Interested readers -
The book of Zechariah is full of prophetic imagery. Chapter (5) speaks about two women with wings like stork wings. My question has been, “Are these ‘angels’ or some other kind of heavenly being?”Breaking down the verse into high prime factors and other types of matching numbers using the Atlas Pages format reveals that they are in fact angels when compared to Matthew 13:41.
The shared number between the two verses is 2624. One instance is an Old Testament word’s Strong’s number and the second is a placeholder number for the prime verse number of a New Testament verse.These are very precise angels.
Verse 1)Zechariah 5:9“Then I raised my eyes and looked, and there were two women, coming with the wind in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between earth and heaven.”Verse 22946 (…149)< pr36TVG 5465 (…1093)< pr184 (…23)🔹stork H2624 (…41)word 13, intext value: 92 (…23)
#Stork #_149_ #_1093_ #_41_ #_36_ #double_primes #_2624_ #_5465_
Verse 2)Matthew 13:41“The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness,”Verse 23581 < pr2624 (…41)TVG 14035 (…401)< pr80
#_41_ #_401_ #_2624_ #angels
Special note:I think it’s fair to conjecture that there might be a great number of “women with stork wings”, and not just two, that will be tasked by Christ Jesus to gather out of His Kingdom those that offend. This seems perfectly reasonable since the women with stork wings (angels) in Zechariah 5 have a woman named “wickedness” trapped in a basket under and iron lid and they fly her to Shinar.See Zechariah 5:5-11.
If you have no idea what my Atlas Pages Project is and how it works, the article at this link may help you:
…and also this article:
Jesus is Lord!