lucifer is demanding it. ‘Order out of Chaos’. Thus, Russia, at some Point in Time will be forced to respond militarily against those Countries that have aided the Ukraine in its Attacks into Russia. The Russians have removed and recalled its Embassy Staff in D.C.

Russia is now perceiving the USA and NATO as Active Participants in their War. This is now the Cold War 2.0. So, when will it go ‘Hot’, Nuclear Hot? Well, Russia has changed its ‘No 1st Nuclear Strike’ Policy. The Day after the Ukrainian Strike into Russia was carried-out, using the Missiles provided by the West, Putin signed into Law, lowering the Threshold based on their Nuclear Doctrine for Russia to use Atomic Weapons.

Under its Terms, a Nuclear Response can be triggered by an Attack with ‘Conventional Weapons’, if it threatens Russia’s ‘Territorial Integrity’. The Doctrine also states that Moscow can use Nuclear Weapons if it is attacked by a Non-Nuclear Armed Nation, such as Ukraine. This obviously inferred, if a Nation is supported by Nuclear Allies such as the USA, Britain and/or France.

‘The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives.’ -Donald Trump Jr. on X

If anything, War is always ‘Good for Business’, that is for the International Bankers and Arms Traders. Humans are just Cannon Fodder that serves also the Satan Eugenicists Goal of Population Control. But 1 Thing is clear now, Putin has drawn a Red Line and the USA, and NATO have crossed it. Will that be enough to ‘Nuke’ all of the USA and Western Europe?

Russia is the Nation on the Planet that can literally destroy every Major City in the USA and Europe. Actually, that could be every Major Metropolitan Hub on Earth. The Russians have 1000s of Nuclear Warheads. One estimates that it would only take about 50 Tsar ‘Bomba’ Type of Nuclear Detonations over the USA and Europe to kill-off 90% of the Population, respectively.

Then Sudden Destruction
Those Deaths would be immediate. One then has to account for the Slow and Painful Dead that will then come from the Degree one is exposed to the Radiation Poisoning of the Body. But realize that in Military Terms, the Long-Range Missiles given to the Ukraine, that can penetrate deep into Russian Territory will not make that much of a Difference, Militarily. Why not? In the whole Scope of the Theatre of this War, there are just not enough of them that are currently manufactured to deploy and launch.

And the Short-Term Outcome will not affect how the Ground War in the Ukraine could be having a Military Advantage, etc.  One surmises that the Deep Dives into Russia served more of a Psychological Effect, if nothing. It sends a Message that Russians are not ‘Protected’ by ‘Papa’ Putin after all. But with the Real Threat of Nuclear War, thanks in part to the Years of Media Conditioning using ‘Nuke-Speak’, the Leaders of Hungary, Slovakia, Turkey, and Germany have expressed a willingness to ‘Talk’ to Putin.

It is in their Best Interests to Negotiate a Cease Fire or Cessation of the Conflict. One surmises that if they can and perhaps will Partition Ukraine in some fashion, that will set the Geo-Political Precedence to Partition Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. That will be Next and the Prize of Lucifer. But realize that Putin had been willing to Negotiate with the West and NATO since the start of the War. In one’s Political Science Assessment, a Mutual Solution would be to partition the Ukraine. Both Western Europe and Russia can have it.

There was no need to shed 1000s of innocent Young Lives for ‘Nothing’. But as Humanity is Fallen like Lucifer, its Nature is founded on the Ego and Pride. Well, the Rapture Departure is still a ‘Go’. But the precise Time is yet to be announced, despite the ‘2nd Coming of Trump’, or the ‘Last Trump’, Rhetorically. But as one contends, the Rapture Call will be sounded with that Silver Trumpet Blast, the ‘Trump of GOD’. That is, as one has argued, a ‘Retreat’ Call to ‘Fall Back’ as in ‘Apostasia’ like a Departure from one’s Military Post. One is more convinced that it is a Physical Departure, as you all know one’s Interpretation.

It is because during this Church Age, one has a ‘Commission’ to fulfill. And that is a Military one. Followers and Believers of Jesus are not only Ambassadors as ‘Doves’, but such are ‘Soldiers’ as ‘Snakes’ during this Time and Place on Earth. Christians are in a War and behind Enemy Luciferian Lines, etc. This is why the Rapture Call will coincide with a World War, perhaps. It will be during a call for ‘Peace and Safety’ but then Sudden Destruction will result instead.

PS: So, how did The Economist in 2023 predict that the 2024 Presidential Race would be between Trump and a Female?

See Cover Link to Article.


Monkey Werx US    


End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come.

In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times.

Return of the King
The purpose of this Book is to investigate and ascertain the possible Prophetic Variables that will lead to the ultimate Battle of Armageddon. The Presumption is that certain Events in the Middle East, in particular, have been building up perhaps to this Apocalyptic Event that will involve the Nations of the World, the Redemption of Israel and the Return of the King, Jesus Christ.  Although the Topic of Armageddon has a multitude of possible Themes to consider, only certain aspects relevant to the Theory of its Biblical Fulfillment.

Europe Nuclear Target Map.png

USA Nuclear Target Map.png