Luis Vega (10 Nov 2024)
"THE RAPTURE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT - Fulfillment of Hosea and Salvation"

Fulfillment of Hosea and Salvation
The purpose of this study is to postulate that the Rapture Event is tied directly to the Old Testament. And that its fulfilment is tied to its occurrence in the New Testament. One may ask, ‘How is the Rapture seen or alluded to in Prophecy in the Old Testament’? It is well understood that there are at least 7 Rapture Typologies in the Bible. And this is aside from the 7 Raptures or Translations that occur in the Last Book of the Bible, Revelation. If one wishes to study this Timeline, there is the Article and Chart associated with that study.

The Purpose of the Raptures in Prophecy

However, there are several Rapture Typologies in the Old Testament that are noted, as with Enoch and Elijah primarily. There are 2 other Characters that loosely are seen as Rapture Typologies. These are Noah and Lot. In fact, Jesus alluded to that the End of Days would be as in the Days of Noah and Lot, etc. If one has followed any of one’s Research into the Topic of the Rapture Event, one will realize that one is more convinced that it will occur during a Summer Wheat Season. If some People argue that the Rapture Timing cannot be known, perhaps. But consider what Jesus had to say about that Rapture or a Rapture.

…And the Enemy who sows them is the Devil. The Harvest is the End of the Age, and the Harvesters are Angels. As the Weeds are collected and burned in the Fire, so will it be at the End of the Age. The Son of Man will send out His Angels, and they will Weed-Out of His Kingdom every cause of Sin and all who practice Lawlessness’. -Matthew 13:39-41

In this Verse, one wishes to only point to the Fact that the End of the Church Age or that which will culminate in the Return of Jesus is how that will coincide with a Harvest. One is assuming a Summer Harvest Ending, etc. And perhaps this might not directly imply the End of the Church Age, but rather the End of the Tribulation Period that coincides with the 7th Rapture or Translation.

That is when Jesus, having the Sickle in Hand harvests the Earth as He sends the Angels to gather the Elect. Now also consider the following a more focused and Rapture Typology that is a ‘Taken’ inference of People during a Harvest Season again. This comes from the following Passage. It will provide the Evidence and the Timing of when the Rapture, or more like, a Rapture is to occur.

Concluding the Church Age
One will concede that it is not the Rapture to conclude the Church Age though. But the Point is that when Raptures occur, they tend to happen around a Harvest Time. And one’s Point is that the 2 Parables that Jesus taught His Disciples and Israela about His Return were enveloped with direct Rapture inferences. In 1 Case, it concludes an Age. And in the other, it concludes at a Summer Wheat Harvest Timing.

‘2 Men will be in the Feld: 1 will be Taken [Raptured] and the other left. 3 women will be grinding at the Mil [Wheat Harvest]l: 1 will be Taken and the other left. Therefore keep Watch, because you do not know the Day on which your LORD will come’. -Matthew 24:40-42

But realize that the Rapture of the Church and the Church Age ‘Intermission’, that has lasted for 2000 Years was not known nor revealed to the Disciples or Israel. When Jesus was giving the Olivet Discourse to His Disciples, the entire Church Age ‘Gap’ was skipped, in one’s Interpretation.

Jesus spoke in the Prophetic Context of fulfilling the Prophecies of Daniel, for example. Jesus spoke of a yet Future Temple and Abomination of Desolation to occur, etc. Now here is where one will present the Argument of how the Rapture is a fulfillment and directly linked to the Old Testament Prophecy. Prophecy about what? Death.
Where, O Death, Is Your Victory?
Now I declare to you, Brothers, that Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD, nor does the Perishable inherit the Imperishable.
Listen, I tell you a Mystery: We will not all Sleep, but we will all be Changed— in an Instant, in the Twinkling of an Eye, at the Last Trumpet. For the Trumpet will sound, the Dead will be raised Imperishable, and we will be Changed.
For the Perishable must be clothed with the Imperishable, and the Mortal with Immortality.
When the Perishable has been clothed with the Imperishable and the Mortal with Immortality, then the saying that is written will come to pass: Death has been swallowed up in Victory.
‘Where, O Death, is your Victory? Where, O Death, is your Sting?’
(Hosea 13:9–14)
The Sting of Death is Sin, and the Power of Sin is the Law. But Thanks be to GOD, who gives us the Victory through our LORD Jesus Christ!
Therefore, my Beloved Brothers, be Steadfast and Immovable. Always excel in the Work of the LORD, because you know that your Labor in the LORD is not in vain.
-1 Corinthians 15:50-58
Name Hosea: Summary
From the Verb ישע (yasha'), ‘To Save’.
The Names Hosea and Hoshea are really the same, but for some reason People have chosen to pronounce the Name of the Prophet Hosea slightly different than the Name of the others of the same Name (perhaps out of Reverence; perhaps Hosea's Father had a Speech Impediment, we do not know). That Difference is preserved in the Masoretic Symbols but not in the Letters of the Name. Hosea would be spelled הושׂע (See the Dot over the W-Shaped Letter) or even הוסע, but it is not. The Name is always spelled הושׁע; Hoshea. Besides the Prophet Hosea, the Son of Beeri, there are 4 Hosheas mentioned in the Bible.
Where the ה (he) at the beginning of the Name comes from is hard to establish. It maybe the Definite Article, The Salvation, suggesting that even though there are other Salvations, this is the Right One. It may be a Remnant of הו (ho), which is a kind of Exclamation like 'Alas!' or 'Aye!'. It is used only once in the Bible and that in a Negative Way, in Amos 5:16. But perhaps it can also be used positively. That way the Name Hoshea would mean: Yo! Saved!
Verb ישע (Yasha')
It means to be Unrestricted and thus to be Free and thus to be Saved (from Restriction, from Oppression and thus from ultimate Demise). A Doer of this Verb is a Savior.
Nouns ישועה (Yeshua), ישע (Yesha') and תשועה (Teshua)
It means ‘Salvation’. The Noun תשע (Tesha'), 9, looks like תושע (Tohasha'), he or it will cause to Save: the 3d Person Masculine Singular Hiphil of the Verb ישע (Yasha'), ‘To Save’.
Adjective שוע (Shoa')
It means (Financially) Independent, freed in an Economic Sense.
Verb שוע (Shawa')
It means to Cry Out (for Salvation). Nouns שוע (shua'), שוע (shoa') and שועה (shawa) mean a Cry (for Salvation).

Thus, this is why one is more convinced that the Apostasia spoken about in 1 Thessalonians 4 is not about the Departure from the Faith. It is about the Departure from Earth, as in the Resurrection-Rapture Event. Realize that the Context was of the Departed Loved ones Paul was comforting the Thessalonians with.
One defers to the Apostasia implying the Departure of the Resurrected and Raptured ones to come and to thus hope for, not hope for a Departure of the Faith of the Church, and/or the Bride of Christ that must endure to remain True and Faithful, etc. Paul is comforting the newly converted Believers at Thessalonica about their Departed Loved Ones who have Died and were in the Faith. Paul further elaborates on the Resurrection of Christ Jesus, the Dead, the Order of Resurrections and the Resurrection of the Body.

Now many other Researchers of the End Times will argue that the Word, ‘Apostasia’, when used, has always been in the Context of Departure from the Faith. Granted. But out of the 99 Times that it has been the case, this 1 Time is where it is at least a Double Entendre. It can go both ways. But realize that the Departure from the Faith in the Gospel of Jesus started from the very beginning, in Ephesus, out of all Churches. It was not anything ‘New’ or Out of the Ordinary to surmise. And consider that in the Greek, there is an Article, ‘The’. Does this imply then the ‘Great Departure from the Faith’? No.

One argues that this is the 1 out 100 Times that the Apostle Paul used Apostasia to infer the Physical Departure of the Believers to join their Dead Loved Ones. There would be no Reason for there to be any Hope in ‘Encouraging the Believers with how the Church will basically descend into Decadence and Depravity. Sure, go ahead and try to ‘Encourage’ the Believers with that. Seriously. Realize that the Apostle Paul took the opportunity to reveal this Mystery, ‘I show you a Mystery’ also to the Corinthians.

In the Greek, the Word for Mystery insinuates a Revelation that had not previously been known. And this is one’s Point. It was in the Old Testament that the Prophecy was made, but it will be in the New Testament that it is fulfilled. In actuality the Defeat of Death occurred at the Point and Time of Jesus Death and Resurrection. But the Prophecy is specific to when the Believers in Jesus, as a Corporate Body of Jesus still on Earth, as His Ambassadors of Reconciliation are to be Transformed as Death will no longer have a Hold on them.

And that is what and how the Resurrection and Rapture Event fulfils the Old Testament Prophecy and Promise of how Death would no longer have its ‘Sting’. For those that ‘Remain Alive’ in the Last Generation, they indeed and amazingly will not experience Death at all. They will just ‘Walk into Eternity’ at that Trumpet Call, as they Rendezvous with the Dead in Christ, in the Clouds to meet Jesus, Face-to-Face. Faith will become Sight. The Prophecy of the Old Testament will have been Completed, Fulfilled.

But so often, at every Turn, there are those who call themselves ‘Christian’ and who ‘know’ the Bible that rain of the Rapture Parade. They are adamite that there is no Rapture of any sort. People who think like this, in one’s Opinion are either ignorant, willfully ignorant, stupid or in denial. They say something like the following.

Sorry to say but there no Rapture happening. We are going through the Tribulation and we need to Repent and turn back to Gods Commandments. You need to make sure you get Baptized in the Name of Yahushua. God loves those who follow his Commandments.
Such Brethren may be sincere but sincerely wrong. They cannot distinguish the Tribulation promised the Church Age, with the Tribulation of Israel. They do not know how to delineate what is of Israel and what is of the Church Age. Also, such Brethren are usually of the Legalistic Type. It is always about one’s own Works. But one’s Point is that if there is no Rapture, then there is no Old Testament fulfilment of Prophecy in Question. And if not, the Old Testament Prophecy will not be fulfilled. Or what Event will the Sting of Death be overcome, aside from the Death and Resurrection of Jesus?

The Great Escape
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the last days leading up to the Rapture event and what that will look like. There will be a variety of topics discussed and presented from political, social, religious and esoteric sources in the context of how they contribute prophetically to the timing of the Rapture. It would appear that the world is vastly different now and going through an apparent 'reeducation, redefinition and reset'. The book will consider how the present transformation of Humanity will see it come through on the other side of the Rapture.

Conclusion of the Commission
A study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years. This specific time is predicated on the Convergence of several Prophetic Timelines will be presented to highlight this time of the Synchronization of Biblical prophecy.
Divine Patterns of Christ
The purpose of this Book is to illustrate the various Divine Patterns in the Bible whose Theme and Purpose is to Testify of Jesus. This study attempts to ascertain some possible Correlations in terms of Measurements and Coordinates related to various Locations ranging from Mount Sinai, Jerusalem to concepts as the Menorah Prophetic Pattern, the Church Age and several Astronomical Events. These 'Hidden' Divine Blueprints are what are seen in the Bible and how the Bible speaks about the ultimate Purpose and Destiny of Humanity.
Vengeance of Jesus
The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle the Reasons, Evidence and Events that will cause the Wrath of the Lamb to fall on Humanity. The Wrath of what Lamb? Jesus. One will present the Evidence and Clues of what that will look like as it is chronicled across the Daily News Wires and throughout the Bible. But also, how it has been foretold in detail in the Book of Revelation. What is the Wrath of the Lamb and who is the Lamb? In the Book of Revelation, specifically, the revealing of who this ‘Lamb’ is unveiled.