Gary Rich (10 Nov 2024)
"Words of encouragement for Christian believers"

Greetings my friends in our Lord Jesus Christ, as we patiently wait for the return of our Savior, I share with you some words of love and encouragement for all Christian believers:

Knowing and loving Jesus Christ is so important for us. Having Jesus in your life means that one day you will get to live with Jesus in heaven for all of eternity. He loves you so very much. Trusting Jesus also means spending all of eternity in heaven with your friends and family who also know Jesus. This is such a wonderful blessing that will always put a big smile on your face.

 The love of Jesus Christ is unconditional and infinite. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, making a way for us to enter the throne room of God and live eternal life with Him in Paradise. His love is the sure foundation of our faith in Him, and it gives us the absolute assurance that we are never alone or without divine help. God's love for us is unfailing, it never stops, it is eternal, and it is the reason we are alive in our Christian faith. Have a blessed day in the Lord, Gary