Fay (26 Nov 2023)
"John Tng"

Hi John and Doves,

John - your post last week - supernatural information indeed! Uncanny. There's no earthly explanation for it.

Daniel's 70th Week (Part 3) (fivedoves.com)

Your chapter verse number 2911 reminded me that it's coming up for the 76th anniversary of the UN Palestine Partition vote on November 29th this week. This is when the ingathering of modern day Israel was announced. A momentous day.

What really happened at the 1947 UN Palestine partition vote - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

I am so grateful and happy that you are feeling stronger. Thank Almighty God.

Blessings to all.
Thanks, Fay! You are always very appreciative and supportive.
Also, your remark on 2911 being the announcement date of the ingathering of modern day Israel is interesting.

You will enjoy my latest post today!
