Fay (26 Nov 2023)
"So, This is Happening!"


Hi John and Doves,

Steve Coerper has stated that he "remains convinced that the 'real Jews' are hiding amongst the Palestinians in Gaza". There was even more tripe out of Coerper in last week's letters. Yet he "remains convinced" that he is anything but anti-Semitic. It's this type of garbled, warped stuff that excuses the attacks by Hamas upon the people of Israel. I am sick and tired of ignoring his rubbish - hoping that he will stop posting his warped views against the Jewish people. I have prayed long and hard about this and it's not good enough to try and simply ignore him. We should all be angry about this blatant disregard for scripture. The sheer ignorance is off the charts.

Please God, other Doves will join me in condemning this revolting attack upon the Jewish people. I don't deny that I have deep reservations about the choices the Israeli politicians have made. But that is NO excuse to spread lies about the people of Israel being 'fake Jews'. Almighty God did not bring about the establishment of modern day Israel, as prophesied, to then fill His Holy Land with fake Jews. What Steve Coerper posts to the Doves is totally unacceptable.

Please come soon, LORD Jesus.