Steve Coerper (19
Nov 2023)
"Re: Don't Conflate!"
Dear John and Doves -
Many of us here in the U.S. have the strong sense that our
government has been stolen from us. Those who have
looked have seen huge evidence of managed candidates, vote
fraud, deception and lies. The point is: the
government is not US and it does not represent our interests
or even care about our desires. What the U.S.
Government does DOES NOT REPRESENT the American
people. We do not authorize or support MANY of the
government's activities.
I bring this up as something that we all can relate
to: Governments OFTEN do not do what's in the best
interests of the people they purport to represent, and the
same thing is happening in the middle east today. Our
corrupt mainstream media is trying to paint a picture that
Gaza is a terrorist organization, that Israel is the "good
guy" and so forth. We've all heard the
narrative. The FACT seems to be that the people of the
State of Israel - despite their racial heritage - are
"represented" by a militant Zionist government that does NOT
represent their interests. On the other side is Hamas
- a government allegedly created and put in place by the
Zionist government of Israel in order to foment
violence. Hamas is another "government" that DOES NOT
represent the Palestinian people held in Gaza.
So we should not conflate the people in Gaza with
their government. Yes, there are most
certainly violent miscreants who are members of Hamas and
who have done horrific things. But that should not
taint the people of Palestine who, like us, are unwilling
spectators, having no power to change anything.
Similarly, we should not conflate the people in Israel with
their government.
It's an old, old game. Don't be deceived either by the
Zionist government, nor by Hamas, nor by our own complicit
mainstream media.
This whole thing is truly too sad for words. Pray for
the peace of Jerusalem. May Jesus Christ come