Lewis Brackett (24 Nov 2024)
"Why does the world elite not want a Palestinian state?"

   I believe the answer is very clear. If the moslems get control of
East Jerusalem and can drive the Jews off the temple mount, the 4th
temple cant be rebuilt and their antichrist won't be able to sit in
that temple proclaiming himself to be God.
   For a long time it has been clear that behind the scenes, the new
world order wants to control Jerusalem for their own purposes.
   So, imho its obvious that people are being manupilated behind the
scenes to get that secular Abrahamic house (for Jews Mosloms &
christians) built on the faux temple mount with the Jews calling it
the 3rd temple. The moderate mosloms are behind this, wanting to
replace Jordanian control of the temple mount with an alliance of
moderate moslom states led by Saudi Arabia.
Maranatha, Lewis B