The Chinese recorded "all of the sins of humanity have been put on 1 man" that year. They recorded the extremely rare astronomical event of the world going dark for 3 hours from noon to 3:00 p.m Israel time. They mention yin and yang changing places, but they also could have only recorded those things via the Holy Spirit in my opinion. The time zones of where it was observed in China compared to Israel, which is 3 hours different, makes it plausible.
So if Jesus was crucified in 31ad, adding 2 "days" or 2k years would make his 2nd Coming in 2031. Then subtracting the 7 year trib/great trib would begin in 2024.
In 1217, Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the holy city of Jerusalem for 8 Jubilees a period of 400 years. This was fulfilled in the year 1517 when the Ottoman Turks seized control of the city of Jerusalem ending in the year 1917 exactly 400 years.
He then prophesied a 9th Jubilee of 50 years in which Jerusalem would be a “no-man’s land" fulfilled during the British Mandate of 1917 to 1967 a period 50 years where Jerusalem belonged to no nation and was called a no-man's land. The Jewish people recaptured Jerusalem in June 1967.
He then prophesied a last 10th Jubilee of 50 years from 1967 to 2017 where Jerusalem would be under the control of the Jews and at the end of this Jubilee the Messianic “end times” would begin.
Twice the Bible mentions 14 year (2 7 year) periods which in my opinion is representative of the 2 dispensations, a 7 year period of normalcy, followed by a 7 year extreme famine from Joseph. The other is Jacob working 7 years to marry his true love Rachel who is representative of the Jews, yet Laban tells Jacob he has to marry Leah the eldest first and if he wants Rachel, he has to work 7 more years which he gladly does.
My timeline takes shape when you consider the jubilees prophecy that ran through 2017--for 7 years to 2024, and then the 7-year time of Jacob's trouble AKA Daniels 70th week from 2024 to 2031.
Another huge sign in my opinion is the eclipse of 2017 followed by the upcoming April eclipse of 2024 that marks the United States with an X. Here's the eclipse info:
Again, in my opinion it's likely there's a short period of time between the rapture and the final seven years. If it happened in the spring around the eclipse timing, I think the world would instantly be chaotic but would settle back down by the Fall when the seven year covenant is confirmed and the Antichrist is revealed. It could also make sense that the fall feasts of trumpets, Yom Kippur and Tabernacles will be fulfilled in 2031 ad.
All of the puzzle pieces seem to "fit" imo, but we shall see
One more quick note about the Man in Black whistleblower who worked for the CIA--he confirmed that in 2024 the last card to be played will be the alien invasion.
I received a ticket for an expired plate 2 days ago (even though I paid the $450 registration in August) and again today, a police officer swooped in to confront me right as I was writing this post--felt strange but who knows.
Steve M