David E (26 Nov 2023)
"Tik Tok"


Hello Doves

Incredible!  Revelation 13:18 is the only NT verse mentioning 666. 13*18 = 234, and 234+234 backwards = 666.  It contains 31 words, which sum to 1924, while Revelation sums to 149.
Obama was born on day 216, 6*6*6, and 149 days remain. 14 9 is day 257, the 55th prime.  Satan = 55 when Judas Iscariot - 149.
The 1318th prime = 10,847 10+847 = 857, 8:57 pm is 2057 hours.
10-847 = 738 backward or 6+66+666
Barack Hussein Obama =163 when Satan = 55
The 163rd prime before 2057 = 857!
The 2057th prime is 17,939
17+939 = 956
163+793 = 956!
Barack Hussein Obama = 793 when Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) = 1458.   Counting 793 to 1458 or Barry to Barack = 666.
1458 pm is 2:58 pm, and 258 is 6 to the 1st + 6 to the 2nd + 6 to the 3rd.
Day 234 is 22 8
United States of America = 228 when Barack Hussein Obama = 163
Born day 216, 216+6+6+6 = day 234, 22 8  or 6*6*6+6+6+6 =234
956 or 163+793
9:56 pm is 2156 hours
The 163rd prime before 2156 is 967!!!
967 is the 163rd prime, WOW
967-796 = 171 and Barry Soetoro = 171 when Barack Hussein Obama = 163.
796?   796 = 967 when we reverse and flip what we can.
Counting 967 to 793 = 175
Revelation 13:18 is 175 verses from the end of the story.

All the Best Doves

David E