Fay (26 Nov 2023)
"Questions about Qatar"


Hi John and Doves,

A very important article in the link. How does Qatar get away with this stuff? It all boils down to MONEY! Money talks and the old adage of "follow the money" rings truer every day. Our western politicians are led by the nose rings by the promise of money. They are weak and greedy. Is Qatar an honest broker in the cease fire talks between Israel and Hamas? Not on your Nelly !! If I know this, the media knows this, then, surely, the world politicians know this too.

Qatar Can’t Be Allowed to Get Away With Murder After Oct. 7 - Algemeiner.com

Money talks. For example, a major news media source in the UK, The Telegraph, is up for sale as they owe a substantial amount of money to major bankers. The United Arab Emirates is a major player for the purchase of the Telegraph. The information in the link is eye opening. A Muslim/ Israel hating/ anti Christian country in control of a major western media outlet? What could go wrong? Not to mention that Europe is now flooded with Israel/Christian hating Muslims. The readership is guaranteed! What part of this Islamic takeover of Judeo/Christian cultures, are the greedy, corrupt and evil politicians not getting?

UK signals probe of UAE-backed takeover of Telegraph - Business & Finance - Business Recorder (brecorder.com)

Surely the Israeli politicians are aware of this too? Western media has been overtaken by Arab money. I refuse to believe that the Israeli politicians are not aware of this. Netanyahu has obviously been severely compromised. Yet, Bibi is loathed by most western politicians. I assume this is because he 'sort of' plays the game, but not fully. Is this Almighty God's doing? Because it's almost a given that Bibi Netanyahu will be the one that hands over the keys of Jerusalem to Messiah Jesus. I understand the enormous pressure Netanyahu is under - from both external and internal sources. What I don't understand is that Netanyahu has no excuse in God's eyes. Bibi knows the Torah. He is fully aware of the prophecies. He is fully cognisant of the requirements of Almighty God. But he's not obeying these truths. Yet, Almighty God has placed Bibi on the throne of Israel in these, unmistakeably, end times. Almighty God has allowed the Biden/Obama cabal to lead the American military. Almighty God has allowed the idiots in the European Union and UK to rule. Almighty God has allowed the criminally insane mobs to roam the streets of previously 'civilised' nations. All the insanity we are experiencing is allowed, and controlled, by Almighty God.

This is exactly why we are told, "Let not your hearts be troubled". This is all prophecy that is a harbinger of the end times. It HAS TO HAPPEN. We must pray for courage, patience and wisdom. We have been forewarned by scripture. The surprise is that we are shocked by all that's happening - myself included. Everything is as it should be. It's only a matter of time now.

Please come, LORD Jesus.