Chance (10 Nov 2024)
"AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH - Dr. Awe, Another Look At Pastor Dana's Dreams, New Moon For Cheshvan"

Hello John and Doves,
In this letter I wrote about Dr. Awe's latest youtube video "As In The Days Of Noah...", he's predicted an upcoming Rapture timeline.  I also wrote about several of Pastor Dana Coverstone's dreams that point to this 2024 election - even though he had the dreams before the 2020 election.  And I also wrote about the sighting of the new moon for the month of Cheshvan.
1 Cheshvan is sunset Nov 3 to sunset Nov 4.  10 Cheshvan would be 12/13 Nov.  11 Cheshvan would be 13/14  And 17 Cheshvan would be Nov 19/20.
Dr. Awe:
Dr. Awe had an interesting video this week:  "As In The Days Of Noah, It Shall Be!" 
AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, it shall be! - YouTube
run time 1:18:50
Dr. Awe said that 'Shemini Atzeret was the closest we ever guessed.  It was almost 'it.'  We were all waiting.  You could feel this collective lift in the spirit. This was our warm up.  We're ready for the next one.  It's so close we can taste it.'
He said that he was going to make for the timing of the Rapture - a guess using the words of Jesus - 'it shall be as it was in the days of Noah'.
Enoch was taken/raptured 669 years before the flood.  He walked with God.  Is this a hint about the timing of the Rapture?  Enoch's name means 'dedicated'.  How does 669 fit in with the Rapture?
Noah's father, Lamech (means 'despairing') died five years before the flood.
Methuselah (means "his death should bring") lived 969 years.  31 years before 1,000.
120 years before the Flood, God had told Noah to build an Ark.
Dr. Awe thinks God is trying to tell us something with these numbers.  All of these years lined up.
After God shut Noah up in the Ark, seven days later the Flood started.  On the tenth day of second month - November 11 - 11/11.  Seven days later would be 11/18.
This is his guess: between 11/11 and 11/18 - the Rapture will happen during this timeframe.
The 17th day of the 8th month is 40 and 7 days past the Feast of Trumpets.  Trump would be #47.
God always highlights "40" and "7".
Noah means 'rest'.  Noah backwards means 'grace'.  Grace brings deliverance through the flood. 
Enoch was raptured - he represents the Church.
He knows the first seal opens after the Rapture and is about the white horse and the rider who comes out with a bow "conquering and to conquer".  He asks, "Who could bring peace to the Middle East and help Israel build the Third Temple?"  He implies President Trump.  He thinks Trump as president will be used in the Tribulation.  He doesn't think Trump is the Antichrist.  But he that he is anti-christ.
Another prediction:  Trump wins.  He goes into office and he uses his power and authority to bring peace to Israel and the Middle East and make all the deals and he makes the deal to build the Third Temple.  
But if Harris gets in, either way - everything will work out according to God's plan.  God will use anyone on the Earth to accomplish His purposes.
He shows the Genealogy of Genesis 5 (with their Hebrew meaning):
Adam = Man (is)
Sheth = Appointed
Enoch = Mortal
Kenan = Sorrow
Mahalael = The Blessed El
Jared = Shall Come Down'
Enoch = Teaching
\Methuselah = His Death Shall Bring
Lamech = Despairing
Noah = Comfort/Rest
Man is appointed mortal sorrow, But the Blessed Lord shall come down teaching His death shall bring the despairing rest and grace.  The story of the flood is about the great destruction.  Adam was told by God that He would destroy the world once by water, once by fire.  
Noah was found righteous in the sight of the Lord and was brought onto the Ark.  We are found righteous by the blood of Jesus.  He sees the Church as righteous by grace.  The Church will come 'into the Ark' with the Lord while He pours judgement on the Earth.  Noah was in the ark above the waters on the Earth.  The Church will be in the clouds above the Earth during the Rapture saved from the coming tribulation.  God said get in the Ark and then in seven days He'll bring the flood waters.
Fort days and forty nights brings us to Chanukah.  The waters built up for 150 days then dried up over 150 days..  15 is the number of judgment for God.  The Ark came to rest on the 17th day of the first month - Resurrection Day - 'reversing the curse'.  Much more in the video on this.
Later he talked about John seeing a door in Heaven - and there is a door on the Ark.  John was told to 'come up hither'.  Like John we will be taken into Heaven.
(much much more in the video; end of notes)
AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, it shall be! - YouTube
I agree.  There was something about "The Last Day" this year = Shemini Atzeret.  Lots of excitement and anticipation.  A wake up call?  And now we've got Noah's Cheshvan days - shutting Noah in the Ark, then the arrival of the flood waters (judgment by water).  Will the judgment by fire start on the anniversary of Noah's 17th day?  Will we be closed in 'the Ark'/Raptured seven days before?
New Moon Sighted for Cheshvan:
The new moon was sighted in Jerusalem on the evening of Sunday, November 3, 2024.  
When Is The New Moon – Monthly New Moon Updates and Sightings From Israel
1 Cheshvan is sunset Nov 3 to sunset Nov 4.  10 Cheshvan would be 12/13 Nov.  11 Cheshvan would be 13/14  And 17 Cheshvan would be Nov 19/20.
I wrote this letter on Election Day evening.  I do not know who is ahead at this point.  
Dr. Awe has interesting predictions about a President Trump victory.  That's one way to 'work things out in the Middle East."  Maybe...we'll see.
Dana Coverstone:  "Conestoga Wagon Dream" Plus Two Other Dreams
I remember Pastor Dana's dream about the Conestoga Wagon - he had this dream a few months before the 2020 election.   I believe his dreams are prophetic - but for which year? 
DANA COVERSTONE: 8-25-2020 Compiling a dream I had last Monday night - YouTube
 run time 14:55
 In the dream Harris is driving mules that are pulling a Conestoga Wagon - Biden is riding one of the mules.  She's whipping the mules and Biden.  The wagon contains boxes of TNT. She's driving the mules toward Trump.  Trump is being held at knife point by Hillary.
Trump gets away from Hillary and runs towards 'The Beast' limousine where SS agents 'take'/block three different bullets aimed at Trump.  The car drives away with SS around the vehicle holding muskets.
The wagon is now heading towards just Hillary; it strikes her and then the TNT explodes.  The mules are thrown up into the air.  Harris is left in tears.  And Biden is lying face down in the street with wheel tracks over him and a vulture is sitting on his head.
At the end of the dream, the figure of the man appeared (Jesus) and pointed his finger to the sky and said, "Ready or not, here it comes. Brace yourself."
He had another dream where there is a calendar that is turned to the month of November.  He saw headlines and one read:  "Shock and Awe in the U.S."  and another read "U.N. Steps in to Help Post Nation."  He saw shuttered businesses in the big cities.  He saw many Americans in emergency shelters; suitcases were scattered around; people were huddled together, shivering, many with desperate looks on their faces.  The nation was quiet - no wars, no riots, no fighting, no yelling.  The nation was fitful, suspicious, leery, people were looking around, taking things in, hesitant like expecting something to happen.  The figure of the man appeared and said "Remain braced.  As this calm comes before a gathering storm that recovery will have a hard time finding.  Remain braced.  As this calm comes before a gathering storm that recovery will have a hard time finding.  Remain braced."  He had other dreams that centered on November - no year given.
(much more at the video/link)
IF Trump wins, this dream certainly predicts that. 
For 2020, Harris wasn't 'in charge of the wagon' - the presidential campaign.  So that always seemed an odd thing in his dream.  Biden should have been driving the wagon.
So it looks more like a dream for the 2024 election - Harris took over the campaign and Biden got pushed to the side. So she's driving the wagon and he's riding a mule.
Also, Dana's Rotunda Dream had a sign 'here lies the Democratic presidential candidate' - no one was crying around the coffin - people were just angry. Biden's wife and son were beside the casket.   Again this looks like a 2024 campaign getting dumped - Biden's.  And there was a December calendar with 17 circled on it.  December 17, 2024 is the day the electors cast their votes in the states.   Why was this date circled?
As for his other dream I wrote about with the headlines - it's like something hit the nation - "post" nation implies something catastrophic has happened.  An attack on the nation after the election?  Looks like a cyberattack on the electric power grid, communications....
IF Trump wins, THEY will stop at nothing to prevent him from taking the position of president.  
Compared to Dr. Awe - I see a very dark, dark future for America.  More like Pastor Dana's second dream above.  THEY have too much to loose and too many sins to cover to let Trump take office.  IMO.
When I started writing this letter, the numbers were just starting to come in for Election Day.  Now, at 22:30 MST, FOX has Trump at 267 and Harris at 216.  Newsmax is giving Trump 270.  Harris is short some 4.7 million votes.  I just heard FOX announce Trump will be the 47th president of the United States.  22:38 MST.
Congratulations to the United States of America - President Trump will be our 47th President.  Maybe Dr. Awe's prediction will come true.  Or maybe THEY have something planned to put a stop to President Trump taking office...WW3, falseflag cyberattacks, civil war....??  I'll always be suspicious....satan is always on the move.  Brace yourself.
Now we wait and see how the MSM/Harris people react.
I feel like a weight has been lifted off the country with these we have been 'unburdened by what has been'.
Thank you, Lord!  Even though I'm the 'eternal doomer' type - it still is a good feeling to see evil suffer such a devastating blow with this election.  Thank you, Lord!
I have my calendar marked for the Noah Cheshvan/November dates!  We are so close!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!