.......................................... ................A Car traveling at high speed CRASHED and EXPLODEDat Rainbow Bridge killing two andRainbow prompting major media attention "Lo I will be with you always,Bridge JFK for possible TERROR Attack "even to The End of the Age."opened on Assassination but none found so far Matthew 28:20.11/1/1941 11/22/1963 11/22/2023 9/30/2028!....4028+4028 days...!.......60 years..........!........................58 months 8 days.........!Bible Book 40 with 28 chapters is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matthew .Matthew begins with 930 chapter of Bible.Matthew ends with chapter 957+ vs 1071 = 2028.A=1,B=2 etc > So from beginning to end Matthew reveals 9/30/2028.>Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight > 588
Rainbow Bridge latitude longitude coordinates are 43.0902 X 79.0677 = 3407^^^^^John F. Kennedy ^^^^^Assassination Date ^^^^^In the Bible these Book names ^^^11 / 22 / 1963 ^^^ ^^^^^> 1st Kings, Song Solomon , Psalms, 2nd John ^^^^^Are Book numbers > 11 , 22 , 19 , 63 ^^^^^Total verses in each Book > 816 + 117 + 2461 + 13 = = = = 3407Martin Luther King sync Robert Kennedy John F Kennedy
was Assassinated date was Assassinated Assassinationon 4/4/1968 5/5/1968 6/5/1968 60 Yr Anniversary!...............31 days.....!........31 days.......! 11/22/2023 9/30/2028!.............................20289 days...........!........58 months 8 days....!Sept is the 9th month. ^^^^^^^^^^^Timeline prophetically points us to Sept 2028. ^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight=588Movie Napolean released in USA on 11/22/2023 JFK Assassination 60 Yr Anniversary.!.................1802 days.................!! In 1802 Napolean was voted in asProphetic Sign Prophetic Sign First Consul for Life Ruler of FranceComet Pons/Brooks > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/nov2023/stevew1112-2.htm < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Exploded and sprouted worse Mass Shooting Movie Napoleanwhat the media has in USA of 2023 released in USA this datedubbed as Robert Card 60 yr ASSASSINATION anniv of"Devil Horns" murders 18=6+6+6 John F. KennedyOn 10/5/2023 10/25/2023 11/22/2023!.......................20 days................!..............28 days.......................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetically pointing us to yr 2028. 58 months 8 daysChapter 588 of Bible PSALM 110These 2 are Antichrist typology figures of History begins with verses of Bible
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler 15788,15789 these sync to
Napolean Adolf Hitler Jewish Yrs 5788, 5789 that coverdied on died on calendar year 2028.5/5/1821 4/30/1945 9/30/2028!.........45285 days.........!.................30469 days.......................................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ !45285 = 14816 + 30469 <<< This timeline sync was discovered^^^^^^^^^ <<< BEFORE we were even awareRobert Card ^^^^^^^^^ Robert Card <<< the movie Napolean waswas born on ^^^^^^^^^ died on <<< was going to be released4/4/1983 ^^^^^^^^^ 10/27/2023 <<< on 11/22/2023!....................14816 days.............!..................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^............................................................And this is the Spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
1st John 4:3! Great Tribulation Great Tribulation! sync vs in text of vs in text of vs! Jude 1:10 Revelation 2:22 Revelation 7:14!.......4X19vs to.............!.........57 vs to......!.......85 vs to..........!its 419 vs from Jude 1:10 to the end of the Bible Revelation 22:21.The prophetic date 4/19/2025 is in Jewish Year 5785. Massive evidence aligning here forStart date of the Great Tribulation.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Comet_of_1811 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1811%E2%80%931812_New_Madrid_earthquakesProphetic Signs occurred Prophetic Sign https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Paris_(14_March_1812)during the life of Napolean Most powerful Quakes to Treaty of Pariswhen the Great Comet of strike USA east of Rockies was signed on this date where1811 made its closest NEW MADRID Earthquakes Austria provided 30,000 troops toapproach to the Earth on first Struck the USA on Emperor Napolean for time of WAR10/20/1811 12/16/1811 3/14/1812!.................................57 days........!..............89 days...................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Timeline points prophetically to Jewish Year 5789 which begins Sept/2028.https://www.numberempire.com/9 In math the 9th, 30th, 20th, 28th Prime numbers https://www.numberempire.com/20..............................................................................9/30/2028....................................................................................Lo and Behold...Prophetic SignProphetic Worst Mass NapoleanSign Shooting in movieComet USA of 2023 releasedPons/Brooks Robert John F.Church of explodes sprouts Card KennedySatan sync sync sync "Devil Murders 60 yr anniversaryfounded on date date date Horns" 18=6+6+6 Assassination4/30/1966 10/30/2021 8/27/2023 9/5/2023 10/5/2023 10/25/2023 11/22/2023 9/30/2028!.666 months.!..666 days.!..9 days..!..30 days...!...20 days....!....28 days....!..58 mnths 8 days..!! ^^^^^^^^^^^ !A=1,B=2 etc > Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight > 588 !8/27/2023 ^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..............................1861 days...............................................................!^^^^^^^^ Psalm 72, 73 ^^^^^ Hebrews 6 ,7See more in our 153 revelations article ^^^^^^^^ vs sequence 20,28 >> 588 chapters 20,28^^^^^^^^ "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,"Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, ^^^^^^^^ at the Last Trumpet. For the Trumpetfull of large fish, 153 ; and although there ^^^^^^^^ will sound, and the dead will be raisedwere so many, the net was not broken." ^^^^^^^^ incorruptible, and we shall be changed."John 21:11 ^^^^^^^^ 1st Corinthians 15:52
!...................................1861 vs to............................!Jesus age is Jesus age is Only vs in Bible !given as 12 in given as 30 in with 153 in text !Luke 2:42 Luke 3:23 John 21:11 1st Corinthians 15:52!................33 vs.........!...........1861 vs to.....!........1861 vs to........................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1861 + 167 = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2028^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ESTHER has 167 verses. MASSIVE amounts of^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ESTHER is 17th Bible Book. evidence amassing here^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ as potential dateSee below ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In math 17th TRIANGLE for Second Coming ofProphetic Signs ^^^^^^^^^^^^ number is 153. Jesus Christ6/11/2020 ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^Prophetic Sign^ 9/30/2028!.........................3033 days to...............................................................................!On 6/11/2020 the DOW JONES closed down -1861 points.This was the 4th worst day in point terms ever andsince 6/11/2020 the DOW JONES has not had a worse day yet as of NOVEMBER 2023.> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_daily_changes_in_the_Dow_Jones_Industrial_Average <
> Watch video about the above Billboard being installed <> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_daily_changes_in_the_Dow_Jones_Industrial_Average <Prophetic Sign DOW JONES closed down -1861 points 6/11/2020. No Worse day since as of Nov 2023.4th worse DOW JONES day in history in point terms.DOW JONES closed Down 6.9% 6/11/2020.In the Bible Exodus 19:1 > 69th chapter first vs is 2028 vs of Bible.I Stephen Wilkins will turn age 69 in the year 2028 .how Stephen Wilkins life is synced >< This is theProphetic Sign >< with the life of Gabriel Ansley and >< Day of AtonementOn 6/1/2016 the above 2028 Billboard >< was called by the LORD with >< MASSIVE amounts ofwas installed on a Tennessee hwy close >< accompanying Prophetic Signs >< evidence amassing hereto where Gabriel Ansley lives.You can >< to begin documenting the >< for Second Coming ofview his ministry at 2028END.com >< the 2028 Revelations on >< Jesus Christ6/1/2016 6/11/2020 9/30/2028!......................1471 days.....................!..........3033 days.................................!^^^^^ 3033 = 28+20+ 957 + 2028^^^^^ Last vs of Book Matthew 28:20 is 957 chapter^^^^^ of Bible + vs of book 1071 = 2028.^^^^^ 153+153+153+153+153+153+153 = 1071 ^^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew begins with chapter 930. ^^^^^^
^^^^^ So Matthew beginning to end reveals 9/30/2028.^^^^^ ^^^^^ "Lo, I will be with you always^^^^^ ^^^^^ even to The End of the Age."1471 divided by 3033 = .4849 ^^^^^^^^^^^These are the only >>> ^^^^^ Day of Atonement ^^^^^^ Day of Atonementverses in the Bible phrase > ^^^^^ From Leviticus 23:27 its exactly 49 vs to Leviticus 25:9.Day of Atonement is seen ^^^^^ From Leviticus 23:28 its exactly 48 vs to Leviticus 25:9.^^^^^^In Strong's Hebrew Assemble is number 5789 which is Jewish Year beginning Sept 2028,JOEL 3:11 is the only place Assemble # 5789 ^^^^^^^^^ with Day of Atonement beingappears in the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ in that Jewish Year 9/30/2028."Assemble and come, all you Nations, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And gather together all around. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Cause your mighty ones to go down there, O Lord." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And JOEL 3:11 has a 1954 gematria count. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start of ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^New Testament 2nd Corinthians 8:1 ^^^^^ Revelation 11:15!....................5789 vs to...........!.......................1954 vs to.................................!Jewish Year 5789 begins in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept 2028,
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The 6th and 7th time the Trumpet sounds ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
in REV 9:13 + 11:15 = 2028 The Seventh Angel sounds theThe 6th and 7th time word Trumpet appears 7th and Last Trumpetin the Bible is in this verse plus the Last Time for Second ComingDay of Atonement appears in text is here. of Jesus Christ hereLeviticus 25:9. Revelation 11:15!......................................its exactly 27409 vs to...................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Since 1948 when ISRAEL fulfilled 27409 is also the 2996th prime number in math.Bible Prophecy becoming a nation again, ^^^^^^^^ 2996 is the official Death Count ofbecause of the way the Jewish Calendar rotates ^^^^^^^^ 9/11/2001 TWIN II TOWERS destroyed.each year, and because of Leap day years on our ^^^^^^^^^ See>https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jun2023/stevew64-1.htm <calendar, the only year where day of year 274 is in 9th month Sept ^^^^^^^^^^^^^and occurs as a Sabbath Day + Day of Atonement will be 9/30/2028See more Revelations in prior article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jun2023/stevew64-2.htm <....................................................................................................................................................................................................
"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne,even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."Revelation 3:21
COMET PONS/BROOKS has been dubbed by the media as the "Devil Comet" , since itvisually appeared to sprout "Devil Horns" beginning 10/5/2023 with an explosion on its surface.
The charts below reveal how COMET PONS/BROOKS AMAZINGLY syncs with the book of REVELATION,and other prophetic timelines for the coming Great Tribulation.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here are the only two verses ^^^^^^^ in the Book of REVELATION where ^^^^^^^^^ the actual prophetic phrase appears ^^^^^Great Tribulation Great TribulationStart Book of in text of vs in text of vsRevelation Revelation 2:22 Revelation 7:14!.................42 vs.................!................................................85 vs......................!^^^ ! COMET ^^^ !^^^ ! PONS/BROOKS ^^^ !^^^ ! Prophetic ^^^ !^^^ ! sync verse ^^^ !^^^ Revelation 2:22 Revelation 3:21 ^^^ Revelation 7:14^^^ !............28 vs........!.................57 vs.....................!Prophetic Sign ^^^ Prophetic Sign ^^^^ ^^^^^^^COMET ^^^ COMET ^^^^ 5785 Jewish Year isPONS/BROOKS ^^^ PONS/BROOKS ^^^^ the year 2025.will make its ^^^ will make its ^^^^ MASSIVE evidence is aligning here forclosest pass ^^^ closest pass ^^^^ Start Date End Dateby the SUN on ^^^ by the Earth on ^^^^ Great Tribulation Great Tribulation4/21/2024 ^^^ 6/2/2024 ^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!...............42 days.................!................321 days......!........ 1260 days................!^^^ Revelation 3:21 !...........42 months...............!42 months is length of Great Tribulation See Rev 11:3, Rev 13:5 using360 day/yr prophetic Bible calendar.........................................................................................................................................................
COMETPONS/BROOKSGreat prophetic GreatTribulation sync verse TribulationRevelation 2:22 Revelation 3:21 Revelation 7:14!............28 vs........!.................57 vs.....................!!................................................85 vs.....................!COMET ^^^ COMET ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PONS/BROOKS ^^^ PONS/BROOKS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Passes by the won't return to our ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SUN and Earth in Solar System until ^^^^^^^^^^^^^2024 + 71 yrs to 2095 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^2024 divide 71 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 28.507............................................................................................................................................................Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign
COMET COMETPONS/BROOKS PONS/BROOKSErupted sprouting makes is closest passits "Devil Horns" on by the SUN on10/5/2023 4/21/2024!...........................199 days.....................!! Prophetic Start DateStart Date of Parallel GreatJewish Year 5785 Timeline Tribulation10/2/2024 ^^^^ 4/19/2025!...........................199 days.......................!...................................................................................................................................................
"And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee,neither hearken to the voice of the First Sign,that they will believe the voice of the latter (Second) Sign."
Exodus 4:8^^^^^^^^^^^^"And the Lord said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wondersbefore Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go."
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Exodus 4:21On 8/21/2017 a Total Solar Eclipse ^^^^^^^^^^^^ passed over the continental USA first time in nearlya hundred years. So this became ^^^^^^^^^^^^ like a First Sign in these END TIMES for the USAin terms of a Total Solar Eclipse ^^^^^^^^^^^^ being an END TIME Prophetic Sign. So theTotal Solar Eclipse passing over ^^^^^^^^^^^^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_August_21,_2017the USA on 4/8/2024 becomes the ^^^^^^^^^^^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_April_8,_2024(Second) Sign synchronizing perfectly ^^^^^^with Exodus 4:8. . ^^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/Exod.4?from=Search(Exod.4.8)#8^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Exodus 4:21 is vs 1623 of the Bible.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4/21/2024 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028Exodus 4:8. ^^^^^^^^^^^ !....................1623 days............................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ COMET COMETWe also have the PONS/BROOKS PONS/BROOKSProphetic Sign of the will make its will make itsTotal Solar Eclipse closest pass closest passpassing over the USA on by the SUN on by the Earth on4/8/2024 4/21/2024 6/2/2024!...................13 days........!........42 = = = = = 7+7+7+7+7+7days...!^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In the Bible there are 13 Books >><<< 42 months>< In the Bible there are 7 Booksthat have a 4:19><20:25 >>>><<< is length of >>><<< that have a 9:30><20:28chapter/vs combo Great Tribulation chapter/vs combo4/19/2025 same as 9/30/2028!.............................1260 days.......................................................!These 2 form a CROSS in TEXAS right evidence is aligning hereSeven Salems where a 77ft7inch CROSS is in the bullseye !! as END DATE forProphetic Sign Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign Great Tribulationhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_August_21,_2017 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_April_8,_2024 ; and a potential dateTOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE SOLAR ECLIPSE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE for Second Coming of
Moved across USA on Moves across USA on Moves across USA on Jesus Christ8/21/2017 10/14/2023 4/8/2024 9/30/2028!................2245 Days.............!............177 Days...........!................1636 Days............!^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2245 minus 177 equals 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In the Bible these Book names ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> 1 Samuel, Amos, Proverbs, Hosea ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Are Book numbers > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 >>>>>>>>^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028Total verses in each Book > 810+146+915+197 = = = = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^2068 = 40 + 2028Matthew is Book 40 of the Bible.Matthew begins with 930 chapter of Bible.Matthew ends with chapter 957+ vs 1071 = 2028.So from beginning to end Matthew reveals 9/30/2028."Lo I will be with you always,even to the End of the Age".Matthew 28:20.“And there will be signs in the Sun, in the Moon ^^^^^^^^^^and in the stars; and on the Earth distress of nations, ^^^^^^^^^^with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; ^^^^^^^^^^LUKE 21:25 Matthew 28:20.!............................1636 vs to..........................!Notice it takes the ^^^^^^ DAY OF ATONEMENTSun , Moon and Earth in ^^^^^^ MASSIVE amounts ofperfect alignment to cause a ^^^^^^ evidence is aligning hereTOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ^^^^^^ for Second Coming ofMoves across USA on ^^^^^^ Jesus Christ4/8/2024 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028.!.............................1636 days...............................!
Prophetic SignCOMET PONS/BROOKS dubbed the "Devil Comet "passes by our SUN on4/21/2024Exodus 4:21 where the chapter vs combosyncs with an exact date 4/21/2024 >>>>>>>>>>> 1623 days to >>>> 9/30/2028Exodus 4:21 being verse number 1623 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Remarkably the only other vs in the entire Bible the same synchronization with 9/30/2028occurs is with HEBREWS 6:14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
syncs with an exact date 6/14/1946 >>>>>>> 30059 days to >>>>>>> 9/30/2028
HEBREWS 6:14 being vs number 30059 of the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^GOD is using Donald John Trump 45th President of USA as a Prophetic Sign ^^^^He was born on 6/14/1946 and is the current front runner to potentially becomethe 47th President of the USA on election day 11/5/2024. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^These are powerful real world Prophetic Signs we are counting down to "the End of the Age".Matthew 28:20Donald John Trump will be 108 Days and 82 Years age on 9/30/2028.^^^^^ ^^^^ 7th Angel sounds^^^^^ ^^^^ 7th Last Trumpet for^^^^^ 6th Seal ^^^^ Second Coming of^^^^^ is Opened here ^^^^ Jesus Christ hereStart Book of Revelation ^^^^^ Revelation 6:12 ^^^^ Revelation 11:15!...............108 vs......................!...................82 vs..........................!^^^^^ ^^^^108 X 82 = 8856In math the number 25200 is the sum of divisors of 8856^^^^^^^^25200 = 10 x 5x7x8x9On the Jewish Calendar the 10th day of year is theDay of Atonement. And in Jewish Year 5789 theDay of Atonement will be the date 9/30/2028.
Ominous Prophetic SignBoth these USA Presidents were AssassinatedJames WilliamGarfield and MckinleyJewish Calendar the 20th and 25th Presidents USA Matthew 24:29-31New Year Start Date End Datebegins here Great Tribulation Great Tribulation10/2/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!!............................199 days............!.........................1260 Days.............................!Garfield Died on his 199th day in office. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^James Garfield 20th President X 1260 = 25200 = 10X5X7X8X9"Then the woman fled into the In Jewish Year 5789 thewilderness ,where she has a Day of Atonement is the 10th day of the Jewish Year,place prepared by GOD, that they which in the year 2028 will be 9/30/2028.should feed her there 1260 Days". > Revelation 12:6 with 1260 Days in text ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^is verse number 200 of Revelation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^126 X 200 = 25200 = 10X5X7X8X9........................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Jesus Christ= 151A=1,B=2 etc > Lord Jesus Christ = 2009X30X20X28= 151200The divine construction of the Bible reveals the following... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Bible has 66 Books https://www.numberempire.com/66In math the sum of the divisors of 66 equals 144 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 6 Days = 144 hrsThe Bible has 1189 Chapters.+++ https://www.numberempire.com/1189In math the sum of the divisors of 1189 equals 1260 < Great Tribulation timeline=1260 Days.In math the sum of the divisors of 31102 equals 46656. ^^^^^^^^^^
In math the sum of the divisors of 48060 equals 151200
In standard gematria > NINETHIRTYTWENTYTWENTYEIGHT = 4860 ^^^^^^^^9X30X20X28 = 1512006 X 10 X5X7X8X9 X = 151200On the Jewish calendar the 10th day in 5789 Jewish year will be theDay of Atonement which is this date 9/30/2028 in this year. This ispowerful evidence GOD will complete his 6 day 6000 year MASTER PLAN from ADAM on this date.
GOD BLESSStephen Wilkinscomments welcome > wilkste@aol.comMalachi Martin>Satanic Vatican Black Mass 1/29/1963 Prophetic to 2028
HALLOWEEN 666+syncs to Lewiston Shooting 2023+Great Tribulation 2025-2028
Lewiston Maine Mass Shooting 10/25/2023+ 3 Stage Fall of Babylon to 2028
Texas Rangers win 2023 World Series+Prophetic Signs to Jesus 2nd Coming2028
Revelation 5:6+Titus 2:10+Robert Ware+Stephen Wilkins sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
ShewBread Dream+913+1115=Many Bible syncs to Jesus 2nd Coming 20282023 HAMAS ISRAEL WAR+syncs with 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy to 2028
10/2/2023>'76' Rocket Gas Station prophetic syncs with coming Great Tribulation 2025-2028
10/3/2023 'Prophetic Sign' HOUSE SPEAKER Removed syncs to 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy
"Q"INTEL"Red October"+ prophetic syncs with Jesus 2nd Coming 20289/29/2023 prophetic sync date+ Houdini+Vegas Sphere+ Rock Band U2
!!! Prophetic PIANO KEYS 70 thru 88 reveal astonishing syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Turin Italy Plane Crash+St Malachy Popes Prophecy+FRANCIS+JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
!!! Josiah Manifesto+Trump+Supreme Ct+Prophetic Signs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Ecclesiastes 3+"Texas CROSS"+Prophetic Signs sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
Assassinations+American Civil War Prophetic Signs sync with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
!!! Hawaii FIRE Lahaina Banyan Tree Prophetic Sign syncs to Great Tribulation 2025-2028 !!!
!!! 8/27/2023+666 Timelines+Miraculous LORETTO Staircase sync to Jesus 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 8/1/2023 Donald Trump Indicted reveals Prophetic syncs, along with newly discovered Joseph Biden Prophetic syncs to Great Tribulation 2025-2028 !!! > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2023/stevew86-2.htm <Miraculous Flying House of LORETO+ Tom Zimmer 1983 Prophecy about Donald Trump Syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!! > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2023/stevew86-1.htm <
Prophetic Presidents Roosevelt+Truman+Kennedy+Trump+more to JESUS 2028
6/30/1908 Tunguska Blast+1945 Trinity Test/Hiroshima Bomb+ Henry GruverProphetic Vision of coming WWIII experienced at Caernarfon Castle 1986
Hidden Revelations of JOHN 1:1 sync with 5778/5789 to JESUS 2028 !!!
Jaffe Gate 1538 Prophecy syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
John Tng 666 Obama+"Prophetic Warning Signs" Great Tribulation begins 4/19/2025 !!!
!!! Jared 6/6/1924 Profoundly Prophetic DATE+6/25/2023 to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Ephesians 6:12 Prophetic pics+ENOCH Rapture 365 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
6/18/2023 TITAN Sub Disappears reveals prophetic syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! RUBIK'S CUBE World Record 3.13 secs 6/11/2023 syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Luke 19:48+Revelation 15 reveal Many Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jun2023/stevew618-1.htm
D-DAY 1944+Clay Cantrell+Dust Dream 6/5/2011 reveals syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!
!!! 153 Hidden Manna of Genesis 1:1 Triangle reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 2028 SIGN in TN 6/1/2016 reveals Bible Prophetic syncs with Day of Atonement 2028 !!!Red Sea+Ezekiel 48+Psalms reveal 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 Great Tribulation timeline !!!!!! Earth+Moon+Venus+Mars Reveal Bible Prophetic syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 1/4/2022 Stock Mkt High 4818+RUTH+More Prophetic Signs sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Jan Fort's Husband+Revelation 16:16 reveal Amazing Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028!!! Warlock Armageddon movies reveal Bible syncs to 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy !!!
5/6/2023 KING CHARLES III Coronation Antichrist typology syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 8/20/2000 Prophetic Pamphlet in Old Bible syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Satanic Temple Hexennacht in Boston 4/28-30/2023 syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!
Johnette Napolitano+Thunder Lightning+Monica B Dream sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Easter 4/9/2023 Radius,Circumference,Diameter,Circle,Time sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
ELIJAHtheProphet+Bible syncs to coming Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 > 9/30/2028 !!!4/4/2023 Donald Trump Indictment # 71543 +Bible syncs with coming Great Tribulation !!!!!! Prophetic Signs 7,7 COWS+7 Dead Nashville TN 3/27/2023 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 1997 HALE BOPP+TITANIC+911 TWIN TOWERS sync with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 8/4/1971 in PI = 314 sequence reveals MANY Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
DEVILS TOWER Close Encounters 1977+Rev 9:13+Rev 11:15 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
!!! Prophetic Signs 2020 VT4 ASTEROID+2023 EY reveal Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 3/13/2023 "Her Plagues" REV 18:4+ Bible Prophetic syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! ALBERT PIKE+Nick Mancuso 3/6/2023 reveal prophetic syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 2017-2024 Solar Eclipses sync Great Tribulation 1260 days 2025-2028 encoded in OR+OH !!!
!!! MARY VIRGIN+COVINGTON VA sync 3 Stage Fall of Babylon to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 11/13/1974 Amityville Horror+COVINGTON VA Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! Monica B Psalm 91:3+Ohio Train Derail 2/3/2023+Prophetic Signs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! SUPERBOWL 57+TEN Patriarchs of Genesis sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Prophetic Signs Historic 2023 TURKEY Quakes+Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Madonna/Quavo 5/18/2019 Eurovision foretell COVID-19+Bible syncs with 2028 Revelations !!!
https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/feb2023/stevew212-1.htm many more articles at > https://www.jesus2ndcoming2028.com/ <