Jean Stepnoski (26 Nov 2023)
"Approaching Hanukkah: Haggai 1: 4-7 and Luke 21: 34"

Here is a translation of Haggai 1: 4-7. "Know therefore, thus says the Lord od hosts, "Consider your ways!" You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have your fill.: you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes. Thus says the Lord of hosts, "Think carefully about your ways.!" Bible Gateway lists 161 translations of Luke 21:34. Here is the translation from The Voice. " So be careful.  Guard your hearts. They can be made heavy with moral laxity, with drunkenness, with the hassles of daily life. Then the day I've been telling you about might catch you unaware and trap you."  These 2 passages from the Word provide similar divine warnings. Excessive eating and drinking are similar themes. Remember the themes of eating and drinking during the Days of Noah. Also. This reminds us of excesses during the annual Roman Saturnalia of old from 12-17 to 23. Please note. The passage in Haggai strongly hints about a chilly time of the year for Israel. Like the days during Kislev?

The Messiah has promised to come for His family "at a time you think not." We are advised to prepare and watch for His return. Who NOTICES Kislev 24 and any texts from Haggai? Probably very few. Haggai mentions Kislev 24 TWICE. Depending on the calendar used, Chabad or Torah, Kislev 24 will begin the evening of 12-6 or 12-7 this year. It will be within the Season of Autumn, when those in Israel will need to dress warmly. Cold "but no one is warm." 

The Messiah of Israel is The Hanukkah Centerpiece. The Focus. He is the Hero, far greater than Judah Maccabee (Judas Maccabeus). He is the Living Temple of Elohim. And. He is the greatest spiritual light. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Hanukkah is so very much about the Messiah. May we, with blessedness and gratitude, eagerly await the Season of Hanukkah this year. Gift yourselves with rereading John Chapter 10. There are so many profound treasures therein. HTHE MESSIAH IS ALL THE BEAUTY OF HANUKKAH PERSONIFIED! Approaching Hanukkah 2023, may we daily reflect upon the Prince of Peace! The Redeemed look forward to "The Joy of His Appearing."

With Love and Shalom,