Fay (17 Nov 2024)
"Donna D re Time to make DC  the home of Decent Citizens"


Hi Donna, John and Doves,


Donna - what gets me is the 'ticket' that the Democrats felt confident of winning on. Abortion!  What abject blindness made them think that THIS vile issue is what the majority of American's focus on? No other country in the entire world feels that this is an issue. Yet this is what the Dems relentlessly plugged. It's a total mystery.  How do abortion laws impact a woman's right to 'choose'? Choose what, I ask with utter bemusement? Choose to kill? Choose to go through a soul-destroying (and avoidable) operation? All in order to have unsafe sex? Instead of taking readily available precautions against unwanted pregnancy - abortion is the key to a woman's right to choose?? What abject, satanic balderdash. The Democrats have plugged this issue because abortion is big business. It's a major money-spinner. The Democrats have spun this issue into an advertising brand. The entire abortion industry is from the bowels of hell.


I know several women who have had abortions. I can testify that none of them are right in the head, as a result. So-called 'Planned Parenthood' should be about having safe, protected sex. That is what they should be focusing on. Educating women about the precautions rather than the brutal killing machine of abortion. The Democrats are sick and evil. Even in the UK, silent prayer outside abortion clinics has been criminalised. I am addressing this issue through the eyes of a secular person. If everyone followed Bible advice and principals, this wouldn't even be a talking point. But, it is what it is. There is NO reason for secular people to behave so ignorantly. So barbarically. So inhumanely. It's evil and twisted.


I am fed up. Sick to my stomach of all the continued evil. I know that Almighty God has His reasons for allowing this evil to continue for awhile longer. He expects us to take comfort in the Holy Spirit. Keep the faith and exhibit courage. This is all to wake humanity up. To bring all back to Himself. Which is why He has allowed our evil governments to flood our Christian nations with Islam. We are being forced to come face-to-face with the evil of Islam. An anti Christ cult that considers life as cheap and dispensable. Much like the abortion industry! We are all being subjected to what Israel has dealt with since time began. Anti God. Anti Christ.


Like all watching and waiting Christians - I cannot wait for our beloved LORD Jesus to return.

