I don't know all the answers to the questions in your 11/19 postRE: Donna Danna: I was going to ask you something, but then saw your link (fivedoves.com) However, as far as I know both the Seraphims in Isaiah 6:1-4 are angels with six wings, and the living creatures in Ezekiel 10:20-22 are Cherubims with 4 wings and four faces and are also angels. Also Ezekiel 10:8 says, "The cherubim appeared to have the form of a man's hand under their wings." Also Lucifer (Satan) was an anointed cherub that covereth according to Ezekiel 28:14. And according to the book of Enoch chapter 20, Gabriel is one of the holy angels who is over Paradise, the serpents & the cherubim.According to Genesis 19:1 two angels came to Lot in Sodom but the wicked men there thought they were men and wanted to know them (have sex with them.) in Genesis 19:5. So I have always thought since angels have wings, that they must have shapeshifted to appear to look like men just like the fallen angels that went into the daughters of men and had children with them.
If the women with the wings of a stork in the book of Zechariah are angels, then wouldn't the male angels have wings as well. I don't know whether there are female angels or not, but is it possible that an angel that can shapeshift to appear as a man could also shapeshift to appear as a woman?
We also know that a demon spirit can shapeshift to look like a familiar spirit of someone we know which is why they are called familiar spirits. I remember listening to the George Noory program on Coast to Coast a long time ago, and this one man said he saw what looked like a man shapeshift to look like his twin and he didn't have a twin brother. So if a demon spirit which is really the spirit of a dead Nephilim (a giant whose father is a fallen angel) has the ability to shapeshift, then I would assume angels both good and fallen have the same ability to shapeshift.