Hello John and Doves,
This video is why the two-state-solution is a bad idea.Yishai Fleisher reported on what Bill Clinton said to a group of Muslims - this was while he was campaigning for Harris.Bill Clinton was responsible for the Oslo Accords (remember Yasser Arafat?) and many policies that hurt Israel.(notes)Clinton thinks 'we'll have to start again on the peace process'. If you lived in a kibbutz in Israel next to Gaza, where the people there were the most pro-two state solution of any of the Israeli communities - they were located right next to Gaza - and Hamas butchered them. They were the most pro-Palestine Jews in all of Israel. How many Palestinians should die to pay for this? Hamas makes sure they are shielded by civilians - this forces Israel to kill civilians.Fleisher said the Israelis were on the political Left - they were for a two state solution. They applauded when Jews were forced out of Gaza by Israel. The Right in Israel saw the Palestinians building a Jihad state right next to Israel. The people in these kibbutz were the most pro-Palestine folks and they were butchered by the very people they supported. Bill chopped up Israel and gave it to murderers and terrorists. The Israelis on the border were naive.Clinton said Arafat didn't tell him the truth. Bill got choked up - he didn't see the jihadist plans.Fleisher said Arafat lied to Clinton about everything. Arafat was a liar and terrorist. Clinton was played on an international stage. The Oslo Accords failed. Fleisher thinks Clinton was duped. Arafat wanted to destroy Israel.Clinton said that Israel offered to give to the Palestinians all the land from through the West Bank to the Golan heights (90% of Judea and Samaria) and a capitol in east Jerusalem and two of the four quadrants of Jerusalem - Ehud Barak and his cabinet offered this. Arafat said no. Hamas did not care about a homeland for the Palestinians they wanted to kill Israelis and make Israel uninhabitable. (I can hardly believe Clinton said this.)Fleisher called this potential give-away as a disaster for Israel. Ehud Barak was willing to do this but Arafat refused this peace offer. Clinton admitted Arafat/Hamas/Jihadists didn't want peace with Israel. Clinton figured out what jihad was all about - they want to destroy Israel. Clinton at least said it to this Muslim audience.Clinton said he has news for the Palestinians and Arafat - the Jews were there first - the time of King David. It's not the West Bank - it's Judea and Samaria. The Likud party at the time said they wanted the whole West Bank and their historical cities/land. Labor said they'd take what the U.N. offered and they'd make friends - all for peace in the region..Fleisher said Clinton is smart - but he couldn't see through this. He got duped.Clinton said we are still fighting this fight today. He said that neither side can murder their way out of this. They need a new beginning. He doesn't agree with Trump. He said we can't kill our way out of conflicts.Fleisher said Clinton made them negotiate with terrorists - everything since then has been garbage. Israel needs to fight the terrorists.Fleisher asked - did you share the world with the Nazis? Did you share the world with Imperial Japan. No, you fought the bad guys. You give a speech that the whole thing failed and then say 'we should share the land' - the Muslims have a huge area of land, but he wants to cut up Israel and let the jihadis in. Clinton has done so much evil and destruction - when you let evil in... Maybe this is part of Christianity to turn the other cheek. (I'll say NO - I think I'm correct in saying Bill Clinton is not a Christian - this is spiritual blindness - all to fulfill God's will for Israel.)Fleisher said giving away the land isn't the way to do this. Israel will exist on Jewish land. He believes that in the West Bank it will be Jewish. The jihadists will be gone. Pro-Israelis will live there. The future Israel will live where the land of Israel is.(end notes)run time 22:36It is really amazing to hear Bill Clinton say what he did to a group of Muslims. Maybe some agreed. He spoke the truth...but then he's still blinded - thinking Israel can still live side by side with terrorists.I remember listening to a Middle East advisor for President Trump during his previous term - he said that he tried for three years to help with a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians - to try to create a two-state solution. He said it's impossible - until the Palestinians stop with the hate of the Jews. Otherwise, peace can never happen. A two-state solution can never happen."..the election of Trump will have dire consequences for the prospects of the two-state solution.."
How Trump’s Return Will Bury The Two-State Solution — And Resurrect 'Abrahamic Peace'
Dividing God's land is a really, really bad idea.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance