Jean Stepnoski (17 Nov 2024)
"47 Days of The Days of Noah Until Hanukkah"

According to the Chabad / Hillel Calendar, we are near three major Noah 8 Anniversary Dates: Cheshvan 10, 11, and 17 until 11-18 to 19. However, according to the Torah Calendar, we are in the month of Kislev, not Cheshvan, and approaching the Hanukkah Season of 8 days. We will continue in the Days of Noah Revisited, related to the 40 days and nights of rain and deluge. Noah days continue until Hanukkah Day 1 on 11-27 to 28, 2024. This will be Kislev 24 to 25 and Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving Day in the USA.  Do I believe that the Messiah was conceived during Hanukkah and born 40 weeks later at Yom Teruah or Tabernacles Day 1? Yes. When was His First Advent? Was it at Conception or Birth?  These are two Great Anniversary Dates. He began to be made flesh, became human, and tabernacle with humankind at CONCEPTION! Premiere MIRACLE.

As valuable as they are, there are multiple important Noah Anniversary Dates. They are not only Cheshvan 10, 11, and 17. Anniversary dates continue for months. We have a significant one just ahead: Day 47. We have the 7 days of Cheshvan 10 to 17 plus the 40 days of rain and deluge. Day 47 begins as the 7 plus 40 days end and Hanukkah 1 begins. Hanukkah 1 was very possibly when The Light of the World began His life in a virgin's womb. Think also about John 10. It is the only time the Messiah spoke about harpazo, and it is linked to Hanukkah. John 10:28 "No one will take them out of my hand." Why did He link harpazo to Hanukkah? Please read John 10 and ponder it all. 

Might Abba Father send His Son to Planet Earth TWICE, on TWO HANUKKAH 1 ANNIVERSARY DATES: CONCEPTION ANNIVERSARY DATE AND THE BLESSED HOPE ANNIVERSARY DATE? New life. New existence. New location. The date of Hanukkah 1, Day 47 (7 plus 40) will be 11- 27 to 28. The Messiah has said He will come "At a time you think not." We shall see.

With Love and Shalom,