"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."Ephesians 5:11This article documents the life of Malachi Martin who exposed the Satanic Vatican Black Massthat took place on 1/29/1963. This date along with Malachi Martin's own death date 7/27/1999 reveal
uncanny prophetic syncs with end time Bible Prophecy as the charts below reveal.Satanic Church of Satan Stage 3Vatican founded by Fall of Babylon ProphecyBlack Mass Anton Szandor Lavey to be executed here1/29/1963 4/30/1966 9/30/2028!...............1187 days...........!.......................22799 days................!Chapter 1187 of A=1,B=2 etc > 227 = Babylon is Fallen is FallenBible is Revelation 20, 99=9X11^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Twin II Towers 9/11/2001 = Stage 1 Fall of Babylon Prophecy^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Destroyed"Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.He laid hold of the Dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive thenations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while."
Revelation 20:1-3
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malachi_Martin https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=231073
Malachi Martin in his book Windswept House ^^^ Also very good interview in this link about the ^^^exposed the 1/29/1963 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1/29/1963 Satanic Vatican Black MassSatanic Vatican A=1,B=2 etc > Satanic Ritual Murder = 227
Black Mass A=1,B=2 etc > Babylon is Fallen is Fallen = 227
He Died on This prophetic phrase seen in Revelation 18:2 for 3rd and last time.7/27/1999 9/30/2028!.....................10658 days.....................................................................!^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^10658 = 6886 + 1260 + 2512^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ In the Bible there areIn the Bible there are 13 Books with Timeline of 7 Books that have aa 4:19><20:25 chapter vs config. Great 9:30><20:28 config,Total verses between these points 6886 Tribulation 2512 total vs count^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for all 13 books ^^^^^^^^^^ for all 7 of these Books.4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!...........................................................1260 days..................!More in Golden Ratio X 7 article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jan2023/stevew115-1.htm <
Stage 1Malachi Fall of Babylon ProphecyMartin Twin II Towersdied on Destroyed7/27/1999 9/11/2001!..............777 days..........!^^^^^"And all the days of Lamech were 777 years: and he died."
Genesis 5:31 is vs number 137 of the Bible.^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Satanic Vatican = 137
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 13 Bible books have 4:19><20:25 chapter vs config.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7 Bible Books have 9:30><20:28 chapter vs config.In Math the 81st prime # = 419MASSIVE evidence aligning 81 + 419 = 20X25here for Start Date Great Tribulation 4/19/2025^^^^ ^^^^^^^^President BIDEN will be age 81 years 4 months 19 days on 4/8/2024 when the Prophetic Sign^^^^ of a Total Solar Eclipse passes over the USA that day.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden ^^^^ See > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/sep2023/stevew93-3.htm <Also President BIDEN born in Scranton Pennsylvania iswhere Interstate 81 connects with hwy 419 south of that also in Pennsylvania.Also fascinating Interstate 78 is the roadthat connects together Interstate 81 with highway 419 in southern Pennsylvania. The AMAZINGsync is Donald Trump will be age 78 on 4/19/2025 main political rival of JOE BIDEN.Prophetic phrase ^^^^ Prophetic phrase President JOE BIDENMark of the Beast ^^^^ Mark of the Beast and Donald Trump'sin text of verse ^^^^ in text of verse birth dates areRevelation 16:2 ^^^^ Revelation 19:20 42 + 1260 days apart!......................81 verses.................! 42months or 1260 daysZ=1,Y=2 etc > 162 = Black Mass Timeline of Great Tribulation^^^^^^^^ "It was granted to him(the Beast) to make war with1st Trumpet of ^^^^ the Saints and to overcome them. And authorityRevelation sounds here. ^^^^ was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation."
Verse # 137 Revelation 8:7 ^^^^ Revelation 13:7!.................81 verses...................!.............................................................................................................................................................................
..............................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Here is the Golden Ratio layout of the Book of PSALMS and what it prophetically reveals.GOD parting Red Sea text of verse. ^^^^^Start date of the ^^^^^ Golden Ratio vsGreat Tribulation ^^^^^ This vs has a THE END4/19/2025 ^^^^^ 2028 of the BookStart of encoded here ^^^^^ gematria count of PSALMSPSALMS PSALM 66:6 PSALM 95:6 PSALM 150:6!..........940 vs.......!..................................581 vs to.............................!.................940 vs...............!! ^^^^^ !! ^^^^^ !! ^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 222 = Six Thousand Years...GOD's! Psalm 77:8 ^^^^^ Psalm 82:5 ^^^ MASTER PLAN runs 6000 years!......222 vs......!..........137 vs........!..........222 vs....! from ADAM to 2028 !!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 2:22 has "Great Tribulation" in the text !There is a total of 13 Books of Bible with a 4:19 and 20:25 combo.And there is a total of 7 Books of Bible 9:30 and 20:28 combo.Darkest of Freemason Occult Ritual Mega Occult Ritual ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Occult Rituals "Killing of the King" Stage 1 MASSIVE evidence for^^^^ 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Satanic ASSASSINATION Fall of Babylon Prophecy Stage 3Vatican of John F. Twin II Towers Fall of Babylon ProphecyBlack Mass Kennedy Destroyed to be executed here1/29/1963 11/22/1963 9/11/2001 9/30/2028!..............297 days...........!...............13808 days.....!...........9881 days....................!297 = Black Mass < in standard gematria ^^^^^ John F. Kennedy^^^^ ! 13808 = 3927 + 9881 Space Center^^^^ The Old Testament has 39 Books. the Space ship took off on^^^^ The New Testament has 27 Books. Launch pad 39 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! APOLLO 11 landed^^^^ ! MAN on the MOON on^^^^ 11/22/1963 7/20/1969^^^^ !................................9+30+2028 days..........................! ^^^^^297 = 3 x 9x11 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<< 297 = 3x9x11297th verse Book of Revelation is Revelation 18:1 opening verse. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^All of Revelation 18 is synced to the 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy.REVELATION 18 is chapter 1185 of the Bible.911 + 274 = 1185274th Day of Yr will be 9/30/2028 in that year.666 +519 = 1185A=1,B=2 etc > 519 = September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight.3/6/2009 S&P500 Fell to 666 marking Stage 2 Fall of Babylon. See link.579 + 606 = 1185 > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/july2023/stevew723.htm <PSALM 101 chapter 579 ^^^^ ^^^^^^syncs with year 2001. 606 chapter PSALM 128 syncs with year 2028Yr of Stage 1 Fall of Babylon Year of Stage 3 Fall of BabylonPSALM 101:3 has gematria count of 2719 for the 3rd and last time in Bible.From 9/11/01 its >>>>>>>>>>>>> 27 yrs 19 days to 9/30/2028 .^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^9 x 111 + (11+175) = 1185On 9/11/01 Flt # 11 and 175 struck the TWIN II TOWERS .
Startof Bible 2nd Kings 13:9!.........................................9881 verses..........................................!Stage 1 ^^^^^^ MASSIVE evidence forFall of Babylon Prophecy Prophetic Stage 3Twin II Towers Parallel Fall of Babylon ProphecyDestroyed ^^^^^^ to be executed here9/11/2001 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..........................................9881 days.............................................!Two Pillars typology ^^^^^ !of Twin II Towers Verse 298 of Book >>>>>>>> REVELATION 18:2 whereA=1,B=2 etc > 227 = Babylon is Fallen is Fallen the Prophetic phrase
Chapter 227 of Bible Chapter 298 of Bible BabylonTwo Pillars Two Pillars is Fallen is Fallenin text of this chapter vs 29 in text of this chapter vs 15 seen 3rd and last time.Judges 16:19 1st Kings 7:35 2nd Kings 13:9!................2001 vs....................!...................911vs...................!^^^^^>> 9881 = 241 X 41. https://www.numberempire.com/241^^^^^ ^^^^ https://www.numberempire.com/41in math these are the 53rd and 13th Prime numbers.^^^^^^^^^^Start Year timeline END Year ^^^^^^^^^Great Great Great ^^^^^^^^Tribulation Tribulation Tribulation ^^^^^^^^2025 + 1260 + 2028 = 5313..........................................................................................................................................Satanic Princess DianaVatican Prince CharlesBlack Mass Royal Wedding1/29/1963 7/29/1981!................exactly 222 months..................!A=1,B=2 etc > 222 = Six Thousand YearsMassive Bible evidence reveals GOD's 6000 YEAR MASTER PLANfrom ADAM will be completed in the year 2028. Princess DianaPrincess Diana ^^^^^^^^ Prince Charleswas born ^^^^^^^^ Royal Wedding7/1/1961 ^^^^^^^^ 7/29/1981!................exactly 20 yrs 28 days.................!Prince Charles who is now King Charles III is playing the End Time prophetic role of avery influential AntiChrist typology figure for the NEW WORLD ORDER, while Princess Dianawas sacrificed in an Occult Ritual Murder on 8/31/1997. Diana foretold Charles was planning herdeath to look like a car accident 10 months prior > https://www.theguardian.com/media/2003/oct/20/2Here is King Charles III Royal Coat of ArmsICH DIEN literally means the Black Prince who serves the Red Dragon.King Charles III >>>>><<<<<<<<<< Satanhttps://777codes.com/index.php/gematria-calculator/ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^in standard gematria > ICH=20><68=DIEN
^^^^^^^^^ Simple Bible formula reveals theBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos, Proverbs, Hosea ^^^^^^^^ prophetic dateBook # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.......................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^....................REVELATION 11:15 is where theSatanic King Charles III ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Vatican was officially Coronated in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Black Mass a Royal Ceremony on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1/29/1963 5/6/2023 9/30/2028!................exactly 22012 days..................!....................1974 days...................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^22012 divided by 1974 = 11.157th Angel sounds the7th and Last Trumpet forSecond Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!!..........................................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESSStephen Wilkinscomments welcome > wilkste@aol.comRevelation 5:6+Titus 2:10+Robert Ware+Stephen Wilkins sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
ShewBread Dream+913+1115=Many Bible syncs to Jesus 2nd Coming 20282023 HAMAS ISRAEL WAR+syncs with 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy to 2028
10/2/2023>'76' Rocket Gas Station prophetic syncs with coming Great Tribulation 2025-2028
10/3/2023 'Prophetic Sign' HOUSE SPEAKER Removed syncs to 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy
"Q"INTEL"Red October"+ prophetic syncs with Jesus 2nd Coming 20289/29/2023 prophetic sync date+ Houdini+Vegas Sphere+ Rock Band U2
!!! Prophetic PIANO KEYS 70 thru 88 reveal astonishing syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Turin Italy Plane Crash+St Malachy Popes Prophecy+FRANCIS+JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
!!! Josiah Manifesto+Trump+Supreme Ct+Prophetic Signs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Ecclesiastes 3+"TEXAS CROSS"+Prophetic Signs sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
Assassinations+American Civil War Prophetic Signs sync with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
!!! Hawaii FIRE Lahaina Banyan Tree Prophetic Sign syncs to Great Tribulation 2025-2028 !!!
!!! 8/27/2023+666 Timelines+Miraculous LORETTO Staircase sync to Jesus 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 8/1/2023 Donald Trump INDICTED reveals Prophetic syncs, along with newly discovered Joseph Biden Prophetic syncs to Great Tribulation 2025-2028 !!! > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2023/stevew86-2.htm <Miraculous Flying House of LORETO+ Tom Zimmer 1983 Prophecy about Donald Trump Syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!! > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2023/stevew86-1.htm <
Prophetic Presidents Roosevelt+Truman+Kennedy+Trump+more to JESUS 2028
6/30/1908 Tunguska Blast+1945 Trinity Test/Hiroshima Bomb+ Henry GruverProphetic Vision of coming WWIII experienced at Caernarfon Castle 1986
Hidden Revelations of JOHN 1:1 sync with 5778/5789 to JESUS 2028 !!!
Jaffe Gate 1538 Prophecy syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
John Tng 666 Obama+"Prophetic Warning Signs" Great Tribulation begins 4/19/2025 !!!
!!! Jared 6/6/1924 Profoundly Prophetic DATE+6/25/2023 to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Ephesians 6:12 Prophetic pics+ENOCH Rapture 365 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
6/18/2023 TITAN Sub Disappears reveals prophetic syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! RUBIK'S CUBE World Record 3.13 secs 6/11/2023 syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Luke 19:48+Revelation 15 reveal Many Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jun2023/stevew618-1.htm
D-DAY 1944+Clay Cantrell+Dust Dream 6/5/2011 reveals syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!
!!! 153 Hidden Manna of Genesis 1:1 Triangle reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 2028 SIGN in TN 6/1/2016 reveals Bible Prophetic syncs with Day of Atonement 2028 !!!Red Sea+Ezekiel 48+Psalms reveal 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 Great Tribulation timeline !!!!!! Earth+Moon+Venus+Mars Reveal Bible Prophetic syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 1/4/2022 Stock Mkt High 4818+RUTH+More Prophetic Signs sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Jan Fort's Husband+Revelation 16:16 reveal Amazing Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028!!! Warlock Armageddon movies reveal Bible syncs to 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy !!!
5/6/2023 KING CHARLES III Coronation Antichrist typology syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 8/20/2000 Prophetic Pamphlet in Old Bible syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Satanic Temple Hexennacht in Boston 4/28-30/2023 syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!
Johnette Napolitano+Thunder Lightning+Monica B Dream sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Easter 4/9/2023 Radius,Circumference,Diameter,Circle,Time sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
ELIJAHtheProphet+Bible syncs to coming Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 > 9/30/2028 !!!4/4/2023 Donald Trump Indictment # 71543 +Bible syncs with coming Great Tribulation !!!!!! Prophetic Signs 7,7 COWS+7 Dead Nashville TN 3/27/2023 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 1997 HALE BOPP+TITANIC+911 TWIN TOWERS sync with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 8/4/1971 in PI = 314 sequence reveals MANY Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
DEVILS TOWER Close Encounters 1977+Rev 9:13+Rev 11:15 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
!!! Prophetic Signs 2020 VT4 ASTEROID+2023 EY reveal Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 3/13/2023 "Her Plagues" REV 18:4+ Bible Prophetic syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! ALBERT PIKE+Nick Mancuso 3/6/2023 reveal prophetic syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 2017-2024 Solar Eclipses sync Great Tribulation 1260 days 2025-2028 encoded in OR+OH !!!
!!! MARY VIRGIN+COVINGTON VA sync 3 Stage Fall of Babylon to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 11/13/1974 Amityville Horror+COVINGTON VA Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! Monica B Psalm 91:3+Ohio Train Derail 2/3/2023+Prophetic Signs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! SUPERBOWL 57+TEN Patriarchs of Genesis sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Prophetic Signs Historic 2023 TURKEY Quakes+Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Madonna/Quavo 5/18/2019 Eurovision foretell COVID-19+Bible syncs with 2028 Revelations !!!
https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/feb2023/stevew212-1.htm many more articles at > https://www.jesus2ndcoming2028.com/ <.........................................................................................................................................................