Gino (3 Nov 2024)
"RE: John Tng: 10.27.24: the door is shut in 2024?"

I love the thought of the blessed hope being that close!!!
Yet, at the same time, when pondering on the shut door, I think of those who are not saved yet.
Some are family and co-workers.
As he entered the ark, was Noah thinking about his other family members that remained outside?
As he left Sodom, was Lot thinking about his other family members that remained in the city?
I realize that the correct answer is for me to pray more earnestly for the salvation of loved ones.
As well as for me to continue to try harder to give the gospel to them.
So, the thought of the closed door, is more of an indictment of my slothfulness as a witness, and weakness in prayer for others.

Hi Gino, I believe God has already delayed sending His Son to come get the bride. Scripture says the bridegroom tarried. We are down to the final seconds before the inevitable happens. Do our best to continue to reach out to loved ones and folks that cross our paths. He will make all things new and wipe away every tear.