Gino (26 Nov 2023)
"RE: John Tng: 11.19.23: pts 2 & 3"

I really enjoyed reading the following that you wrote:

Count the number of the beast

I have been counting the number of the beast since 2008 (see link). Doves on this site can attest to my stubborn belief concerning Obama.

and also:

Indeed, the word COUNT that appears in ch 251 splits the 260 NT chapters such that its gematria is shown in the split: 251 + 9 (=260; gematria of COUNT=2519).

I've often considered that the word, "count", indicates something that anyone could be able to do (with the wisdom given from the Spirit, of course).
They won't require a supercomputer to solve vast matrices of extremely complex differential equations.
Since that would seem in opposition to the following:

Luke 10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

To me, the supercomputer solving the number of the beast, goes along with the wise and prudent.
Whereas, count the number of the beast, seems to go along with babes.
You demonstrate how everyday numbers can be used like this, rather than Fourier Transforms.
It is very profound, and thank you for that, John.

btw - your birthday that you mentioned, if it is not too personal, how many number of years have you reached?

Also, the "70" 's   and the "threescore and ten" 's  was very interesting, too.
Thanks for your kind words, Gino!
I am now 63. :)