On the internet is a fine article by Natan Lawrence (retired rabbi of hoshana rabbah.org) about Kislev 24 and Hanukkah (Kislev 25 through Tevet 2). "The Hidden Truth Behind Hanukkah and Yeshua's Incarnation." The Messiah may have been conceived on Kislev 24 or one of the 8 Hanukkah Days. He notes the importance of Kislev 24. "As the cornerstone for the second temple (the very temple to which Yeshua came on the Feast of Dedication in John 10:30) was laid at Hanukkah time, so Yeshua who is the Rock of our salvation (Deut 32:15, Pss 62:2; 89:26) and our chief cornerstone (Eph 2:20; 1 Pet 2:6) was miraculously conceived at this very time by Elohim in the womb of the Virgin Mary."
"Hanukkah and Christmas share something in common. They both celebrate the coming of Yeshua, the word of Elohim from heaven to this earth to be the light of the world to show men the way to the Father in heaven." One can marvel how the Messiah is All the Beauty of Hanukkah Personified! Each year since His Ascension long ago, Kislev 24 through Tevet 2 comprise A Season of Expectation for the Arrival of the Prince of Peace on The Date of The Blessed Hope. Kislev 24 will be 11-26 to 27, 2024. Hanukkah will be 11-27 to 12-5. 2024. These are according to the Torah Calendar. Might The Blessed Hope be during this Watch Period, A Season of Expectation, The Season of the Messiah's Conception?
Articles About Kislev 24 and Hanukkah (five doves' archives)
10 Dec 2011 Justice At Solomon's Porch: Past and Future17 Dec 2011 Lifted Up Days During Hanukkah28 Dec 2014 What Is the Spiritual Beauty of Hanukkah27 Nov 2022 Blessed Days Before Us: Advent and Hanukkah26 Nov 2023 Approaching Hanukkah3 Dec 2023 Approaching Hanukkah (Reply by Chance)17 Nov 2024 47 Days of the Days of Noah Until Hanukkah
Thank you my Brother in Christ John Tng and all the members of the five doves' eternal family. For 16 years, each and all, you have blessed me beyond measure!
With Love and Shalom,Jean