Hello John and Doves,re: Is the Gog and Magog war 'start time' on a timeline now? I could ask the same thing about the China/Taiwan/US war....We will soon have a new president in power - that leaves a small window open for all kinds of shenanigans. From within the U.S. to other countries...Russia, Iran, Turkey, China...all kinds of fronts could open up before President Trump is sworn in on January 20, 2025.Biden Administration and Israel vs Trump Administration and Israel:The Biden administration told Israel to not hit Iran's nuclear facilities. Biden said Israel could respond to the Iranian attack "As long as they don't hit the nuclear stuff.' So Israel didn't. And now the world is waiting on an Iranian response to Israel's recent attack on Iran. And it could be nuclear.Not hitting Iran's 'nuclear stuff' has left Israel and the U.S. even more open to a nuclear attack - because Iran sees the U.S. weakness/or compliance. And Israel kowtowing to the Americans. Iran has an ally in D.C. Netanyahu and his people know the Biden admin can not be trusted - too many leaks and too much pro-Iran sentiment. I can imagine that Netanyahu/Israel will be glad to get out from under Biden's boot. When President Trump gets sworn in on January 20 - we may see a different Israel. If we get to that date....President Trump said "he believes Israel should strike Iran's nuclear facilities in response to the Islamic Republic's recent missile barrage." Trump said, Biden should have responded with "hit the nuclear first, and worry about the rest later."
Trump says he thinks Israel should 'hit' Iran nuclear facilities | The Times of Israel
IF President Trump gets sworn in on January 20th - if nothing BIG happens to prevent this - we can see where his support will go in the Middle East. The Middle East is on the verge of the Gog and Magog war. It's prophesied. At some point this war will happen.Some believe that Iran's nuclear threat should be eliminated once and for all. Israel would be doing the world a favor. Because Israel destroyed most of Iran's air defense system and missile production capabilities. This has opened a window of opportunity. Israel, "by stripping away Iran's ability to defend its own territory and vital infrastructure from air attacks, the IAF has now made it significantly easier for Israel and the US to take military action against the ayatollahs' nuclear program....With their military and nuclear sites now vulnerable, Iran's leaders might very well decide to accelerate their efforts to build the bomb while they still can. This is a risk that neither Israel nor America can take.""This is a historic opportunity to shut down the mullahs' nuclear program for good. For the sake of Israel and future generations, we cannot allow it to pass us by."We have the Biden administration in power until January 20, 2025. Biden will continue to pressure Israel/Netanyahu to do nothing more to Iran. They will not let Israel hit Iran's nuclear sites. President Trump would. The clock is ticking.Pressure on Iran and Russia...:The EU Commission President said she wants to switch from the expensive LNG (liquid natural gas) the EU purchases from Russia to U.S. LNG once President Trump gets back into office. This won't sit well with Russia - there goes some of their BIG leverage over EU countries.
Von der Leyen proposes US LNG for EU to replace Russian gas
President Trump plans to 'drill baby drill' - and intensity sanctions on Iran, choking Iran's oil income, financially isolating Iran, selling U.S. oil over Iran's oil, etc. Selling U.S. LNG over Russia's,
Trump plans to renew sanctions on Iran over terror-backing, nuclear plan - The Jerusalem Post
Gog and Magog Coalition:Would Gog, Magog, Persia, Turkey, Ethiopia, etc rather take on the Biden administration and Biden DoD or President Trump's administration and Trump's military?? I'd think they'd rather want to deal with the wishy washy compromised weak Islamic/China leaning Biden administration than the pro-Israel, pro-US Trump administration. China and Russia don't want a strong America either. That's about a two month window before President Trump takes office and things change on DAY ONE.Anything can happen.Are we seeing a timeline here?Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!ChancePS I have a Jewish friend here in the U.S. (Ph.D., M.D.) who has various connections to Israel and the IDF - he is a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) expert and was called to Israel a number of years ago to help them get their hospitals prepared for nuclear, biological and chemical attacks. He told me Friday, 11/8/2024 that Iran has the nuclear bomb. He also told me that years ago, the Russians (who are the world's leading expert in biological weapons - per the data he saw) helped Syria via gene splicing, create a small pox/hemorrhagic fever (Ebola) bioweapon. Syria still have this weapon. He said he wouldn't be surprised if they used this.