Douglas Henney (19 Nov 2023)
"Watching for upcoming Hanukkah"


I was listening to a clip from an old Prophecy Watchers video posted by Steve Fletcher here:

I was struck by their focus on the development of a human in the womb and thought of Isaiah 66:7 and how it might apply to us.

A detail that struck me in the video is that the eighth day of Hanukkah would correspond to a day of circumcision, a cutting away of flesh and a naming.  It was also on an 8th day (the day after the 7 days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread) that Jesus expressed in John 8 that the one without sin should cast the first stone.  Might the 8th day of Hanukkah this year be both a time of us getting new bodies and also being snatched out of harm's way as Jesus throws a meteor to judge the system of the evil one and his minions? 

I also believe that Haggai 2 might be very significant for us this year because of verse 1,  "On the twenty-first day of the second month the word of the LORD came by way of Haggai the prophet . . . "   In prior years I did not understand why God would focus on that date.  I am wondering now if God emphasized it this year by what took place in Israel.  October 7th is the 21st day of the 7th month if I reference the sighted moon.  So then, if this is valid, then the following may have meaning this year:

The chapter goes on to point to a fulfillment on the day before Hanukkah on the 24th day of the ninth month of a great shaking of the nations and also of the heavens and the earth.

Keep in mind that if God is going to reference the Jewish calendar per the sighted new moon, then Hanukkah could start as late as the evening of the 9th of December, a two day difference compared to Hebcal.

Unrelated, there is concern of some ugly, violent events maybe taking place within the US sometime during the Thanksgiving Day holiday weekend.   I would encourage folks to consider not shopping during black Friday.

For what it is worth.

God bless you