Chance (26 Nov 2023)
"Fay: Glenn Beck "War Games" And "Match Made in Hell:  The Chilling Reason Russia & Iran Are Driving the West to War"

Hello Fay and Doves,
Lots of excellent thoughts shared in your letter, Fay!   Thank you!
I watched the Glenn Beck video a couple of times - and it peaked my curiosity so much that I had to find the 'follow up' video to this.  Which is very, very informative about Russia and Iranian eschatology.
The Antichrist will deceive everyone and use whomever to get what he wants - all to his advantage.  People thinking they are 'safe' on his side have really all been duped.  We were warned by Peter to "Be on your guard and stay awake.  Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."  1 Peter 5:8
In the Glenn Beck video you linked, Glenn talks about Iran's choice in using their 'new' Biden money for 'humanitarian' purposes or terrorist purposes.  Of course, Glenn says the choice is obvious -  'Iran's god says to wipe out Israel, bring the Mahdi back and we'll start 'the end of the world' war because god is telling us that.'  That's Iran's mindset.  It all centers around the Mahdi.
Fay -   At about 10 minutes in on the Glenn Beck video you linked, Glenn says "Wait until you see what we will show you tonight about Russia and Iran and what they are actually doing and saying to one another and the language they are sharing with one another.  It is spooky.  It is serious. They are serious.'
run time: 48:06
This video is fairly long so I took some notes.
Here are my notes:
Iran's believes its mission from Allah is to destroy the West.  It's not just Islamic jihadists.
Russia is now using religious doctrine to justify it's anti-American mission as well.
War to them is an opportunity and a goal - a belief that this is what they were chosen to do.
This is an axis of evil that believes it has God on its side.
The Blaze/Glenn debated showing what they have found out in their investigations concerning the two wars going on now, but decided to go forward with their presentation of this information in this video.
What justifies a war?  Everyone has their own red line on justifications.
How do our enemies justify these wars?  We have two major wars going on now:  In Eastern Europe and the Middle East.  
The dogma is hurtling everyone towards world war.  We need to understand what they are saying to their people to justify the war.
The Globalist Progressive West doesn't care about the Palestinian people or the Ukrainian people.  People are "tools".
Biden released $10 billion to Iran - the slaughter of millions is justified as long as the progressive agenda is accomplished.
Anti-Semitic flyers were found on the University of Illinois Chicago campus in 2017.  The flyer said:  "Ending White privilege starts with with ending Jewish privilege".  More flyers were released later with #StandWithPalestine and #BlackLivesMatter (and #WeAreAllMuslims) 
These two wars have the chance of becoming much much bigger and spreading, because of the West's progressive dogma.  But the other side has a dogma driving them that is much more dangerous than the West's.
The Blaze found the connection between Russia and Iran and it's not just about destroying America - but how and why.
We are going to be blindsided - don't listen to our government or our media. 
What is really fueling these wars in Eastern Europe and the Middle East?
Our government spends so much time focused on the 'evil' Christians in this country, but ignores the apocalyptic beliefs of our enemies.
When the Bible or Koran are invoked by major aggressive countries and when war is justified by scripture this should be worrying.  And major leaders of the world are ignoring this.
Russia and Iran are not really an Axis of Evil - they are a match made in Hell.  And they are both using words like Apocalypse, Messiah, and Anti-Christ as they charge into battle.  Both Christian and Muslim.
Aleksander Dugin is Putin's 'brain' or Putin's 'philosopher' - his ideology is crazy.  He organizes opposition movements in countries all over the world.  His plan is to spread chaos and to set the world on fire, while Russia ascends.
Dugin's symbol is an occult representation of chaos.  The U.S. Department of State put out a report on Dugin's goals in "Pillars of Russia's Disinformation and Propaganda Ecosystem, August 2020.  In it they highlight Dugin's plan for Russia:  Russia will divide Georgia; annex Ukraine, Finland, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece and "gives away" Azerbaijan to Iran. This is what the Neocons are referring to when they say Russia has to be stopped. 
Further in this report are pictures of Dugin and his followers holding weapons - and some of his followers are wearing shirts with the occultic chaos sign on them.  But the report doesn't explain this symbol.  The U.S. refuses to connect geo-politics to dogma for Russia.  And they do the same for Iran.  Also in a book written by Dugin, he writes about a new "Moscow-Tehran axis".  Why would these two, Russia and Iran, decide to 'be friends'?. 
Ukrainian spies found Dugin's ideologies so dangerous they tried to assassinate him inside of Russia.  They missed and killed his daughter instead.
Darya Dugina death: US believes elements within Ukraine's government authorized assassination near Moscow, sources say | CNN Politics
The Washington Post reported that the CIA trained these Ukrainian operatives.  Dugin is not a military officer.  It is Dugin's ideology and dogma they are trying to assassinate.
This ideology in Russia is what links Russia so closely to Iran.
This ideology is seriously biblical - Revelation kind of stuff. Dugin and his allies like to talk about "katechon". -  A Russian think tank with the same name was established when Russia annexed Crimea.
Then Glenn read 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7.  
"And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.  For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work: but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way."
This is talking about someone's destiny to hold back the Antichrist during the End Times; the original Greek, the one who holds it back is the "katechon" (("he who now restrains"
Greek Concordance: κατέχων (katechōn) -- 1 Occurrence
(Katekhon in Ancient Greek is "the one who withholds."  "Someone or something whose removal is necessary before the Antichrist can be fully manifested.")
katechon - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
 Dugin said that that Putin is "our katechon and "According to Dugin, the Antichrist is found today in the United States."
This Russian think tank has 'entire sermons' on katechon and the Antichrist.  And also indepth sermons on the meaning of Gog and Magog and 'landscape of the apocalypse'.  Dugin wrote a piece titled "Victory or Nothing" in Ukraine for the katechon.  He said absolute victory or absolute defeat were the only two options.  He even mentions the Great Reset was one of the major catalysts for deciding now was the time to begin the war in Ukraine.
And if you are a Russian soldier marching off to slay the Antichrist - this is a big motivator.  
Beck shows a Middle East interview done in February with Dugin.  In this video Dugin said, that if Russia begins to loose in Ukraine, Russia will use nuclear weapons.  And he said "In my opinion, the West is the source of absolute evil.  It uses artificial intelligence to destroy the family, sex and the nature of human beings.  I believe that the Muslims understand me well because I believe that the West is the Antichrist."  
Dugin is an anarchist.  He is not a Christian.  
Beck believes Dugin, Russia, Putin are not 'believers' but thy use true believers to do their bidding.  Like the globalist progressive West.
The 12th Imam:
This is not the case of Iran.  They are true believers - at least those at the top.  Apocalypse is not their propaganda, apocalypse is their strategy.
When Obama was trying to get the nuclear deal done with Iran - he hired Ben Rhodes to sell Iran as a moderate Muslim nation that could be a trusted partner - the MSM bought into this - ever since then anything going on with Iran is presented as a geo-political issue instead of a religious issue.  This is a lie that is directly responsible for the recent deaths in Israel.
Ahmadinejad, president of Iran (2005 - 2013) talked incessantly about the 'Promised One' - how they must hasten his return.  He talked about the 12th Imam (the Mahdi) at the start and end of every speech.  This was ignored by the West.  The rulers of Iran are Twelvers Shiites.  They believe the 12th Imam has returned but is hidden and will reveal himself at a time of great injustice and suffering, chaos will rack the land, but he will come back to purify the world and pave the way for the return of "Jesus".  Not the Christian Jesus. Their Jesus comes back and says Allah is god and Mohammad is the prophet.'
So if you substitute the 12th Imam for the katechon you've got a Russian-Iranian apocalyptic sandwich.  
Since Obama and Rhodes, no one talked about Iran's obsession with the apocalypse and the return of their messianic war hero.  It is now completely ignored.
But, before the Obama purging of this from the government, the Pentagon in 2007 actually acknowledged it - the U.S. War College wrote about Iran who believes in the pending return of the 12th Imam.  "While all believe that serious misfortune will befall the earth prior to the Mahdi's return, some believe that his return can be expedited by initiating death and destruction upon the world.  In other words, they believe they can act through violence in order to set the stage for the return of the 12th Imam.  If the belief of the ultra-conservative Guardian Council and the Iranian president is the latter, then negotiations seeking compromise will not succeed and the U.S. threats of mutual assured destruction will fail as a deterrent."  This is the entire purpose of the Iranian regime.  And the U.S. experts totally ignore this.
The 12th Imam is actually written into the Iranian constitution.  This was covered by Harvard.  The country of Iran is "a placeholder state awaiting the emergence of the Imam to whom it will relinquish authority."  Iran was 'built' to hasten the Imam's arrival.  And "during the absence of the Imam - the Supreme Leader is granted extensive formal powers "under deputyship to the Hidden Imam."  Deputies are ordered to wage war to bring back the Mahdi - none of this is hidden from the public.  The Ayatollah said, "The superiority of Islam over other religions is stressed in Quran, which calls on believers to wage war against unbelievers and prepare the way for the advent of the Mahdi and conquering the world."
Obama deceived the American people about Iran.  And last week, Iran said again the destruction of America is not just a slogan is it their policy.  The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard two weeks ago said in a speech, "The revelation of God's light upon the earth is tantamount to the disappearance of the oppressors' ruling darkness and tyranny.  Therefore, Jihad was, and still is an inevitable part of the history of Islam.  Until the Hidden Imam appears and fills the world with justice, war against the arrogant oppressors will be an inevitable part of the Muslims' life."

Joe Biden gave Iran another $10 billion.  Iran will wage war and wait for the return of their apocalyptic savior.  Remember this $10 billion, the next time Iran chants death to America and the next time Hezbollah and Hamas attack Israel.  This is funding for the End Times.
The Western experts refuse to look at the religious aspects or the way religion is being used by Russia and Iran - and the people directing our foreign policy are totally oblivious to all of this.
Beck had Joel Rosenberg on - Joel lives in Israel; he has worked for Netanyahu, met with the King of Jordan, the president of Egypt, the Crown Princes of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and CEO of Near East Media and  Editor in Chief of All Israel News and All Arab News.
Joel said that so much of world opinion is turning against Israel and the Jewish people - and they are the ones facing genocide.  This is a game that Iran and Russia are playing and Hamas is just a pawn and Biden just does not get it.
Russia is taking the position that they are the defenders of the faith. Dugin has visited Iran many times recently.  This is how Putin and Dugin see Russian orthodox eschatology:  Dugin wrote "The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on their own. We will wait for the end in vain. The end will never come if we wait for it.  And it will never come if we do not.  Russia under Putin needs to 'go after the End of Days and pursue it.' Dugin wrote, "The meaning of Russia is that through the Russian people will be realized the last thought of God, the thought of the end of the world.  Death is the way to immortality."  In other words, Putin needs to pursue the End Times.
How did Iran and Russia come together?  Putin aligns with anyone who wants the end of America.  Putin needs allies.  The Iranians have a real eschatology that drives them.  Biden doesn't understand this.
Iran and Putin need each other.  Putin is turning to Iran for weapons in his war against Ukraine. Joel interviewed an Israeli security council minister last week who said that the Russian-Iranian alliance has intensified since the Ukraine war started and Russia has very few allies - one is China.  China doesn't want to give Putin too much help because China wants to lead the world.  This security council minister also said this isn't coming for free - Iran is in the stronger position.  Will Russia help Iran against Israel?
The Russian-Iranian alliance in Ezekiel describes how Gog (of Russia) doesn't really want to go to war against Israel, but God puts hooks into his jowl to pull them into battle with Israel.
There was a huge pro-Israel rally in DC, yet Biden gave $10 billion to Iran.  Biden is determined to buy off the Iranian regime (this is what Obama did).  Biden didn't show up to this pro-Israel rally and the same day gives $10 billion to Iran.  Iran senses Biden's insecurity.  Biden is seen as weak.  Iran is driving this thing right now and they could drag Putin in.  And Dugin has been encouraging Putin to build this alliance with Iran. 
(end notes)
There was a whole lot in this video to unpack. 
Many on Doves are studying biblical eschatology and are watching for the return of Jesus.  There is a strong group of Believers in the U.S. that are waiting for The Messiah.  We all have fairly similar beliefs of the End Times.  And Russian Believers also have their beliefs in biblical eschatology.  They see Russia as central in playing a good guy role.  Seems they see us as the Antichrist.  Well, America really has a lot of sins that are a stink to the nostrils of God.  And at some point, America will be turned over for judgment.
Putin has to know about the Rapture.  Even if he's not a Christian - when it happens and millions of people disappear - he will know what has happened. I don't know about the Ayatollah of Iran.  I remember years ago reading about the Russian Department of Defense - they used astrologers to tell them when it was a good time for this military operation or that military operation.  (Like our NASA used occultic numbers and positions of the stars for various space launches.)    There is a lot of practice of the occult in high places.  
Who or What Is the Restrainer:
I appreciate knowing about the katechon - the Greek word and the Russian think tank.  There have been numerous Doves letters over the years about "who or what" is the restrainer.  Some have thought Trump, some have thought Michael the Archangel - Protector of the people of Israel, some have thought the Holy Spirit....and now we see some think its Russia or Putin himself.  And some believe that the U.S. is Mystery Babylon - soon to be destroyed.  I think the U.S. has an anti-christ spirit across the land.  Have we been turned over for destruction, like King Beshazzar and his kingdom?
Glenn Beck is right - we have two enemies that see the West as satanic/evil/Antichrist, so an attack on us is a Holy War.  We know that America can no longer declare herself a Christian nation. And our enemies are swift to point out our many sins and they have the eschatological views to bring about an apocalypse.  Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council said, "The prophecies of the Apocalypse are getting closer."  He often quotes verses from The Revelation to the Apostle John.  And Putin has said many times that Russia is on God's side and the West is Gomorrah.  Khameinei said recently that "Death to America" was Iran's a 'core goal' of his regime's foreign policy.  Iran just celebrated their "National Day of Fighting Global Arrogance." - this is a euphemism for hatred of America and the West. 
Our government ignoring these apocalyptic beliefs will be the death of America.  A death we brought on ourselves because we did not turn back to God as a nation.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
There are some very interesting articles about Russia and katechon:
Here is one about the Russian Orthodox Church supporting the war in Ukraine and war against the West because "there can be no negotiations and no mercy in the eschatological battle with the Antichrist and satanic forces....Russia need not fear any escalation - after all, once the world ends, paradise awaits the true believers."
How the Russian Orthodox Church legitimises the war // University of Oldenburg
This one states  "This chapter explores the role of messianic thinking in Russian foreign policy.  Russia's international role was increasingly expressed in terms of exceptionalism, reviving a long historical tradition of messianic thought in Russian political philosophy and spiritual thinking."
"Russia is the katechon, playing the role as the 'restrainer' in the international system and acting as a bulwark against global chaos."
Apocalypse Delayed: Katechontic Thinking in Late Putinist Russia | Russia's New Authoritarianism: Putin and the Politics of Order | Edinburgh Scholarship Online | Oxford Academic