David E (19 Nov 2023)
"Doves and Friends"

Trust the science
The equinox, to make a complete revolution through all the zodiac constellations and return to its original position, is approximately 25,920 years.
25,920 * 2160 (the Moon's diameter) = 12
Trust the science
The equinox, to make a complete revolution through all the zodiac constellations and return to its original position, is approximately 25,920 years.
25,920 * 2160 (the Moon's diameter) = 12
2160 backward = 612
12 backward = 21
The 12th and 21st primes are 37 and 73
37*73 = 2701, the 73rd triangle with an image of 216
2,701 + 2,701 backward = 3773
And when Hell = 37 Paradise = 73
And at the same time, God = 26, Jesus = 74
7 4 is day 185 or 37+37+37+37+37
2 6 is day 37
Counting day 37 to day 185 = 149
Judas Iscariot = 149, Judas = 55, and Satan = 55
14 9 is day 257, the 55th prime
6 12 is day 163
Barack Hussein Obama = 163
163+163 backward = 157 + 367 the 37th and 73rd primes
Obama was born on day 216 (6*6*6), and 149 days remain in the year.
216 + 38 = day 254, and day 254 is 911
911 warning
163 is the 38th prime
Thirty-eight = 149
Death = 38
216+216 backward = 828
Counting 828 to 666 = 163
8:28 pm is 2028 hours
216+216 = 234 backward
234 = 13*18
Revelation 13:18 is the only NT verse mentioning 666, and the verse sums 1924 when Revelation = 149.
Obama was born precisely at 1924 hours.
1924 + Hell = 1961, the year he was born.
1961 + Beast (47) = 2008 election.
Like a top or a coin being spun, the orientation of the Earth slowly moves around, creating an approximate 47-degree circular movement concerning the vertical.
A story is being told.
There are 31,102 Bible verses.
31,102 is the prime range 3350
3350+3350 backward = 3883
The 38th prime = 163
The answer to the riddle is that the problem is solved.
And when riddle = 37+73
When Revelation = 149, and the verse, 13:18, sums to 1924.
DNA = 19
Adam = 19
19+19 = 38
19*19 = 163 backward, the 38th prime
Barack Hussein Obama = 163
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.