Hello John and Doves,Add this to my first Doves letter:This was posted by Tucker Carlson -McConnell is a RINO/Democrat sympathizer - I think some call it 'the Uniparty'. He and others in the Senate hate Trump. And will do everything they can to stop everything he wants to do to 'make America great again'. They are warmongers and anti-Israel.
McConnell should have been dumped by Republicans long ago...but powerful forces want him in his position of power in the Senate...especially China."Republican senators will select a new Senate GOP leader next week, and Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo has endorsed Sen. John Cornyn, R-TX for the role. GOP senators will vote via secret ballot on Wednesday, Nov 13."In addition to Cornyn, Senator Rick Scott of Florida and Senator John Thune of South Dakota are both vying for the Senate GOP leader position."Thune and McConnell are good friends - this says it all. We don't need another McConnell as dictator in the Senate.And Cornyn is anti-Trump and anti-gun.This is not looking good after working so hard to get Donald J. Trump back into the White House. We don't need a RINO controlled Senate. These two men, Thune and Cornyn, are outsiders to the MAGA Movement. They are out of touch with the American people.Senator Rick Scott would work well with President Trump..we don't need grid-lock in the Senate or the House.As For The House:Dragging out the count on key House candidates is a typical Democrat move - they are desperate to control the House like under the last Trump presidency. No doubt a lot of cheating is going on right now - hooking up tabulators to the internet, moving votes and records with thumb drives, recounting Democrat ballots over and over and over, flipping votes and records from Republicans to Democrats, delivering pallets of pro-Democrat ballots at 3AM - we've seen it all before.All the House did under Trump was impeach, impeach, impeach, and Russia, Russia, Russia - they got absolutely nothing good done for the country. It was a one-sided evil agenda dominated by hate for President Trump. Their Jan 6 Committee was a blight on the country. Everything they did was based on hate and revenge and was a colossal waste of time and money. Their allegiance was to themselves and their agenda and not to America or the people or the laws - and they ran the House as their own personal vendetta machine. Loosing the House will be a massive blow.I hope and pray the Republicans in the Senate want to get the country off its knees and Make America Great Again...with what little time we may have left.Something is brewing in the U.S. and it's not good.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha~Chance