Chance (26 Nov 2023)
"Some Good News for The Netherlands - But It's Probably Too Late"

Hello John and Doves,
Some time back we had several letters to Doves about the EU via The Government of the Netherlands pushing on 'climate change' and taking the farmers land and flooding the country with illegal immigrants - primarily Muslims.  The farmers took their tractors to the capital and to the streets in mass!
Now the people have found their voice and given an electoral win to Geert Wilders, the far-right leader who "has championed draconian policies against immigration and Islam".
"The result puts Wilders in line to lead talks in forming a governing coalition, and possibly become the next prime minister, though negotiations are likely to take some weeks."
"We are going to work hard to put Dutch people first again!"  Wilders said on X...on Thursday."
"Wilders is one of Europe's most prominent and controversial anti-Islamic politicians.  He has called for the "de-Islamization" of the Netherlands, and has campaigned to ban the Quran, shut mosques and close to the borders to migrants from Islamic countries."  His party has "also called for a referendum on EU membership and an end to the free movement of labor in the EU to reduce migration."
Germany is waking up to to this forced spread of Islam - "recently announced it would look into sending some asylum seekers to third countries...and Italy struck a deal to have asylum seekers wait in Albania for their cases to be decided.  The U.K. has been trying to overcome court restrictions on an effort to send asylum seekers to Rwanda - a plan the Danish government has also said it is interested in."
Germany is set to take in more than 300,000 asylum applications this year.  And the Netherlands took in more than 220,000 last year.

Far-Right Populist Geert Wilders Scores Major Victory in Dutch Election
More people in the EU countries need to stand up and fight the Left and the Islamization of Europe.  It's not the Buddhists or Hindu that are the problem.  Islam is not a religion  - it's an ideology - and ideology that can not co-exist, that refuses to co-exist with Western countries - with Western morals, values, religion.  It leaves Western countries divided, diluted, and at war within themselves.  Just look at France, for example.  Every New Year - as part of the Islamic celebration - Muslims burn thousands of cars in Paris and other French cities.  They have no respect for Western laws, culture, government or religion.
And the U.S. has their own Islamization problems.  Thanks a lot to Obama of the Muslim Brotherhood and his puppet, Biden.  I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Biden/Obama started flying thousands and thousands of Hamas/Palestinians to the U.S. - as a "humanitarian" effort.
Check out my Doves' God A Minute letter today..Aaron has lately been considering a Muslim Antichrist - and he is right in saying once the Christians have been Raptured - Islam will be the main religion - and that's who beheads people.  Islam could easily be directly involved in the One World Religion of the Tribulation, supporting the Antichrist's rule.  With Islam being used by satan.
IF Islam will be part of the Antichrist's rule - then we would see Islam and Muslims being spread throughout Western countries as fast and in as large of numbers as possible - and that's exactly what we've been seeing the last several years.  One has to ask "why"?  
Just look at the U.S. - Biden brought plane loads of Afghanistan 'refugees'  - totally unvetted - to the U.S. - it was a chaotic loading of planes!  It looked like a disaster - yet, Biden wanted this to happen - it was all planned.  The FBI has been more than worthless in vetting these people - Wray was questioned about this during a House investigation in the Afghanistan withdrawal/debacle.  Who knows how many jihadis got on board!  Then the open borders - with Mexico and Canada.  That was planned also.  
And then FBI Director Wray "warned the U.S. Senate Tuesday that the United States is currently facing an elevated risk of potential terrorist attacks in the aftermath of the October terrorist attacks against Israel that were carried out by Hamas terrorists."   He described "dangerous implications" for the security of the United States."
Video: Terrorist threat in US at new alarming level, FBI warns
Wray would know - because he's part of the Obama/Biden cabal to 'let the jihadis' into the country!  And any and all attacks that occur in the U.S. are totally on Obama/Biden/the FBI, the DOJ, DHS...
The Islamization of the U.S. and Europe is at a critical point.  It's far too late to stop attacks on Europeans or Americans.  Enemies from within have brought them in.  The jihadis are inside the city walls.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!