Chance (17 Nov 2024)
"Jack Hibbs:  "We're Leaving Now - Part 3  Satan And Demons Are Real"

Hello John and Doves,
This last week, I watched this Jack Hibbs Part 3 video.  He has a wonderful message of encouragement and staying strong in the Lord.  But the Church is in trouble - even though President Trump won the election - there are many problems in the Church.
In it he talked about demonic possession and 'wokism'.  And how Believers cannot be possessed by a demonic spirit.  He said that satan and the demonic entities are real - they are not 'middle ages type of Christianity'.  He also noted that a poll reported that most Christians do not believe in an actual satan or devil or demons.  That they are completely blinded. Satan wants them to believe that he does not exist.
(my notes)
Believers are living in occupied enemy territory - the world has been commandeered by satan.  This world is not our home.  There is murder, hatred, sin, violence, and death.  Satan brought these things into this world.  We have a choice - to obey or disobey God.  God has a plan to redeem mankind.
We are leaving this Earth together.  There are the 'Old Testament saints', the Church-age believers, and then the Tribulation saints.  All of the family of God will be brought together.  This world will be left behind and God will make a new Heaven and Earth.  God's Word supernaturally unites us.  There is glory ahead of us.  
The enemy is about falsehood and lies.  There are people pushing back from truth and doubling down on their darkness and there are people waking up now and looking for hope.  Every true Believer has a passion to meet Jesus and go to Heaven.  We are living right now - but the life coming can't be compared to our life now.
We are children of God - "it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him..." 1 John 3:2-3
We are leaving now - we have made ourselves ready.  We trust in Jesus.  We have received His salvation.  And unpacked our sin.  No matter where you are in the world, there is a level of ease and a level of difficulty.  The world is constantly pulling on us - the stress on us, the energy pulled away from us, the demands on us.  We are living vessels to His glory.and His praise.
We want to complete the course He has given us - by being obedient - we've been born again.  We are pure of spirit.  We were born spiritually dead.  And then we became new as we knew God.  The Holy Spirit made our spirits come alive - we were born again.  We begin gravitating towards the heart of God.  Temptations of the world no longer pull on us.  We put all the snares aside.  We want to get as close as we can to Jesus.  God calls us to lay aside all distractions.  It's a life and death moment for each of us and for the world.
Jack said this election has brought reprieve; it is not a time to put our feet up and relax - the Church is still in trouble.  We need a revival.  We need to fight for the Truth.  Satan moves like a drug pusher.  The victim gets the drug for free...and gets hooked and then the price goes up and up.
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.  So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."  Matthew 6:33 - 34  We cannot control tomorrow.
You desire the Truth and eternity because of the spirit of God in you.  A Believer thinks differently than he did before. The desires of your heart will become the right desires when you give yourself fully to God.
We're ready to be pure in action.  Lay aside the distractions and sin.  God will put the desire to do His will in our heart.  Ask God to bring what He wants you to do to you; and pray you see this. Satan gets us chasing our tails.  
The devil wanders around like a devouring lion...
Today the world is nuts because it is not 'sober of thinking'.  We are to be "sober" - clear thinking.  We are to be "vigilant" - to keep awake, watchful, on guard.   The word "about" or 'peripateo' in Greek is "to walk or to pace in and around.  Meaning - demonic entities search for, peer in to, seek out an opening or opportunity - temptation is the manifestation that a demon is a work around you, near you or upon you." 
When you get a temptation in your head, there is demonic activity near by.  Satan engineers and throws at us temptations.  Ask God to show you the spiritual world around your life.  Satan is peering at your life, stalking your life.  Probing and prodding - waiting for you to leave a door unlocked, a window open.  He's waiting for a misstep.  Don't leave the door open.  Satan is checking your marriage, your social media.  Be careful.
Satan wants to devour - "devour" or 'katapino' in Greek is to "drink down or suck moisture from to swallow or drink life away from you (many who have encountered demonic activity report that there is a manifestation of weight or pressure and the pulling of breath from or the sucking of air out of the lungs.)  Martin Luther had encounters with satan himself.  
A Believer is completely protected against demonic possession... It is impossible for a Christian to be possessed. The Holy Spirit will not allow an evil spirit in your life.  He will not share the Temple of the Lord.  But it doesn't stop attacks or oppression.  Satan will try to sterilize us to destroy the Christian.
Satan and Demons Are Real:
We are to resist the devil and his demonic entities.  They are real.
Polls have shown that most Christians do not believe in an actual satan or devil or demons.  Those are people of faith or spirituality whom satan has completely blinded.  Satan wants you to believe that he and demons are a 'middle ages type' of Christianity - that's what satan wants you to believe.  For his own manipulation.
In this world, people have their 'feelings on their sleeve' - he thinks this isn't 'woke' - he thinks this is demonic.  This is a person under demonic influence.  That level of carnality and self-centeredness is a demonic spirit.  It's all about 'my world and you must comply to me' - you must tolerate me, I don't have to tolerate you and this is demonic.  It's wisdom of this world.
We are to "resist" or 'anthistemi' in Greek means to be set in battle array against an invader, to withstand, repel, to be in direct fact to face opposition to the enemy (woke won't work).  You can't make a deal with the devil.  Satan hates the phrase "wait on the Lord".  Satan shows up in the White House, he shows up in the Vatican, he shows up in the Kremlin. Satan shows up at the big important places.
Through the blood of Jesus, no demonic power can defeat us.  Jack believes that this election, with what's happening and going to happen in the Middle East, in the not too distant future, will lead thousands of Muslims to Jesus. When Allah doesn't answer them, they need to know that Jesus is their savior, Jesus died for them.  Jesus said He will never cast away any who come to Him.  Allah never said this.  Buddah never said this.  Jesus said this.  He who has the Son is free.
(end notes)
Much more at the video.
I followed up on the poll about most Christians not believe in an actual satan and demons...In this article from January 2017, "the vast majority of Evangelicals no longer believe what the Bible plainly teaches about any essential tenet of the Christian faith - including the origin and inerrancy of Scripture, the holiness of God, the deity of Christ, the personality of the Holy Spirit, the sinfulness of man, the sufficiency of the Cross, the fact of the Last Judgment, the reality of Hell, the sinfulness of abortion and homosexuality and much more.  The survey demonstrates that those who still hold positions that are true to the Bible are now a small minority among self-described Evangelicals.  The Bible-believing church has to a great extent become the Bible-leaving church."
New Survey Reports Rampant Unbelief Among Self-Described Evangelicals
Wow!  That's a real eye-opener.  Best be careful if you refer to yourself as an Evangelical - looks like many have 'fallen away' from the Faith.  And their beliefs greatly differ.  That survey is probably from 2016.  A survey for 2022 is quite similar - and reported that "almost half (of evangelicals - 44%) say that Jesus was a great teacher, but He was not God.  Wow.
The State of Theology: What Evangelicals Believe in 2022
I do like Jack Hibbs' title:  "We're Leaving Now"  Amen!!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!