The vast majority of society has no clue that the future is known as evidenced by fulfilled prophecy. Jesus said there is none like me-- who can declare the end from the beginning? The narrative from people who are waking up to the reality of how evil this world is, is that they "plan" everything.
If anyone is familiar with the 33rd degree Freemason creator of The Simpsons Matt Groening, he has made exact replicas of future events in his show far before they ever happened. The Trump escalator scene, Lady Gaga suspended in mid-air performing at the super bowl, and so many others.
It's not an easy concept to grasp that the future is known. I personally think about it a lot. How does God know what I am going to do if I haven't done it yet? My brain feels like scrambled eggs when I try to understand. Einstein said all things are happening simultaneously. That aligns with Jesus saying, Abraham saw my day and rejoiced, verily before Abraham was I AM! I am is constant present tense. Again, not having clocks to look at because there is no time outside of this dimension, scrambled eggs.
Steve M