John. . . Found this to be the piece to confirm Joan Rivers statement "WE ALREADY HAVE A HOMOSEXUAL IN THE WHITE HOUSE."
Scripture tells us that all will be revealed in the end times. The homosexual stuff is repeated in the letters. In fact - great emphasis is put upon this 'revelation'. WE ALL WERE TOLD YEARS AGO BY LARRY SINCLAIR, THROUGH HIS DEPOSITION, ABOUT HE AND OBAMA'S RELATION, PLUS!
Interesting that Obama makes this statement in his letter:- "My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so until I can think in terms of people, not women as opposed to men." Hmmm. This echoes EXACTLY what the trans crowd are trying to force on people right now. THIS is the cookie jar it sprang from!
I believe these letters have been deliberately released to the public. There is an agenda being played out. When Obama slithers back into power, it will be as he truly is. No pretentions of rock solid heterosexuality as a husband and father. He will be his 'true' androgynous self. Otherwise - I cannot see any other reason for these letters to be released to the public. Nothing is by accident.
an·drog·y·nousadjective"a stunningly androgynous dancer"
DATEDhaving the physical characteristics of both sexes.