The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scroll Calendar
The Essenes were originally the Zadok Jewish Temple Priests. They taught the Scripture literally as we do today. The Pharisees who taught the “oral Torah” came to power around 175 BC. Under threat for their lives the Zadok Priests fled to Alexandria, Egypt. Around that time the Pharisees abandoned the Biblical Solar Calendar and conceded to the Lunar Calendar that was held by the nations.
When it was safe to return to the land of Israel the Zadok Priests did so and moved to Qumran at the Dead Sea. It was there that they became to be called the Essenes. They were the ones which put the “Dead Sea Scrolls” (most of these scrolls were written many hundreds of years before Christ) into the caves near them. The scrolls were found in 1947 and their writings were revealed to the world throughout the 1950’s, but it wasn’t until 1998 that many of the Dead Sea Scrolls were released to the public. That is why things like this Dead Sea Scroll Calendar are new.
The Essenes had Christian like beliefs, with a correct vision of who the Messiah would be. Their faith was called “The Way” and they called were they lived New Damascus. It is believed that they received Jesus as Messiah and became Christians. Historians wonder what happened to them because they left Qumran sometime after Christ. It was probably because of persecution or them spreading the Gospel to all nations that accounts for this.
From the Dead Sea Scrolls the Essene Solar Calendar has been constructed by Dr. Ken Johnson at You can find it there plus many teachings he has in his brilliant ministry. Some of this paper comes from Ken also Josh Peck ant the late Tom Horn.
Essenes calendar-
A year 364 days (Leap week to correct)
A Shemitah is seven years
A Jubilee is 7 Shemitahs +1 Jubilee year or 50 years
A Onah is 10 Jubilees 500 years
A Millennium is two Onahs
An Age is 2 Onahs
The last Age, the Millennial Kingdom, is half length or 1000 years
All human history is 7000 years
-The teaching that there would be 7000 years of human history is also taught by many of the early church fathers, including Irenaeus, 170 AD, in “Against Heresies,” Book 5, 28:3 and Victorinus of Pettau in his “Commentary on Revelation,” 20:1-3 in 260AD.
Ages of Man- In AM, anno mundi “the year of the world:”
0 AM- 2000 AM- Age of Chaos, Creation to the call of Abraham.
2000 AM- 4000 AM- Age of Torah, the call of Abraham to the end of the sacrificial system.
We find on the Essenes calendar that that Age ended in 75 A.D.
4000 AM- 6000 AM- Age of Grace, it covers 75 A.D. to 2075 A.D, the Church Age. It will include the 7 year Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ. This period was to be called the “Age of Grace” years before Christ in the Essenes’ writings.
6000 AM- 7000 AM- The Messiah’s Millennial Kingdom
-25 A.D. to 75 A.D was the last Jubilee of the Age of Torah. During that time the life and works of Jesus happened. His crucifixion and resurrection in 32 AD, the early Church and the 70 AD destruction of the Temple which was the end of the sacrificial system all occurred in that last Jubilee of that Age.
The question is what will happen in the last Jubilee of the Church Age which covers 2025 to 2075 AD.? Will the Tribulation and the return of Christ happen early in that Jubilee too?
That Jubilee starts in March of 2026. That would leave time for the sheep and goat judgements of Matthew 25 and the building of Ezekiel’s Millennial Temple to be included before the end of the Age of Grace, ending in 2075.
-2,000 years is an Age. 2000 years after crucifixion in 32 A.D. is 2032, minus 7 years comes to 2025. Hosea 6:2 After two days (2,000 years?) He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight.
End Signs?
-Matthew 24:33-34 Jesus said, “In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place.” “This generation shall not pass” 1948 to 2025 is 77 years. We are nearing the end of the generation (the Last Generation) that was alive for the restoration of Israel in 1948.
-For the first time in over 2,000 years there are red heifers that qualify to be sacrificed for their ashes. This is a requirement for the promised coming tribulation Temple’s sacrificial system.
-We see the nations of Ezekiel 38 war with Israel and a global rise in antisemitism in our news every day. The world is focused on the Jews and Jerusalem just like God said it would.
-Do the Demons have a general idea of when the time of their Judgement is? They said to Jesus, “Have you come here to torture us before God’s appointed time?” Occultist, Alice Bailey 1880-1949 channeling a demon, Master DK, mentioned the year 2025 15 times in the 10,000 pages of her writing. Many of the references were about a coming end time New World Order.
Asteroid Apophis
-On April 13, 2029 the asteroid Apophis will near miss or hit Earth. It’s the Friday the 13th before first fruits after Passover in 2029- Essene Calendar.
-Could April 13, 2029 be the middle of the 7 year Tribulation?
-That day plus 1260 days (3 ½ years)= September 24, 2032 Day of Atonement-Essene calendar.
That would be 2,000 years after the death and resurrection of Christ that fulfilled the Jewish Spring Feasts. Could his return two thousand years later fulfill the Fall Feasts?
Note: the 7 Feasts of the Lord given in Lev. 23 are a major study by itself.
-April 13, 2029 minus 1260 days= November 1, 2025 it’s on a Cheshvan (Heshvan) 16.
That day was the last day of peace and safety before the flood of Noah which came on Cheshvan 17. Possibly when the Antichrist’s treaty is signed, starting the 7 year time clock of Daniel 9:27?
-No date setting, but Jesus commanded all to “Watch and be Ready” for His return for His Bride.