Gerry Almond (26 Nov 2023)

November 25, 2024


What if December 7 began a 21 days count? It would end December 28, a Thursday per Charles. That could begin the 3 days of darkness during which our rapture might occur. Beginning January 1, 2024, counting 120 days of harvest time for our left behind sister Church, it would arrive at April 29, 2024, the possible end of the first half of Daniel's prophecy for Israel (and for us by our being in this world with Israel).

Alternatively, what if December 21, the solstice began a 7 days alert for us, the watchers. That would lead to December 28 as well.

I suspect that the ten days of darkness, spoken of several times by watchers, may occur between December 21/22, the winter solstice and December 31/January 1, 2024. The rapture, in that case, may begin on the first with the youth taken, next the dead in Christ, and then us on the 4th of January, 2024.

Maybe? If so, then the harvest of souls could begin January 4 and ends May 4. The man of sin may come April 30, just 4 days before the end of the harvest.

To explain, the title of this post, remember if you will that just after the flood of Noah's day, there arose Nimrod, who was a mighty hunter but who was also an evil man. His wife Semiramis was even worse. Their son, Tammuz was killed by a wild boar on December 21, the winter solstice that year. She claimed that he rose from the dead after 3 days, that resurrection being on December 25. He was worshiped by the whole world because of the people's belief this. His signs to greatness and to be worshiped was the egg, and the fir tree, accoutrements of Easter and Christmas as we celebrate them today. Jesus Christ was born on December 25 as proven by the Scripture in Matthew 1:21. The numbers (gematria) of His name “Jesus Savior” give is the days of His earthly life, and the universal Jewish calendar gives us the date of Passover in the year 33 as April 3. Multiply the numbers of His name that is, 888 times the number of His second name, Savior which is 14 and you have 12,432 days from conception to death. Then count back from April 3, 33 the 12,432 to March 20, 00, the Spring equinox, which was the day Gabriel announcee to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. Go forward 280 days for the gestation period to birth, and you will arrive on December 25, 00. That is also the day of resurrection (according to his mother, Semiramis) of Tammuz. This unholy family was responsible for the tower of Babel (confusion). This holy family brought salvation (redemption) to us believers.

I can clearly see that there is a copying here of what once, many, many years ago was, being there again when Christ was born.

The winter solstice this year occurs on December 21 at 9:27 P. M. Perfect for a repeat of the days of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. If that leads to our seven days alert as was given Noah, then December 28 as 9:27 P. M CST may begin something really big.

December 28, 2023 is on a Thursday, as well. It could begin the harvest of souls which, in that case would end April 25, just 4 days before Satan may arrive on the planet.

Whatever the case, however it works, Jesus is in control. His will, not ours be done. Join me in prayer and thanksgiving.


Gerry Almond