Chance (24 Nov 2024)
"Russia Threatens US Nuclear War By Christmas 2024 and Pastor Dana's December Dream"

Hello John and Doves,
Russia is threatening a nuclear war with the U.S., U.K. and France by Christmas this year.  This reminded me of one of Pastor Dana Coverstone's dream about 'no Christmas' in the U.S. in December.
Markov Talks of WW3 By Christmas:
"The U.S. has been given a chilling 'WW3 by Christmas' warning by pro-Putin spokesman Sergey Markov.  Western allies, also including Britain and France, have taken a "big jump" towards a nuclear conflict by giving Ukraine permission to fire Western long-range missiles into Kremlin territory, Markov claims."
"A regular Putin "mouthpiece", Markov warned that the shock move by President Joe Biden could mean that Britons could be facing a Christmas in shelters."
"President Biden's move, however, has been welcomed by Ukraine, by senior UK defence sources and by many European leaders."
"The move will allow Ukraine to fire US ATACM missiles, UK Storm Shadow missiles and French Scalp missiles into Kremlin territory."
Markov said, "My reaction to the White Houses' decision was awful, I couldn't sleep well because I am just afraid nuclear war is coming.  It was a very dangerous decision.  The point is these rocket-missiles cannot be fired by the Ukrainian army, technically.  Because these rocket-missiles need to have very good map of the Russian territory and only the US has this map, even Great Britain and France does not have this map."
"Markov added that the targeting of the rocket-missiles cannot be done by the Ukrainian army as it requires satellite- intelligence that the country does not have - instead they will be targeted to Russian cities by American, British and French militaries, he argued.  So, we regard this as the start of a direct war by Britain, American and France against Russia, another nuclear power.  American rocket missiles against our territory.  This is a clear escalation of the war."
"Asked if Putin would use nuclear missiles in response, Mr. Markov said, 'not now' and said it was more likely that bases in eastern Europe could be hit by smaller, tactical nuclear missiles."
"But he added, "I think Biden, Macron and Starmer want escalation which could lead to, from my understanding, in the worst case scenario, the nuclear war happens before Christmas of this year."
"Probably you will not be able to say 'Merry Christmas' because you will stay in the hole trying to hide away your family from nuclear catastrophe.  It can develop very, very quickly."
Russia threatens US with 'nuclear war by Christmas' in chilling WW3 warning

Wow - when I read what Markov said - 'you will not be able to say 'Merry Christmas', 'hiding in a hole' and 'tactical nukes'..- I had an immediate flash back to one of Pastor Dana's dreams given to him back in 2020 for the calendar month of December (of some year).
In that dream he saw the calendar of December - with the finger underlining December slowly and pushing forcefully.  He saw long food lines, and people standing in lines for hours, they were not in cars.  He saw this going on throughout the nation.  Ships were in ports on E, W coasts with nothing moving at sea.  He saw a headline saying the Baltic Dry Index is dead - no trade moving around the world.
He saw no Christmas lights, no Christmas things going on, great sadness over the land.  People seemed dazed and confused.
Christians stood out and looked like burning charcoal - they were carrying torches where ever they went...they kept their faith and were telling people that they desperately need Jesus NOW.  You need Jesus NOW!!!  Don't wait.  Some were saved.  Some rejected Him.  He heard Christians talking about what Jesus said about winter and fleeing in winter.
Shopping malls were converted into shelters, reminded him of Hurricane Katrina and businesses were shuttered and people on cots and food outreach going on.  Something happened and people were in shelters.
People were in homes wearing coats.  People were looking out of their windows/curtains.  The snow was dingy and gray - not pure white snow.
Headlines said "Nationwide outages plague the Southwest"  And headlines that said "Americans don't know who to blame for darkness".
He saw people under the St. Louis arch - dressed in expensive business suits with large suitcases at their feet.  These suitcases reminded him of 'nuclear suitcases';.  All had expensive watches on, and alarms went off at the same time; they grabbed their suitcases and they got into black SUVS and went east and west and each had a Wall Street Journal under their arm and they were wearing heavily tinted sunglasses. 
Headlines of 'market crashes' and 'yields being lost' and one headline declared "sympathy for the swastika".
The figure he always sees at the end of his dreams said "Brace yourself.  Brace, brace, brace yourself on My word and My promises and do not rely on your own strength." (end of notes - much more in his dream - the links I had for this dream are now marked 'private' but I came across this link -
***The Calendar Dreams (Fist)- Dana Coverstone - Prophetic Warning Dreams - Brace Yourself - YouTube
I thought maybe there was an EMP over the country, but it could be a cyberattack - like what FBI Director Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland have been warning us about all year - (like the movie "Leave the World Behind"; the cyberattack could be an inside job) - that is why no electricity, no heat, no vehicles, people carrying torches.  People in shelters. Christmas isn't being celebrated.  So whatever happens, it's before Christmas, December 25.  Snow is present - it's winter.  The men with the suitcases had nuclear suitcases or they represented tactical nukes, that hit across the country.
This could be for a time after the Rapture - with new Christians going around telling people they need Jesus now = maybe these are the 'left behind' who realize the Rapture has happened...that's why the immediacy of 'you need Jesus now'.  They know they are in the Tribulation period and things are going to get much worse.
Pretty sobering warning from Russia.  Pretty sobering dream.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!